Source code for finesse.script.exceptions

"""Kat script exceptions.

These are special exceptions that add extra context-specific information when errors
occur during parsing or unparsing.

from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
from ..exceptions import FinesseException
from ..utilities import ngettext, option_list, add_linenos
from .containers import KatCoordinate, KatBounds
from .util import index_ranges, scriptsorted

[docs]class KatParsingError(FinesseException): """An error during the parsing process. This handles errors raised by the tokenizer, parser and builder. These are, confusingly, collectively referred to as the "parser". """
[docs]class KatScriptError(KatParsingError): """Detailed kat script error. Parameters ---------- error : str or :py:class:`Exception` The error or error message. container : :class:`.Addressable` The kat script container, used to show lines before/after error lines if requested. error_items : sequence of sequences of :class:`.Addressable` The error(s) to show. Each item of the topmost sequence should itself be an ordered sequence of :class:`.Addressable` objects in increasing order of depth. The last item is considered to be where the error occurred, but the start and end lines (plus optional buffer) of each of the other items are also shown. syntax : :class:`str`, optional Syntax suggestion to display to the user. """ # Maximum number of unrelated lines to show before and after show items. # TODO: expose this as a user setting somehow. MAX_BUFFER_LINES = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, error, container, error_items, syntax=None): # Store passed data as attributes in case another exception wants to grab it. self.error_msg = error self.container = container self.error_items = error_items self.syntax = syntax super().__init__(self.message())
def _dedup_bounds(self, bounds): """Sequence of bounds without overlapping intervals. Assumes `bounds` are sorted. """ dedup_bounds = [bounds[0]] for current in bounds[1:]: previous = dedup_bounds[-1] if current.start <= previous.stop: dedup_bounds[-1] = previous.rexpand(current.stop) else: dedup_bounds.append(current) return dedup_bounds @property def _marker_items(self): return [items[-1] for items in self.error_items] def _marker_bounds(self): """Sequence of sorted marker coordinates without overlapping intervals. The marker bounds are those of the final item in each item of :attr:`.error_items`. """ return self._dedup_bounds( scriptsorted(set(item.bounds for item in self._marker_items)) ) @property def _flattened_error_items(self): return chain.from_iterable(self.error_items) def _flattened_error_bounds(self): return self._dedup_bounds( scriptsorted(set([item.bounds for item in self._flattened_error_items])) ) @property def error_lines(self): lines = set() for bounds in self._flattened_error_bounds(): lines.add(bounds.start.lineno) lines.add(bounds.stop.lineno) return list(lines) def _show_error_bounds(self): """Error items with extra lines before and after.""" show_bounds = [] for bounds in self._flattened_error_bounds(): # Some buffer before and after the error, if available in the container. start = max( KatCoordinate(bounds.start.lineno - self.MAX_BUFFER_LINES, 1), self.container.start, ) stop = min( KatCoordinate(bounds.stop.lineno + self.MAX_BUFFER_LINES + 1, 0), self.container.stop, ) show_bounds.append(bounds.lexpand(start).rexpand(stop)) return self._dedup_bounds(show_bounds)
[docs] def items_to_linemarkers(self, items): linemarkers = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: False)) for item in items: if item.start.lineno != item.stop.lineno: raise NotImplementedError( "cannot draw markers on error items spanning multiple lines" ) for index in range(item.start.index, item.stop.index): linemarkers[item.start.lineno][index] = True return linemarkers
[docs] def rubric(self): if not (error_msg := self.error_msg): error_msg = "" error_msg = str(error_msg) lines = self.error_lines if len(lines) == 1: rubric = f"line {lines[0]}: {error_msg}" else: rubric = f"lines {option_list(index_ranges(lines), 'and')}: {error_msg}" return rubric.strip()
