Source code for finesse.script.generator

"""Kat script generator."""

import logging
from io import StringIO
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from itertools import chain
from import Iterable
import inspect

import numpy as np

from ..model import Model
from ..element import ModelElement
from ..parameter import Parameter, ParameterRef
from ..symbols import OPERATORS, FUNCTIONS, Function, Constant
from ..enums import ModulatorType
from ..components import Port, Node
from ..utilities.functools import flagdispatchmethod
from ..components.general import DOFDefinition
from ..analysis.actions import Action
from .containers import (
from .tokens import LITERALS
from .adapter import ArgumentDump, ArgumentType, ElementDump, CommandDump, AnalysisDump
from .graph import ROOT_NODE_NAME, KatNodeType, KatEdgeType, KatGraph
from .util import scriptsorted, merge_attributes

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _empty:
    """Represents an unset value.

    This exists for use when `None` is considered non-default.

def _first_instruction_token(node_data):
    """Get the first occurring token in `node_data`.

    This is usually `node_data["token"]` but for e.g. grouped expressions it is the
    first "(" in `node_data["extra_tokens"]`.
    tokens = []
    if token := node_data.get("token"):
    if extras := node_data.get("extra_tokens"):
    return next(iter(scriptsorted(tokens)))

[docs]class ElementContainer: """Container for top level model elements, used by the generator.""" def __init__(self, element): self.element = element def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({repr(self.element)})"
[docs]class CommandContainer: """Container for top level commands, used by the generator.""" def __init__(self, adapter, params): self.adapter = adapter self.params = params def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.adapter.full_name})"
[docs]class KatUnbuilder: """Model to KatScript converter. This class defines single-dispatch methods to recursively fill Finesse objects into a :class:`.KatGraph`. The graph is then serialised to KatScript via :class:`.KatUnfiller`. The single-dispatch uses the type of the object to create appropriate nodes and edges in the :class:`.KatGraph`. Typically unbuilding starts with the passing of a :class:`.Model` to :meth:`~.KatUnbuilder.unbuild` or :meth:`~.KatUnbuilder.unbuild_file`. The single-dispatch method that handles models then extracts the elements, commands and analyses and passes them recursively to the same single-dispatch, whereupon matching fill methods further handle them. The underlying tokens that form Finesse objects are eventually reached by recursively calling the fill method, and these are added as terminal nodes in the graph and connected to their parents by edges. Special behaviour applies in some cases. One such case is the handling of objects from containers with corresponding type annotations specifying that they are :class:`.Parameter` objects. These are assumed to have *name* KatScript representation, rather than value. This is used for example in the dumping of axis parameters, which must be written as e.g. `xaxis(m1.phi, ...)` rather than `xaxis(0, ...)` (in the case that `m1.phi` has value `0`). """ # Model element types not dumped. IGNORED_ELEMENTS = [ # Models always contain an Fsig. The actual value is dumped as a command. "Fsig", ] # FIXME: move to KatSpec. UNARY_OPERATORS = { "pos": "+", "neg": "-", } # Reverse dicts for various types. LITERAL_MAP = dict((value, key) for key, value in LITERALS.items())
[docs] def __init__(self, spec=None): if spec is None: from .spec import KATSPEC as spec self.spec = spec self.graph = None self._position = None self._stack = None # Tracks _fill level.
