from finesse.components.node import NodeType, NodeDirection
from finesse.components.general import Connector, DOFDefinition
from finesse.components.workspace import (
import numpy as np
from finesse.parameter import float_parameter
from more_itertools import roundrobin
[docs]class DOFWorkspace(ConnectorWorkspace):
def __init__(self, owner, sim):
super().__init__(owner, sim, Connections(), Connections())
self.drives = None
self.amplitudes = None
[docs]@float_parameter("DC", "DC state of degree of freedom")
class DegreeOfFreedom(Connector):
def __init__(self, name, *node_amplitude_pairs, DC=0):
Connector.__init__(self, name)
if len(node_amplitude_pairs) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Must specify at least one node to define this DOF")
self._add_to_model_namespace = True
self.__drives = tuple(node_amplitude_pairs[::2])
if len(node_amplitude_pairs) > 1:
self.__amplitudes = tuple(node_amplitude_pairs[1::2])
self.__amplitudes = tuple((1, *node_amplitude_pairs[1::2]))
self.DC = DC
if len(self.drives) != len(self.amplitudes):
raise Exception(
f"Nodes and amplitudes were not the same length, {len(self.drives)} vs {len(self.amplitudes)}"
AC_type = None
for node in self.drives:
if not isinstance(node, DOFDefinition):
raise Exception(
f"Degree of freedom ({name}) input `{node}` should be a {DOFDefinition.__name__}"
if not (
node.AC.type == NodeType.ELECTRICAL
or node.AC.type == NodeType.MECHANICAL
raise Exception(
f"Degree of freedom ({name}) input `{node}` should be an electrical or mechanical node"
if AC_type and AC_type != node.AC.type:
raise Exception(
f"Degree of freedom ({name}) input `{node}` should be the same type as other nodes, {AC_type}"
AC_type = node.AC.type
for amp in self.amplitudes:
if not (np.isscalar(amp) and np.real(amp)):
raise Exception(
f"Degree of freedom ({name}) amplitude `{amp}` is not a real number"
if AC_type:
# Only add an AC port if there are some AC drives
self._add_port("AC", NodeType.ELECTRICAL)
self.AC._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT)
self.AC._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT)
self._add_port("out", AC_type)
for i, node in enumerate(self.drives):
self.out._add_node(f"o{i}", None, node=self.drives[i].AC)
self._register_node_coupling(f"AC_out{i}", self.AC.i, self.drives[i].AC)
self._register_node_coupling(f"out{i}_AC", self.drives[i].AC, self.AC.o)
def node_amplitude_pairs(self):
return tuple(roundrobin(self.drives, self.amplitudes))
def _on_add(self, model):
for dof in self.drives:
if model is not dof.AC._model:
raise Exception(
f"{repr(self)} is using a node {self.node} from a different model"
# Setup this DOf to set itself as an external
# setter for the DC parameters it injects into
def _pre_build(self):
# Set up the DC parameters to be controlled externally, by this DOF element
for node, amp in zip(self.drives, self.amplitudes):
dc_param = node.DC
if dc_param is not None:
# Here we set the DC parameter associated with a node to track the
# value of the DC parameter of this DOF.
# mark that this element will be controlling the value of this parameter
node.DC.set_external_setter(self, amp * self.DC.ref)
def _on_unbuild(self):
# need to remove our
for node, amp in zip(self.drives, self.amplitudes):
dc_param = node.DC
if dc_param is not None:
node.DC.remove_external_setter(self, amp * self.DC.ref)
def drives(self):
":getter: Returns The nodes this degree of freedom drives."
return tuple(self.__drives)
def amplitudes(self):
":getter: Returns the node amplitudes which a node is driven."
return tuple(self.__amplitudes)
def dc_enabled(self):
""":getter: Returns True if all driving nodes have an associated DC parameter that can be varied."""
return all((_.dc_parameter is not None for _ in self.drives))
def _get_workspace(self, sim):
if sim.signal:
ws = DOFWorkspace(self, sim)
ws.signal.add_fill_function(self.__fill, False)
ws.drives = self.drives
ws.amplitudes = np.array(self.amplitudes)
return ws
return None
def __fill(self, ws):
for idx in range(len(ws.drives)):
# Need to loop and determine if our connections have
# been allocated or not
mat_views = getattr(ws.signal.connections, "AC_out" + str(idx))
if mat_views:
# All connections are just their amplitude value
# assumes no HOM couplings or anything between elec
# and mechanical nodes
if ws.drives[idx].AC.type == NodeType.MECHANICAL:
mat_views[0][:] = ws.amplitudes[idx] / ws.sim.model_settings.x_scale
mat_views[0][:] = ws.amplitudes[idx]
# fill drives to AC output node
mat_views = getattr(ws.signal.connections, "out" + str(idx) + "_AC")
if mat_views:
if ws.drives[idx].AC.type == NodeType.MECHANICAL:
mat_views[0][:] = ws.amplitudes[idx] * ws.sim.model_settings.x_scale
mat_views[0][:] = ws.amplitudes[idx]