"""Operator based Actions to extract operators and perform operator based analyes, such
as calculating eigenmodes."""
from more_itertools import pairwise
from scipy.sparse import diags
import numpy as np
from ...components import Cavity
from ...solutions import BaseSolution
from .base import Action
[docs]class EigenmodesSolution(BaseSolution):
"""Contains the result of an Eigenmodes action. The start node is defined by the
Cavity starting point.
connections : tuple((Node, Node))
Node connections used in the round trip propagator
roundtrip_matrix : array
Combined round trip matrix operator for the cavity
matrices : list[array]
A list of operators for each connection
eigvalues, eigvectors : array, array
Eigen values and vectors of the round trip matrix
cavity_planewave_loss : float
Round trip loss for a planewave
homs : array_like
Array of HOMs used in the model at the time this was computed
[docs] def loss(self, remove_planewave_loss=False):
"""Computes the round trip loss of all the eigenmodes of the cavity. Eigenmodes
are ordered by loss. Lowest loss may not be the fundamental mode.
remove_planewave_loss : bool, optional
Whether to remove the roundtrip loss a plane wave would experience
to see the loss induced from HOM effects.
index : array_like
Indicies of ordering for the eigvalues and eigvectors of this solution
loss : array_like
Roundtrip loss of modes
idx = np.argsort(1 - abs(self.eigvalues) ** 2)
eigx_values = self.eigvalues[idx]
loss = 1 - abs(eigx_values) ** 2
if remove_planewave_loss:
loss = loss - self.cavity_planewave_loss
return idx, loss
[docs] def plot_roundtrip_loss(self, remove_planewave_loss=False, ax=None, **kwargs):
"""Plots the roundtrip loss of the cavity for each eigenmode.
remove_planewave_loss : bool, optional
If True, remove the loss a planewave would experience to just see the
effects from higher order modes.
ax : Matplotlib.Axis, optional
The axis to plot on to, if `None` a new figure is made
Keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.semilogy for styling trace
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is not None:
idx = np.argsort(1 - abs(self.eigvalues) ** 2)
eigx_values = self.eigvalues[idx]
loss = 1 - abs(eigx_values) ** 2
if remove_planewave_loss:
loss = loss - self.cavity_planewave_loss
plt.semilogy(loss / 1e-6, **kwargs)
plt.xlabel("Eigenvalue index")
if not remove_planewave_loss:
plt.ylabel("Roundtrip loss [ppm]")
plt.ylabel("Loss excess from planewave [ppm]")
[docs] def plot_phase(self, scale=None, ax=None, **kwargs):
"""Plots the eigenmode phases.
scale : float
Scale of scatter point size
ax : Matplotlib.Axis, optional
The axis to plot on to, if `None` a new figure is made
Keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter for styling trace
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is not None:
idx = np.argsort(1 - abs(self.eigvalues) ** 2)
eigx_values = self.eigvalues[idx]
eigx_phase = np.angle(eigx_values)
eigx_phase = eigx_phase - eigx_phase[0]
plt.scatter(np.arange(eigx_values.size), eigx_phase, scale, **kwargs)
plt.xlabel("Eigenvalue index")
plt.ylabel("Eigenvalue phase [rad]")
[docs] def plot_field(
"""Plots a 2D optical field for one of the eigenmodes.
x and y dimensions can be specified if required, otherwise it
will return an area of `scale` times the spot sizes. When `x` and
`y` are provided `scale` and `samples` will not do anything.
mode_idx : int
index of the mode to plot
x, y : ndarray, optional
Specify x and y coordinates to plot beam
samples : int, optional
Number of sample points to use in x and y
scale : float, optional
Number of sample points to use in x and y
ax : Axis, optional
A Matplotlib axis to put the image on. If None,
a new figure will be made.
colorbar : bool
When True the colorbar will be added
Extra keyword arguments will be passed to the
pcolormesh plotting function.
from ...plotting import plot_field
amplitudes=self.eigvectors[:, mode_idx],
# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class Eigenmodes(Action):
"""For a given Cavity defined in a model, this action will compute the roundtrip
operator and calculate the eigen-values and -vectors of the cavity. This will not
give correct solutions for coupled cavities as these need to include additional
This can be used to determine what modes combination of modes are resonating in a
cavity and the required tuning to make that mode resonate.