[docs] def unbuild(self, *args, **kwargs): fobj = StringIO() self.unbuild_file(fobj, *args, **kwargs) return
[docs] def unbuild_file( self, fobj, item, ref_graph=None, ref_node=None, directive_defaults=False, argument_defaults=False, prefer_keywords=True, ): """Generate KatScript for `item` and write to `fobj`. Parameters ---------- fobj : :class:`io.FileIO` The file object to write KatScript to. This should be opened in text mode. item : object The object to generate KatScript for. This is normally a :class:`.Model` but can be any Finesse object. ref_graph : :class:`.KatGraph`, optional The reference syntax graph to use during KatScript generation. If specified, the nodes representing `item` and any Finesse objects contained therein will be copied and updated from it. This preserves formatting such as whitespace and comments. ref_node : :class:`str, optional The reference node to use when unparsing `item`. This is only used if `ref_graph` is specified. If `ref_graph` is given but `ref_node` is not, `ref_node` is assumed to be the graph root. If the graph does not contain a root node, a :class:`ValueError` is raised. directive_defaults : :class:`bool`, optional Generate default elements, commands and actions even if they are set to their default values and would therefore generate Finesse objects in the same state when later parsed. If `ref_graph` is specified and an element, command or action is present as a node, however, it is generated regardless of whether its value is the default or not. Defaults to `False`. argument_defaults : :class:`bool`, optional Generate optional arguments that are set to their default values and would therefore generate Finesse objects in the same state when later parsed. If `ref_graph` is specified and a keyword argument is present as a node, however, it is generated regardless of whether its value is the default or not. Defaults to `False`. prefer_keywords : :class:`bool`, optional Prefer generating keyword arguments over positional arguments, where allowed. If a parameter can be a keyword argument, i.e. it is not positional-only, it is dumped as a keyword argument if this is `True`. This setting is ignored if `ref_node` is specified and a reference argument for the parameter is found (whereupon the original style is reused). Defaults to `True`. """ self._stack = [] if ref_graph is not None: if ref_node is None: # Let the user specify the starting node if they know what they're # doing. if ROOT_NODE_NAME not in ref_graph: raise ValueError( f"if ref_node is not specified, ref_graph must contain a root " f"node named {ROOT_NODE_NAME}" ) ref_node = ROOT_NODE_NAME self._debug( f"using {repr(ref_graph)} at node {repr(ref_node)} as a reference to " f"unbuild {repr(item)}" ) self.graph = KatGraph() self.ref_graph = ref_graph self.directive_defaults = directive_defaults self.argument_defaults = argument_defaults self.prefer_keywords = prefer_keywords self.position = KatCoordinate(1, 1) # Fill the graph. if self._fill(item, ROOT_NODE_NAME, ref_node=ref_node): # Generate KatScript from the graph. unfiller = KatUnfiller() unfiller.unfill_file(fobj, ROOT_NODE_NAME, self.graph) else: self._debug(f"no script generated for {repr(item)}")
@property def position(self): return self._position @position.setter def position(self, position): self._debug(f"setting position to {position}") self._position = position @property def lineno(self): return self.position.lineno @property def index(self): return self.position.index @property def _stackpos(self): return ".".join([t.__name__ for t in self._stack]) def _debug(self, msg): if not LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): return caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe(), 2)[1][3] # Sloooow. LOGGER.debug(f"[{self._stackpos}::{caller}] {msg}", stacklevel=2) def _fill(self, value, path, ref_node=None, **attributes): """Fill `value` into the graph at `path`, optionally reusing unchanged tokens from an existing graph node.""" assert path not in self.graph self._stack.append(type(value)) self._debug(f"filling {repr(value)} into graph at {repr(path)}") ref_extras = None if ref_node is not None: # Get the reference node's extras. if node_extras := self.ref_graph.nodes[ref_node].get("extra_tokens"): # This object gets mutated by filling methods, so we therefore cast # it to a list so we don't run into issues with graph views, # generators, etc. ref_extras = list(scriptsorted(node_extras)) if filled_attributes := self._do_fill( value, path, ref_node=ref_node, ref_extras=ref_extras ): attributes = merge_attributes(attributes, filled_attributes) self.graph.add_node(path, **attributes) else: self._debug(f"nothing to add for {value}") self._stack.pop() return attributes @singledispatchmethod def _do_fill(self, item, path, ref_node, ref_extras): """Get the attributes for `item` to be added to the corresponding node.""" # This is the default dispatch when the type isn't recognised. raise NotImplementedError( f"don't know how to generate KatScript for {repr(item.