


Handler for plotting outputs from a simulation.


bode(f, *Y[, axs, return_axes, figsize, db])

Create a Bode plot for a complex array.

get_2d_field(modes, amplitudes, qs[, x, y, ...])

Computes the 2D optical field for a given set of modes, modal amplitudes, and beam parameters.

plot_field(modes, amplitudes, qs, *[, x, y, ...])

Plots a 2D optical field for a given set of modes, modal amplitudes, and beam parameters.

rescale_axes_SI_units(*[, xaxis, fmt_xaxis, ...])

Rescales either the x or y axes on a matplotlib axis object by some SI scale factor.

ws_phase_space(W, S, OL[, cmap, levels, ...])

Plots the overlap contours for WS phase space data.

z_w0_mismatch_contour(qref[, ax, N, fmt])

For a given Matplotlib axis this will produce a mode-mismatch contour background.

z_w0_mismatch_contourf(qref[, ax, N])

For a given Matplotlib axis this will produce a mode-mismatch filled contour background.