

class finesse.script.adapter.SignatureAttributeParameterMixin(ref_args=None, var_pos_attr=None, var_keyword_attr=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SignatureArgumentMixin

Mixin providing the ability to get and set item parameters by inspecting its constructor signature arguments matching equivalently named object attributes.

ref_argssequence, optional

Names of arguments that should be considered to be references. Corresponding ArgumentDump objects produced by this class will have their reference flags set to True to indicate to the generator that these should be treated as references instead of values.

var_pos_attrstr or callable, optional

The name of the field containing a sequence of variadic positional argument values, or a callable that returns the name of the field to set given the sequence number of the variadic argument, if the signature supports variadic positional arguments. Defaults to “args”.

var_keyword_attrstr or callable, optional

The name of the field containing a mapping of variadic keyword arguments to values, or a callable that returns the name of the field to set given the name of the keyword argument, if the signature supports variadic positional arguments. Defaults to the identity function.




Build parameter mapping by retrieving object attributes using the signature.