__class__)}" ) @_do_fill.register(Model) def _(self, model, path, ref_node, ref_extras): extra_tokens = [] order = 0 # Ask each registered adapter for its dumps from this model. element_dumps = {} for adapter in set(self.spec.elements.values()): if adapter.getter is None: continue self._debug(f"dumping items for {adapter.full_name}") for dump in adapter.getter(adapter, model): element_dumps[] = dump singular_function_dumps = {} nonsingular_function_dumps = [] functions = set(self.spec.analyses.values()) | set(self.spec.commands.values()) for adapter in functions: if adapter.getter is None: continue self._debug(f"dumping items for {adapter.full_name}") for dump in adapter.getter(adapter, model): if adapter.singular: singular_function_dumps[adapter.full_name] = dump else: nonsingular_function_dumps.append(dump) if ref_node is not None: for node, data in self.ref_graph.sorted_dependent_argument_nodes( ref_node, data=True ): if data["type"] is KatNodeType.ELEMENT: element_name = data["name_token"].raw_value try: dump = element_dumps.pop(element_name) except KeyError: self._debug( f"reference element {repr(element_name)} no longer present" ) continue else: self._debug( f"reference element {repr(element_name)} still present" ) elif data["type"] is KatNodeType.FUNCTION: # Commands and analyses. function_name = data["token"].raw_value adapter = self.spec.function_directives[function_name] if adapter.singular: try: dump = singular_function_dumps.pop(adapter.full_name) except KeyError: self._debug( f"reference function {repr(function_name)} no longer " f"present" ) continue else: self._debug( f"reference function {repr(function_name)} still " f"present" ) else: LOGGER.warning( "regeneration of original KatScript for nonsingular " "commands not implemented yet" ) continue else: raise ValueError("unexpected dependent argument node type") # Reuse any extra tokens specified in the argument's parent up until # `token`, ensuring there is a delimiter. extra_tokens.extend( self._handle_script_arg_extras(order, data["token"], ref_extras) ) argument_path = self.graph.item_node_name(order, path) if self._fill(dump, argument_path, node): self.graph.add_edge( argument_path, path, type=KatEdgeType.ARGUMENT, order=order ) order += 1 # Add any remaining extras. extra_tokens.extend(self._maybe_reuse_extras(ref_extras)) ### # Now deal with stuff that was added since the last parse. ### if order > 0 and ( element_dumps or singular_function_dumps or nonsingular_function_dumps ): # There were reference items dumped first. Add a comment to say that the # next items are new. extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._newline_token())) extra_tokens.append( self._use_token( self._comment_token( "Items below could not be matched to original script, or were " "not present when the model was originally parsed." ) ) ) # Components, detectors, etc. # Dump the elements in the order in which they were added to the model. sorted_element_dumps = sorted( element_dumps.values(), key=lambda dump: model.element_order(dump.element) ) for element_dump in sorted_element_dumps: if order > 0: extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._newline_token())) element_path = self.graph.item_node_name(order, path) if self._fill(element_dump, element_path): self.graph.add_edge( element_path, path, type=KatEdgeType.ARGUMENT, order=order ) order += 1 # Function dumps. for dump in chain(singular_function_dumps.values(), nonsingular_function_dumps): if order > 0: extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._newline_token())) function_path = self.graph.item_node_name(order, path) if self._fill(dump, function_path): self.graph.add_edge( function_path, path, type=KatEdgeType.ARGUMENT, order=order ) order += 1 return {"type": KatNodeType.ROOT, "extra_tokens": extra_tokens} @_do_fill.register(ElementDump) def _(self, dump, path, ref_node, ref_extras): """Model element definitions.""" if dump.element.__class__.__name__ in self.IGNORED_ELEMENTS: self._debug(f"skipping filling of ignored element {dump.element}") return # Ignore default values unless they were explicitly defined in the reference. if not self.directive_defaults and dump.is_default: self._debug( f"ignoring {repr(dump.item_name)} as its parameters are set to their " f"default values (set `directive_defaults` to change this behaviour)" ) return extra_tokens = [] if ref_node is not None: data = self.ref_graph.nodes[ref_node] ref_token = data["token"] ref_name_token = data["name_token"] token = self._reuse_token(ref_token) # Fill in extras between directive and name. extra_tokens.extend( self._maybe_reuse_extras( ref_extras, until_token=ref_name_token, ) ) name_token = self._reuse_token(ref_name_token) # Fill in the arguments. extra_tokens.extend( self._fill_element_args( dump.parameters, path, ref_node=ref_node, ref_extras=ref_extras ) ) # Add any remaining extras. extra_tokens.extend(self._maybe_reuse_extras(ref_extras)) else: token = self._use_token(self._name_token(dump.adapter.full_name)) extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._space_token())) name_token = self._use_token(self._name_token( extra_tokens.extend(self._fill_element_args(dump.parameters, path)) return { "token": token, "name_token": name_token, "type": KatNodeType.ELEMENT, "extra_tokens": extra_tokens, } @_do_fill.register(AnalysisDump) @_do_fill.register(CommandDump) def _(self, dump, path, ref_node, ref_extras): # Ignore default values unless they were explicitly defined in the reference. if not self.directive_defaults and dump.is_default: self._debug( f"ignoring {repr(dump.item_name)} as its parameters are set to their " f"default values (set `directive_defaults` to change this behaviour)" ) return if ref_node is not None: token = self._reuse_token(self.ref_graph.nodes[ref_node]["token"]) else: token = self._use_token(self._name_token(dump.adapter.full_name)) extra_tokens = self._fill_group( dump.parameters, path, "()", self._fill_function_args, ref_node=ref_node, ref_extras=ref_extras, ) return { "token": token, "type": KatNodeType.FUNCTION, "extra_tokens": extra_tokens, } @_do_fill.register(Action) def _(self, action, path, ref_node, ref_extras): """A nested action. This is NOT for top level actions, which must be dumped as an :class:`.AnalysisDump` object. """ # Ensure this isn't a top level action. assert path.count(".") > 1, "disallowed top level action" # Find the adapter willing to generate a dump for this action. for adapter in self.spec.analyses.values(): if adapter.getter is None: continue try: return self._fill( next(adapter.getter.dump(adapter, action)), path, ref_node ) except StopIteration: pass raise NotImplementedError( f"don't know how to generate KatScript for {repr(action.__class__)}" ) @_do_fill.register(ArgumentDump) def _(self, argument, path, ref_node, ref_extras): if argument.reference: # This represents a target that should be dumped by name. return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value( argument.value.full_name, self._name_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } return self._fill(argument.value, path, ref_node) @_do_fill.register(Parameter) def _(self, parameter, path, ref_node, ref_extras): return self._fill(parameter.value, path, ref_node) @_do_fill.register(ParameterRef) def _(self, reference, path, ref_node, ref_extras): if reference.parameter.is_default_for_owner: # We can generate without the ".value" part. value = else: value = return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value( value, self._name_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.REFERENCE, } @_do_fill.register(ModelElement) def _(self, value, path, ref_node, ref_extras): """Reference to a model element. Model element definitions are matched as :class:`.ElementContainer`. """ return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value(, self._name_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(Port) @_do_fill.register(Node) def _(self, value, path, ref_node, ref_extras): return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value( value.full_name, self._name_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(DOFDefinition) def _(self, definition, path, ref_node, ref_extras): return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value(, self._name_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(ModulatorType) def _(self, mod_type, path, ref_node, ref_extras): return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value(, self._name_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(int) @_do_fill.register(np.integer) def _(self, value, path, ref_node, ref_extras): value = int(value) if value < 0: return self._fill(FUNCTIONS["neg"](abs(value)), path, ref_node) return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value( value, self._number_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(float) @_do_fill.register(np.floating) def _(self, value, path, ref_node, ref_extras): value = float(value) if value < 0: return self._fill(FUNCTIONS["neg"](abs(value)), path, ref_node) return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value( value, self._number_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(complex) def _(self, value, path, ref_node, ref_extras): real = value.real imag = value.imag if not real: cplx = complex(f"{abs(imag)}j") if imag < 0: return self._fill(FUNCTIONS["neg"](cplx), path, ref_node) return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value( cplx, self._number_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } elif not imag: if real < 0: return self._fill(FUNCTIONS["neg"](abs(real)), path, ref_node) return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value( real, self._number_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } else: if real < 0: real = FUNCTIONS["neg"](abs(real)) binop = OPERATORS["__add__"] if imag >= 0 else OPERATORS["__sub__"] return self._fill(binop(real, complex(f"{abs(imag)}j")), path, ref_node) @_do_fill.register(str) def _(self, value, path, ref_node, ref_extras): if value in self.spec.keywords: factory = self._name_token else: factory = self._string_token