Source code for finesse.script.util

"""Kat script utility functions."""

from itertools import groupby
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def index_ranges(intlist): """Create a sequence of range strings from a sequence of integers. Based on Parameters ---------- intlist : sequence Integers to convert to range strings. Yields ------ str The next range string. Examples -------- >>> list(index_ranges([1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9])) ["1-2", "4-7", "9"] """ def sub(x): return x[1] - x[0] for k, iterable in groupby(enumerate(sorted(intlist)), sub): indices = list(iterable) if len(indices) == 1: yield str(indices[0][1]) else: yield f"{indices[0][1]}-{indices[-1][1]}"
[docs]def scriptsorted(items, reverse=False): """Sort container items by their script position. Parameters ---------- items : sequence of :class:`.TokenContainer` The container items to sort. reverse : bool, optional Request the result in descending instead of ascending order. Returns ------- list of :class:`.TokenContainer` Container items sorted by line number then column. """ return sorted(items, key=lambda item: item.start, reverse=reverse)
[docs]def duplicates(items, key=None): """Get duplicate keys and values in the 1D sequence `items`. Parameters ---------- items : sequence The sequence to find duplicates in. key : callable, optional The key function to use for comparisons. If not specified, defaults to the identity function. Returns ------- list The duplicates in `items`. This is a sequence of tuples containing the result of the key function for each entry of `items`, where at least two such keys exist, and the original items that matched that `key`. Examples -------- >>> [k for k, _ in duplicates("AAAABBCDAAB")] ["A", "B", "C", "D"] >>> [list(g) for _, g in duplicates("AAAABBCDAAB")] [["A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A"], ["B", "B", "B"], ["C"], ["D"]] """ if key is None: key = lambda item: item groups = defaultdict(list) for item in items: groups[key(item)].append(item) return [(k, v) for k, v in groups.items() if len(v) > 1]
[docs]def merge_attributes(attr1, attr2): """Perform a deep attribute dictionary merge. This merges list and tuples in `attr1` and `attr2` into one dict. Values that are not lists or tuples result in an error. Items in `attr1` appear before those in `attr2` where they share the same key. Parameters ---------- attr1, attr2 : dict The attribute dictionaries to merge. Returns ------- dict The merged attribute dictionary. Raises ------ ValueError If a dict value in `attr1` or `attr2` is not a list or tuple. """ out = {} if attr2 is None: secondkeys = set() else: secondkeys = set(attr2) # Add keys in attr1 and optionally attr2. for key, value in attr1.items(): if isinstance(value, list): value = [*value, *attr2.get(key, [])] elif isinstance(value, tuple): value = (*value, *attr2.get(key, ())) elif key in attr2: raise ValueError( f"don't know how to merge {type(value)} and {type(attr2[key])}" ) out[key] = value secondkeys.discard(key) # Add keys only in attr2. for key in secondkeys: out[key] = attr2[key] return out