[docs] def message(self): msglines = defaultdict(str) markers = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: False)) for lineno, linechunks in self.chunkify().items(): for bounds, is_error in linechunks: if bounds.isempty(): # Skip empty bounds, which might otherwise cause an empty extra line # to appear at the end of the error. continue # Grab the first line (excluding newline character) since the bounds # don't cross lines. script = self.container.script_lines(bounds) assert len(script) < 2 if script: msglines[lineno] += script[0] if is_error: for index in range(bounds.start.index, bounds.stop.index): markers[lineno][index] = True msgwithlines = add_linenos(msglines.keys(), msglines.values()) lines = [] if msgwithlines: # Work out how wide the line column is. There is +3 for the prefix. lcolbuf = len(msgwithlines[0]) - len(next(iter(msglines.values()))) + 3 # Add arrows on the error lines and markers under the errors. lastlineno = None for lineno, line in zip(msglines, msgwithlines): if lastlineno: diff = lineno - lastlineno if diff > 1: missingmsg = ngettext( diff - 1, "{n} skipped line", "{n} skipped lines" ) lines.append(f"{' ' * lcolbuf}*** {missingmsg} ***") prefix = "-->" if markers[lineno] else " " lines.append(prefix + line) linemarks = "" if markers[lineno]: for index in range(1, len(line) + 1): if markers[lineno][index]: linemarks += "^" else: linemarks += " " linemarks = linemarks.rstrip() if linemarks: lines.append(f"{' ' * lcolbuf}{linemarks}") lastlineno = lineno lines.insert(0, self.rubric()) if self.syntax: lines.append(f"Syntax: {self.syntax}") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def chunkify(self): """Convert the error script into a dict of line numbers to (str, is_error) sequences. Each (str, is_error) chunk contains a piece of the script specified in `error_items`, with the `is_error` flag set depending on whether each error item appeared last in a `error_items` sequence, which specifies that it is an error as opposed to just useful related code. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Mapping of line numbers to lists of (:class:`str`, :class:`bool`) tuples indicating script chunks and whether they contain an error. """ # Merge the error and marker bounds by starting coordinate, adding an extra flag # to remember the type. bounds = sorted( [(bound, False) for bound in self._show_error_bounds()] + [(bound, True) for bound in self._marker_bounds()], key=lambda chunk: chunk[0].start, ) merged = [bounds[0]] for current_bound, current_flag in bounds[1:]: previous_bound, previous_flag = merged[-1] # Merge bounds if necessary, with marker intervals taking priority. if current_bound == previous_bound: # Bounds entirely overlap. merged[-1] = (previous_bound, previous_flag or current_flag) elif current_bound.start < previous_bound.stop: # Bounds overlap. inner1 = current_bound.start merged[-1] = (previous_bound.rcontract(inner1), previous_flag) if current_bound.stop <= previous_bound.stop: inner2 = current_bound.stop merged.append((KatBounds(inner1, inner2), current_flag)) merged.append((previous_bound.lcontract(inner2), previous_flag)) else: merged.append((previous_bound.lcontract(inner1), current_flag)) else: merged.append((current_bound, current_flag)) linebounds = defaultdict(list) # Split any chunks spanning multiple lines. for bound, flag in merged: if bound.start.lineno == bound.stop.lineno: linebounds[bound.start.lineno].append((bound, flag)) else: laststart = bound.start for lineno in range(bound.start.lineno, bound.stop.lineno): newstop = KatCoordinate(laststart.lineno + 1, 0) chunk = (KatBounds(laststart, newstop), flag) linebounds[laststart.lineno].append(chunk) laststart = newstop # Last line, if not empty. last_start = KatCoordinate(bound.stop.lineno, 0) last_stop = bound.stop if last_start != last_stop: chunk = (KatBounds(last_start, last_stop), flag) linebounds[bound.stop.lineno].append(chunk) return linebounds
[docs]class KatSyntaxError(KatScriptError): """Error with kat syntax.""" def __init__(self, message, script, token): super().__init__(message, script, [[token]])
[docs]class KatMissingAfterDirective(KatSyntaxError): """Error for when an element name or function '(' is missing.""" def __init__(self, container, directive): self.directive = directive super().__init__("missing '(' or element name", container, directive)