return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value(value, factory, ref_node=ref_node), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(bool) @_do_fill.register(np.bool_) def _(self, value, path, ref_node, ref_extras): return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value( "true" if value else "false", self._name_token, ref_node=ref_node ), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(type(None)) def _(self, value, path, ref_node, ref_extras): return { "token": self._maybe_reuse_value(None, self._none_token, ref_node=ref_node), "type": KatNodeType.VALUE, } @_do_fill.register(Iterable) def _(self, array, path, ref_node, ref_extras): extra_tokens = self._fill_group( array, path, "[]", self._fill_inline_function_args, ref_node=ref_node, ref_extras=ref_extras, ) return {"type": KatNodeType.ARRAY, "extra_tokens": extra_tokens} @_do_fill.register(Constant) def _(self, constant, path, ref_node, ref_extras): return self._fill(constant.eval(), path, ref_node) @_do_fill.register(Function) def _(self, operation, path, ref_node, ref_extras): op = extra_tokens = [] def make_arg(argument, order): argument_path = self.graph.item_node_name(order, path) # FIXME: add ref_node (should be the argument order child of ref_node, but # this is not guaranteed to exist so needs special handling) self._fill(argument, argument_path) self.graph.add_edge( argument_path, path, type=KatEdgeType.ARGUMENT, order=order ) if ref_node is not None: LOGGER.warning( "regeneration of original KatScript for operations not implemented yet" ) if op in self.spec.binary_operators: if len(operation.args) > 2: LOGGER.debug(f"Converting n-ary expression {repr(operation)} to binary") operation = operation.to_binary_add_mul() assert len(operation.args) == 2 extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._literal_token("("))) make_arg(operation.args[0], 0) token = self._use_token(self._literal_token(op)) nodetype = KatNodeType.EXPRESSION make_arg(operation.args[1], 1) extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._literal_token(")"))) elif unary_op := self.UNARY_OPERATORS.get(op): token = self._use_token(self._literal_token(unary_op)) nodetype = KatNodeType.FUNCTION make_arg(operation.args[0], 0) elif op in self.spec.expression_functions: token = self._use_token(self._name_token(op)) nodetype = KatNodeType.FUNCTION extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._literal_token("("))) for order, argument in enumerate(operation.args): if order > 0: extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._literal_token(","))) extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._space_token())) make_arg(argument, order) extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._literal_token(")"))) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"don't know how to generate KatScript for {repr(op)}" ) return {"token": token, "type": nodetype, "extra_tokens": extra_tokens} def _maybe_reuse_value(self, ensure_value, value_factory, ref_node=None): """Reuse reference value at `ref_node` if it matches `ensure_value`, otherwise create a new token using `value_factory`. Returns ------- :class:`.KatToken` The token. """ if self.ref_graph and ref_node: data = self.ref_graph.nodes[ref_node] # The originally parsed string. ref_value = data["token"].raw_value if ensure_value == data["token"].value: # NOT raw value! self._debug(f"value ({repr(ref_value)}) unchanged") return self._reuse_token(data["token"]) else: self._debug( f"value changed from {repr(ref_value)} to {repr(ensure_value)})" ) return self._use_token(value_factory(ensure_value)) def _maybe_reuse_extras(self, extras, until_token=None, ensure_literal=_empty): """Reuse tokens in `extras` in order until `until_token` token position is encountered, optionally ensuring `ensure_literal` is present (creating a new token using :meth:`._literal_token` if not). The `extras` object passed in to this method, if not None, is mutated. Yields ------ :class:`.KatToken` Reused extra token. """ if not self.ref_graph or not extras: extras = [] seen_value = False while extras: if until_token and extras[0].start >= until_token.start: break token = extras.pop(0) if ensure_literal == token.value: # NOT raw value! seen_value = True yield self._reuse_token(token) if ensure_literal is not _empty and not seen_value: # We've not seen `ensure_literal` yet, so create one. yield self._use_token(self._literal_token(ensure_literal)) def _use_token(self, token): """Put a copy of `token` at the current position, updating the current position to the end of the token.""" out = token.to_new_position(self.position) self._debug(f"adding token {out} @ {out.bounds}") if nlines := token.raw_value.count("\n"): self.position = KatCoordinate(self.lineno + nlines, 1) else: self.position = out.stop return out def _reuse_token(self, token): self._debug(f"reusing reference token {token} originally @ {token.bounds}") return self._use_token(token) def _name_token(self, value): return KatToken(0, 0, len(value), "NAME", value) def _space_token(self, length=1): return KatWhitespaceToken(0, 0, length, "WHITESPACE", " " * length) def _number_token(self, value): value = str(value) return KatNumberToken(0, 0, len(value), "NUMBER", value) def _string_token(self, value): value = repr(value) return KatStringToken(0, 0, len(value), "STRING", value) def _none_token(self, value): assert value is None value = "none" return KatNoneToken(0, 0, len(value), "NONE", value) def _literal_token(self, literal): return KatToken(0, 0, len(literal), self.LITERAL_MAP[literal], literal) def _newline_token(self, count=1): value = "\n" * count return KatToken(0, 0, len(value), "NEWLINE", value) def _comment_token(self, comment): value = f"# {comment}" return KatToken(0, 0, len(value), "COMMENT", value) def _fill_element_args(self, parameters, path, **kwargs): return self._fill_directive_args( parameters, path, self._delimit_element_arg, **kwargs ) def _fill_function_args(self, parameters, path, **kwargs): return self._fill_directive_args( parameters, path, self._delimit_function_arg, **kwargs ) def _fill_directive_args( self, parameters, path, delimiter_handler, ref_node=None, **kwargs ): """Fill a directive's arguments.""" ref_args, ref_kwargs = self._directive_ref_args(parameters, ref_node) arg_map, var_arg, kwarg_map, var_kwarg = self._deal_dump_parameters( parameters, prefer_keywords=self.prefer_keywords, ref_args=ref_args, ref_kwargs=ref_kwargs, ) return self._fill_delimited_args( arg_map, var_arg, kwarg_map, var_kwarg, path, ref_args=ref_args, ref_kwargs=ref_kwargs, delimiter_handler=delimiter_handler, **kwargs, ) def _fill_inline_function_args(self, items, path, ref_node=None, **kwargs): """Fill inline function arguments, e.g. those of an array or expression function. Inline functions always use positional arguments. """ ref_args = self._inline_ref_args(items, ref_node) # The function filler expects a dict. Give each item a key that can be used to # determine whether a reference item exists. items = {index: item for index, item in enumerate(items)} # Expression functions always use positional arguments. return self._fill_delimited_args( items, None, {}, None, path, delimiter_handler=self._delimit_function_arg, ref_args=ref_args, **kwargs, ) def _fill_group( self, arguments, path, delimiters, argument_filler, ref_node, ref_extras ): """Fill a literal-delimited group containing arguments. "Literal-delimited" means that the group's outer delimiters are literal characters like "(" and ")" or "[" and "]". """ opening_delimiter, closing_delimiter = delimiters assert len(opening_delimiter) == len(closing_delimiter) == 1 def opening_delimiter_from_extras(): """Grab the opening delimiter for this group from the reference extras, if found.""" nonlocal ref_extras if not ref_extras: return # Assume the opening delimiter is the first extra. first_extra = ref_extras.pop(0) assert first_extra.raw_value == opening_delimiter return first_extra extra_tokens = [] if first_extra := opening_delimiter_from_extras(): extra_tokens.append(self._reuse_token(first_extra)) else: extra_tokens.append(self._use_token(self._literal_token(opening_delimiter))) # Fill in the arguments. extra_tokens.extend( argument_filler(arguments, path, ref_node=ref_node, ref_extras=ref_extras) ) # Fill in any remaining extras, ensuring there's a closing delimiter. extra_tokens.extend( self._maybe_reuse_extras(ref_extras, ensure_literal=closing_delimiter) ) return extra_tokens def _directive_ref_args(self, parameters, ref_node): ref_args = {} ref_kwargs = {} # Check if any of the originally parsed arguments are still present. if ref_node is not None: ref_arguments = self.ref_graph.sorted_dependent_argument_nodes( ref_node, data=True ) directive_name = self.ref_graph.nodes[ref_node]["token"].raw_value adapter = self.spec.directives[directive_name] for position, (node, data) in enumerate(ref_arguments, start=1): if key_token := data.get("key_token"): # This is a keyword argument. name = key_token.raw_value if name in parameters: self._debug( f"reference keyword argument {repr(name)} still present" ) ref_kwargs[name] = node, data else: # This is a positional argument. Figure out the name. argument = self.ref_graph.argument(node, adapter) if in parameters: self._debug( f"reference positional argument {repr(} " f"(position {position}) still present" ) ref_args[] = node, data return ref_args, ref_kwargs def _inline_ref_args(self, items, ref_node): ref_args = {} # Check if any of the originally parsed arguments are still present. if ref_node is not None: ref_arguments = self.ref_graph.sorted_dependent_argument_nodes( ref_node, data=True ) for position, (node, data) in enumerate(ref_arguments): ref_args[position] = node, data return ref_args def _deal_dump_parameters( self, parameters, prefer_keywords, ref_args=None, ref_kwargs=None ): """Split mapping of parameters to :class:`.ArgumentDump` in `parameters` into positional and keyword argument mappings depending on `prefer_keywords`.""" positional = {} keyword = {} if ref_args is None: ref_args = {} if ref_kwargs is None: ref_kwargs = {} var_pos = None var_keyword = None # Check if there is a variadic positional argument. If there