Source code for finesse.script.tokens

"""Regular expressions for matching tokens of different types in kat script.

Any new token types added here should be added to `` and `` as

# NOTE: do not run black on this file!

[docs]def group(*choices): """Match any of the specified choices.""" return f"({'|'.join(choices)})"
[docs]def any(*choices): """Specify that there should be zero or more of the specified choices.""" return f"{group(*choices)}*"
[docs]def maybe(*choices): """Specify that there should be zero or one of the specified choices.""" return f"{group(*choices)}?"
WHITESPACE = r"[ \f\t]+" NEWLINE = r"\r?\n+" COMMENT = r"#[^\r\n]*" NONE = group(r"None", r"none") BOOLEAN = group(r"True", r"true", r"False", r"false") NAME = r"&?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*" # Element name or property. # Most of these are based on those in the Python `tokenize` module. _INTEGER_NUMBER = r"(?:0(?:_?0)*|[1-9](?:_?[0-9])*)" _EXPONENT = r"[eE][-+]?[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*" _POINT_FLOAT = group(r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*\.(?:[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*)?", r"\.[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*") + maybe(_EXPONENT) _EXPONENT_FLOAT = r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*" + _EXPONENT _FLOAT_NUMBER = group(_POINT_FLOAT, _EXPONENT_FLOAT) _SI_NUMBER = group(_INTEGER_NUMBER, _POINT_FLOAT) + r"[pnumkMGT]" _INFINITY = r"inf" _IMAGINARY_NUMBER = group(_INFINITY + r"[jJ]", r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*[jJ]", _FLOAT_NUMBER + r"[jJ]") NUMBER = group(_IMAGINARY_NUMBER, _SI_NUMBER, _FLOAT_NUMBER, _INTEGER_NUMBER, _INFINITY) _SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING = r"'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*'" _DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING = r'"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*"' STRING = group(_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING, _DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING) # Types that only take one form. The order here is important (highest priority first). LITERALS = { "EQUALS": "=", "PLUS": "+", "MINUS": "-", "POWER": "**", # Has to be above TIMES. "TIMES": "*", "FLOORDIVIDE": "//", # Has to be above DIVIDE. "DIVIDE": "/", "COMMA": ",", "LBRACKET": "[", "RBRACKET": "]", "LPAREN": "(", "RPAREN": ")", }