cavity : str or :class:`.Cavity`
cavity name or :class:`.Cavity` instance
frequency : float
Optical carrier or signal frequency to use for calculating the operators
name : str, optional
Name of the solution generated by this action
def __init__(self, cavity: Cavity, frequency, *, name="eigenmode"):
self.cavity = cavity
self.frequency = frequency
def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True):
def _do(self, state):
use_signal = False
sim = state.sim
model = state.model
cav = model.elements[
self.cavity if isinstance(self.cavity, str) else self.cavity.name
# Get the connections (node) forming this cavity
nodes = cav.path.nodes
# need to complete the loop by adding the first element
# to the end again
f_idx = None
# find the right frequency index
for freq in state.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequencies:
if freq.f == float(self.frequency):
f_idx = freq.index
if state.sim.signal is not None:
for freq in state.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequencies:
if freq.f == float(self.frequency):
use_signal = True
f_idx = freq.index
if f_idx is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Could not find an optical carrier frequency with a value of {self.frequency}Hz"
sol = EigenmodesSolution(self.name)
sol.cavity_planewave_loss = cav.loss
sol.homs = model.homs.copy()
sol.q = cav.source.q
sol.connections = tuple(
(n1.full_name, n2.full_name) for n1, n2 in pairwise(nodes)
sol.roundtrip_matrix = None
sol.matrices = []
# update sim
if sim.is_modal:
if use_signal:
sim_to_use = sim.signal
sim_to_use = sim.carrier
for _ in pairwise(nodes):
# if we have a 1D array it's just a diagonal matrix
# so convert it to a sparse array for easy multiplying
# later
if sim_to_use.connections[_][f_idx].view.ndim == 1:
M = diags(sim_to_use.connections[_][f_idx][:])
M = sim_to_use.connections[_][f_idx].view.copy()
# Keep reference to each coupling we come across
# Compute roundtrip matrix as we go
if sol.roundtrip_matrix is None:
sol.roundtrip_matrix = M
sol.roundtrip_matrix = M @ sol.roundtrip_matrix
# Find eigen values and vectors of roundtrip
sol.eigvalues, sol.eigvectors = np.linalg.eig(sol.roundtrip_matrix)
return sol
[docs]class OperatorSolution(BaseSolution):
"""Contains solution to the Operator action. The main result is the `operator`
attribute which describes the operator taking the field from start to end node.
connections : [(Node, Node)]
A list of node pairs describing the connections
traversed to compute this operator
operator : ndarray(ndim=2, dtype=complex)
The operator describing the propagation from start
to end node.
# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class Operator(Action):
"""This action can be used to extract operators out from a simulation for external
use. The operators are defined by a path in the network between two nodes (via some
other if more direction is required).
The `model.path` method can be used to test which nodes are traversed before using
this to extract operators if needed.
start_node : str
Start node name
end_node : str
End node name
via : str, optional
Via node to use to specify a path with multiple options
frequency : float, optional
Optical carrier or signal frequency to use for calculating the operators
name : str, optional
Name of the solution generated by this action
def __init__(self, start_node, end_node, via=None, frequency=0, *, name="operator"):
self.start_node = start_node
self.end_node = end_node
self.via = via
self.frequency = frequency
def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True):
if self.via is not None:
def _do(self, state):
use_signal = False
sim = state.sim
model = state.model
key = id(self)
f_idx = None
sol = OperatorSolution(self.name)
# Try and get data already computed for this action
ws = state.action_workspaces.get(key, None)
if ws:
nodes = ws["nodes"]
connections = ws["connections"]
f_idx = ws["f_idx"]
frequency = float(self.frequency)
except TypeError:
frequency = float(self.frequency.value)
# find the right frequency index
for freq in state.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequencies:
if freq.f == frequency:
f_idx = freq.index
if state.sim.signal is not None:
for freq in state.sim.signal.optical_frequencies.frequencies:
if freq.f == float(self.frequency):
use_signal = True
f_idx = freq.index
if f_idx is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Could not find an optical carrier or signal frequency with a value of {self.frequency}Hz"
nodes = model.path(self.start_node, self.end_node, via_node=self.via).nodes
connections = tuple(
(n1.full_name, n2.full_name) for n1, n2 in pairwise(nodes)
ws = {
"nodes": nodes,
"connections": connections,
"f_idx": f_idx,
state.action_workspaces[key] = ws
# update sim
if sim.is_modal:
if use_signal:
sim_to_use = sim.signal
sim_to_use = sim.carrier
sol.connections = connections
sol.operator = np.eye(sim.model_settings.num_HOMs)
for _ in pairwise(nodes):
# if we have a 1D array it's just a diagonal matrix
# so convert it to a sparse array for easy multiplying
# later
# TODO can have some option to select between different
# frequencies or signal/carrier at some point
Mview = sim_to_use.connections[_]
if Mview.ndim == 2:
# We have a frequency scattering matrix
# TODO : not sure on user interface for getting
# different frequency couplings yet, for now it's
# just same freq in and out
M = Mview[f_idx, f_idx]
# no frequency coupling
M = Mview[f_idx]
if M.view.ndim == 1:
# TODO can probably write something faster
# than making a sparse diagonal matrix here
sol.operator = diags(M.view) @ (-sol.operator)
sol.operator = M.view @ (-sol.operator)
return sol