is, then any has_var_pos = any( p.kind is ArgumentType.VAR_POS and p.value for p in parameters.values() ) for arg, dump_param in parameters.items(): if dump_param.kind is ArgumentType.POS_ONLY: positional[arg] = dump_param elif dump_param.kind is ArgumentType.KEYWORD_ONLY: # Ignore default values unless they were explicitly defined in the # reference. if ( not self.argument_defaults and arg not in ref_kwargs and dump_param.is_default ): self._debug( f"ignoring keyword-only argument {repr(arg)} as it is set to " f"its default value (set `argument_defaults` to change this " f"behaviour)" ) continue keyword[arg] = dump_param elif dump_param.kind is ArgumentType.ANY: # If there is a variadic positional argument, this has to be positional. # Otherwise, if the arg was previously parsed with a certain style, use # that. If not, use the preferred form. Furthermore, ignore default # values unless they were explicitly defined in the reference. if has_var_pos: use_keyword = False elif arg in ref_args: use_keyword = False elif arg in ref_kwargs: use_keyword = True else: use_keyword = prefer_keywords if use_keyword: keyword[arg] = dump_param else: positional[arg] = dump_param elif dump_param.kind is ArgumentType.VAR_POS: var_pos = dump_param elif dump_param.kind is ArgumentType.VAR_KEYWORD: var_keyword = dump_param else: raise RuntimeError(f"unhandled param kind {repr(dump_param.kind)}") if not self.argument_defaults: # Remove any trailing default positional arguments. Looping in reverse # order lets us remove defaults on the end but keep those between # non-defaults. for arg, dump_param in reversed(list(positional.items())): if arg not in ref_args and dump_param.is_default: self._debug( f"ignoring trailing positional argument {repr(arg)} as it " f"is set to its default value (set `argument_defaults` to " f"change this behaviour)" ) del positional[arg] else: # We've reached the first non-default positional argument. break for kwarg, dump_param in list(keyword.items()): if kwarg not in ref_kwargs and dump_param.is_default: self._debug( f"ignoring keyword argument {repr(kwarg)} as it is set to " f"its default value (set `argument_defaults` to change this " f"behaviour)" ) del keyword[kwarg] return positional, var_pos, keyword, var_keyword def _fill_delimited_args( self, positional, var_positional, keyword, var_keyword, path, delimiter_handler, ref_args=None, ref_kwargs=None, ref_extras=None, ): """Fill arguments, either generating new or reusing existing delimiters. If `ref_node` is given, the tokens at this node are reused if unchanged, otherwise those that have changed are generated anew with default formatting. """ if ref_args is None: ref_args = {} if ref_kwargs is None: ref_kwargs = {} self._debug( f"Fill delimited argument inputs: {positional=}, {var_positional=}, " f"{keyword=}, {var_keyword=}, {ref_args=}, {ref_kwargs=}" ) extra_tokens = [] order = 0 # Fill positional arguments. for name, value in positional.items(): arg_ref_node = None arg_ref_extras = None first_arg_token = None if name in ref_args: # Reuse delimiter and extras up to the argument's first token. arg_ref_node, arg_ref_data = ref_args[name] arg_ref_extras = arg_ref_data.get("extra_tokens") first_arg_token = _first_instruction_token(arg_ref_data) # Reuse any extra tokens specified in the argument's parent up until # `token`, ensuring there is a delimiter. extra_tokens.extend( delimiter_handler( order, until_token=first_arg_token, ref_extras=ref_extras ) ) self._fill_arg(value, order, path, arg_ref_node, arg_ref_extras) order += 1 if var_positional: for value in var_positional.value: arg_ref_node = None arg_ref_extras = None # FIXME: implement reference dumping for variadic positional arguments. # Reuse any extra tokens specified in the argument's parent up until # `token`, ensuring there is a delimiter. extra_tokens.extend(delimiter_handler(order, ref_extras=ref_extras)) self._fill_arg(value, order, path, arg_ref_node, arg_ref_extras) order += 1 # Fill keyword arguments. for name, value in keyword.items(): arg_ref_node = None arg_ref_extras = None first_arg_token = None if name in ref_kwargs: # Reuse delimiter and extras up to the argument's first token. arg_ref_node, arg_ref_data = ref_kwargs[name] arg_ref_extras = arg_ref_data.get("extra_tokens") first_arg_token = _first_instruction_token(arg_ref_data) # Reuse any extra tokens specified in the argument's parent up until # `token`, ensuring there is a delimiter. extra_tokens.extend( delimiter_handler( order, until_token=first_arg_token, ref_extras=ref_extras ) ) self._fill_kwarg(name, value, order, path, arg_ref_node, arg_ref_extras) order += 1 if var_keyword: for name, value in var_keyword.value.items(): arg_ref_node = None arg_ref_extras = None # FIXME: implement reference dumping for variadic keyword arguments. # Reuse any extra tokens specified in the argument's parent up until # `token`, ensuring there is a delimiter. extra_tokens.extend(delimiter_handler(order, ref_extras=ref_extras)) self._fill_kwarg(name, value, order, path, arg_ref_node, arg_ref_extras) order += 1 