Source code for finesse.analysis.noise

import numpy as np

from finesse.element import ModelElement
from finesse.parameter import float_parameter
from import BaseSolution

[docs]@float_parameter("ASD", "Amplitude spectral density", units="ASD") class ClassicalNoise(ModelElement): def __init__(self, name, node, ASD): super().__init__(name) self._add_to_model_namespace = True self._namespace = (".noises",) self.node = node self.ASD = ASD def _on_add(self, model): if model is not self.node._model: raise Exception( f"{repr(self)} is using a node {self.node} from a different model" )
[docs]class NoiseSolution(BaseSolution):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, f, output_nodes, noises, parents=None): super().__init__(name, parents) self.f = f self.dtype = np.dtype([(, float) for n in noises]) self.noises = { onode: np.zeros(f.shape, dtype=self.dtype) for onode in output_nodes }
[docs] def total_ASD(self, output_node): return np.sqrt(sum(v ** 2 for v in self.noises[output_node].values()))
[docs] def plot( self, output_node, noises=None, show_total=True, figsize_scale=1, ax=None, ): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if not isinstance(output_node, str): output_node = output_node.full_name if output_node not in self.noises: raise Exception( f"The noise at {output_node} was not calculated, please recalculate." ) for k, v in self.noises[output_node].items(): if noises is not None and k not in noises: continue if hasattr(v, "shape"): ax.loglog(self.f, v, label=k) else: ax.loglog(self.f, v * np.ones_like(self.f), label=k) if (noises is not None and len(noises) > 1) or (show_total and noises is None): ax.loglog( self.f, self.total_ASD(output_node), c="k", ls=":", lw=3, label="Total" ) ax.legend() ax.set_title(f"Noise at {output_node}") ax.set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]") ax.set_ylabel("ASD [UNIT/rtHz]") plt.gcf().tight_layout() return ax
[docs]def get_loop_network(model): import networkx import sympy from finesse.components import NodeType, Wire net = networkx.digraph.DiGraph() def is_electric(x): return all(p.type == NodeType.ELECTRICAL for p in x.ports) optics_in = set() # nodes going into the optics optics_out = set() # nodes coming out of the optics Omega = sympy.var("Omega") noise_nodes = tuple(n.node.full_name for n in model.noises) for i, o, d in # Keep any edge going into an electronic element if ( d["out_ref"]().type == NodeType.ELECTRICAL or d["in_ref"]().type == NodeType.ELECTRICAL ): if d["in_ref"]().connection or i in noise_nodes or o in noise_nodes: # Store the nodes that inject into an optical node # and those optical nodes that feed into the electronics if d["in_ref"]().type == NodeType.OPTICAL: optics_out.add(d["out_ref"]()) elif d["out_ref"]().type == NodeType.OPTICAL: optics_in.add(d["in_ref"]()) else: el = d["owner"]() sym = sympy.var( if type(el) is Wire: if not el.delay.is_changing: sym = sympy.exp(-sympy.I * Omega * float(el.delay)) elif el.delay == 0: sym = 1 net.add_edge(i, o, symbol=sym) elif d["in_ref"]().type == NodeType.MECHANICAL and i in noise_nodes: # Mechanical noise inputs need to be included so we can project them # These are really just inputs into the optical system. # I guess we could also have mechanical to electrical sensors... optics_in.add(d["in_ref"]()) optic_couplings = {} # Add in placeholds for any opto-mechanic coupling for i in optics_in: for o in optics_out: sym = sympy.var( f"{i.full_name.replace('.','')}__{o.full_name.replace('.','')}" ) net.add_edge(i.full_name, o.full_name, symbol=sym) optic_couplings[sym] = (i, o) return net, optic_couplings
[docs]def nx_to_coo_sparse(G, nodelist=None): from itertools import chain if nodelist is None: nodelist = list(G) nlen = len(nodelist) if nlen == 0: raise Exception("Graph has no nodes or edges") if len(nodelist) != len(set(nodelist)): raise Exception("Ambiguous ordering: `nodelist` contained duplicates.") index = dict(zip(nodelist, range(nlen))) # build I-M sparse matrix coefficients = zip( *chain( # Add in I matrix ((i, i, 1) for i in range(nlen)), # negative off-diagonal elements ( (index[u], index[v], -d["symbol"]) for u, v, d in G.edges(nodelist, data=True) if u in index and v in index ), ) ) try: row, col, data = coefficients except ValueError: # there is no edge in the subgraph row, col, data = [], [], [] return row, col, data
