
finesse.plotting.plot.get_2d_field(modes, amplitudes, qs, x=None, y=None, samples=100, scale=3)[source]

Computes the 2D optical field for a given set of modes, modal amplitudes, and beam parameters.

x and y dimensions can be specified if required, otherwise it will return an area of scale times the spot sizes. When x and y are provided scale and samples will not do anything.


Pairs of modes (n,m). Can be an 2xN array or a list or tuple of modes.


Array of complex amplitudes for each mode

qsBeamParam or Tuple(BeamParam, BeamParam)

Compex beam parameter object for x and y planes. If singular value give, qx = qy.

xarray_like, optional

x points

yarray_like, optional

y points

samplesint, optional

Number of sample points to use in x and y

scalefloat, optional

Number of sample points to use in x and y


x points


y points

fieldcomplex[:, ::1]

Complex optical field of size samples x samples