return extra_tokens def _handle_script_arg_extras(self, order, until_token=None, ref_extras=None): """Yield element style extras, ensuring at least one delimiter is present, creating it if necessary.""" has_delimiter = False if until_token and ref_extras: for extra in self._maybe_reuse_extras(ref_extras, until_token=until_token): if extra.type == "NEWLINE": has_delimiter = True yield extra # Only prepend a delimiter if this isn't the first argument. if order > 0 and not has_delimiter: yield self._use_token(self._newline_token()) def _delimit_element_arg(self, order, until_token=None, ref_extras=None): """Yield element style extras, ensuring at least one delimiter is present, creating it if necessary.""" has_delimiter = False if until_token and ref_extras: for extra in self._maybe_reuse_extras(ref_extras, until_token=until_token): if extra.type == "WHITESPACE": has_delimiter = True yield extra # Always prepend a delimiter because the whitespace between the name and first # argument is not added by the element filler. if not has_delimiter: yield self._use_token(self._space_token()) def _delimit_function_arg(self, order, until_token=None, ref_extras=None): """Yield functional style extras, ensuring at least one delimiter is present, creating it if necessary.""" has_delimiter = False if until_token and ref_extras: for extra in self._maybe_reuse_extras(ref_extras, until_token=until_token): if extra.type == "COMMA": has_delimiter = True yield extra # Only prepend a delimiter if this isn't the first argument. if order > 0 and not has_delimiter: yield self._use_token(self._literal_token(",")) yield self._use_token(self._space_token()) def _fill_arg(self, value, order, path, ref_node, ref_extras): argument_path = self.graph.item_node_name(order, path) self._fill(value, argument_path, ref_node) self.graph.add_edge(argument_path, path, type=KatEdgeType.ARGUMENT, order=order) def _fill_kwarg(self, key, value, order, path, ref_node, ref_extras): if ref_node is not None: data = self.ref_graph.nodes[ref_node] # Reuse the key and '='. key_token = self._reuse_token(data["key_token"]) equals_token = self._reuse_token(data["equals_token"]) else: key_token = self._use_token(self._name_token(key)) equals_token = self._use_token(self._literal_token("=")) argument_path = self.graph.item_node_name(order, path) self._fill( value, argument_path, ref_node, key_token=key_token, equals_token=equals_token, ) self.graph.add_edge(argument_path, path, type=KatEdgeType.ARGUMENT, order=order)
[docs]class KatUnfiller: """KatGraph to kat script."""
[docs] def unfill(self, node, graph): fobj = StringIO() self.unfill_file(fobj, node, graph) return
[docs] def unfill_file(self, fobj, node, graph): production = self.production(node, graph) unparser = KatUnparser() unparser.unparse_file(fobj, production)
[docs] def production(self, node, graph): data = graph.nodes[node] # Create any dependent arguments. arguments = scriptsorted( [ self.production(argument_node, graph) for argument_node in graph.dependent_argument_nodes(node) ] ) # Grab any extra tokens. extra = scriptsorted(data.get("extra_tokens", [])) value = self._do_production(data["type"], data, arguments, extra) # Detect kwargs. if "key_token" in data: value = KatKwarg( key=data["key_token"], equals=data["equals_token"], value=value ) return value
@flagdispatchmethod def _do_production(self, nodetype, data, arguments, extra): raise NotImplementedError(f"unhandled KatGraph node type {repr(nodetype)}") @_do_production.register(KatNodeType.ROOT) def _(self, data, arguments, extra): return KatScript(arguments=arguments, extra=extra) @_do_production.register(KatNodeType.GENERATOR_TERMINAL_NODES) def _(self, data, arguments, extra): return data["token"] @_do_production.register(KatNodeType.ELEMENT) def _(self, data, arguments, extra): return KatElement( directive=data["token"], arguments=arguments, extra=extra, name=data.get("name_token"), ) @_do_production.register(KatNodeType.FUNCTION) def _(self, data, arguments, extra): return KatFunction(directive=data["token"], arguments=arguments, extra=extra) @_do_production.register(KatNodeType.GROUPED_EXPRESSION) def _(self, data, arguments, extra): return KatGroupedExpression(arguments=arguments, extra=extra) @_do_production.register(KatNodeType.EXPRESSION) def _(self, data, arguments, extra): return KatExpression(operator=data["token"], arguments=arguments, extra=extra) @_do_production.register(KatNodeType.ARRAY) def _(self, data, arguments, extra): return KatArray(arguments=arguments, extra=extra)
[docs]class KatUnparser: """TokenContainer to kat script."""
[docs] def unparse(self, container): fobj = StringIO() self.unparse_file(fobj, container) return
[docs] def unparse_file(self, fobj, container): untokenizer = KatUntokenizer() untokenizer.untokenize_file(fobj, container.sorted_tokens)
[docs]class KatUntokenizer: """Token to kat script."""
[docs] def untokenize(self, tokens): fobj = StringIO() self.untokenize_file(fobj, tokens) return
[docs] def untokenize_file(self, fobj, tokens): for token in tokens: fobj.write(token.raw_value)