# class NoiseAnalysis(Action): # def __init__( # self, # name, # mode, # start, # stop, # steps, # output_node, # *opt_output_nodes, # noises=None, # ): # super().__init__(name) # if mode not in ("lin", "log"): # raise Exception("mode must be lin or log") # if mode == "lin": # self.f = np.linspace(start, stop, steps) # else: # self.f = np.geomspace(start, stop, steps) # if noises is None: # self.noises = tuple( for n in output_node.component._model.noises) # else: # self.noises = tuple( for n in noises) # self.output_nodes = tuple( # (output_node.full_name, *(o.full_name for o in opt_output_nodes)) # ) # self._info.parameters_changing = tuple(("fsig.f",),) # self._info.makes_solution = True # def fill_info(self, p_info): # info = self.copy_info() # p_info.add(info) # def setup(self, s_prev, model: finesse.model.Model): # import sympy # from sympy.matrices import SparseMatrix # from sympy import Matrix # ws = NoiseAnalysisWorkspace(s_prev, model) # ws.s_prev = s_prev # ws.model = model # = self.copy_info() # ws.fn_do = # ws.params = tuple( # finesse.analysis.actions.get_param(model, p) # for p in self._info.parameters_changing # ) # for p in ws.params: # if not p.is_tunable: # raise ParameterLocked( # f"{repr(p)} must set as tunable " "before building the simulation" # ) # # Setup the symbolic sparse matrix for solving noise propagations # ws.loop_network, oc = get_loop_network(model) # ws.noises = tuple(n for n in model.noises if in self.noises) # assert len(ws.noises) > 0 # # returns a I-M matrix for solving # rcv = nx_to_coo_sparse(ws.loop_network) # ws.M_nodes = nodes = tuple(ws.loop_network.nodes) # M = SparseMatrix( # None, {k: v for k, v in zip(tuple(zip(rcv[0], rcv[1])), rcv[2])} # ) # # Always ensure that the Signal frequency variable # # is present as we always fill that # ws.Omega = sympy.var("Omega") # ws.syms = M.free_symbols | set((ws.Omega,)) # ws.Minv = Matrix(M).inv() # # Fill up a dict of how each noise # # couples into each output node # ws.TF = tuple([] for i in range(len(self.output_nodes))) # for i, onode in enumerate(self.output_nodes): # for j, noise in enumerate(ws.noises): # noise_tf = ws.Minv[ # nodes.index(noise.node.full_name), nodes.index(onode) # ].expand() # ws.TF[i].append( # sympy.lambdify(ws.syms, abs(noise_tf) ** 2, "numpy", dummify=False) # ) # ws.values = {s: 0 for s in ws.syms} # ws.OMEGA = ws.values[ws.Omega] = 2 * np.pi * self.f # ws.lambdas = tuple(noise.ASD.lambdify(ws.model.fsig.f) for noise in ws.noises) # # Get the simulations to do some calculations with in the do step # ws.carrier = model.carrier_simulation # try: # ws.signal = model.signal_simulation # ws.optical_couplings = {} # ins = [] # outs = [] # # Store optical coulpings node indices for injecting later # for key, (inode, onode) in oc.items(): # idx = ws.signal.field(inode, 0, 0) # odx = ws.signal.field(onode, 0, 0) # if idx in ins: # x = ins.index(idx) # else: # ins.append(idx) # x = len(ins) - 1 # if odx in outs: # y = outs.index(odx) # else: # outs.append(odx) # y = len(outs) - 1 # ws.optical_couplings[key] = (x, y) # ws.input_rhs_indices = np.array((tuple(ins)), dtype=int) # ws.output_rhs_indices = np.array((tuple(outs)), dtype=int) # ws.out_fsig_sweep = np.zeros( # (len(ins), len(self.f), len(outs)), dtype=np.complex128 # ) # except AttributeError: # raise Exception( # "Noise analysis requires a signal simulation to work, please set the model fsig.f frequency" # ) # return ws # def update_symbolic_values(self, ws): # run_fsig_sweep( # ws.carrier, # ws.signal, # self.f, # ws.input_rhs_indices, # ws.output_rhs_indices, # ws.out_fsig_sweep, # True, # ) # for sym in ws.syms: # if sym is ws.Omega: # continue # el = ws.model.elements.get(str(sym)) # if el: # ws.values[sym] = el.eval(ws.OMEGA) # else: # # Now we loop over the actual simulation and run each point # i, o = ws.optical_couplings[sym] # ws.values[sym] = ws.out_fsig_sweep[i, :, o] # def do(self, ws): # ws.sol = NoiseSolution( #, self.f, self.output_nodes, ws.noises, ws.s_prev # ) # ws.sol.Minv = ws.Minv # ws.sol.Minv_nodes = ws.M_nodes # self.update_symbolic_values(ws) # ws.sol.optical_tfs = ws.out_fsig_sweep # v = ws.values.values() # for i, onode in enumerate(self.output_nodes): # ws.sol.noises[onode] = {} # for j, noise in enumerate(ws.noises): # y_noise = ws.lambdas[j](self.f) * ws.TF[i][j](*v) # ws.sol.noises[onode][] = y_noise