Source code for

"""Detectors for capturing images, slices and single pixels of a beam.

The camera types are split into two categories (CCDs and ComplexCameras) based on the
mathematical implementation shown in :ref:`camera_equations`.

import logging
from abc import ABC
import numbers

import numpy as np

from .general import MaskedDetector
from .compute import (
from import (
from ..env import warn
from ..parameter import float_parameter
from ..utilities.misc import find_nearest, is_iterable

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Camera(MaskedDetector, ABC): """Base camera class. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. w0_scaled : bool Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. dtype : :class:`numpy.dtype` or str The data-type of the pixels. shape : tuple Dimensions of the camera image. """ def __init__(self, name, node, w0_scaled, dtype, shape, **kwargs): MaskedDetector.__init__(self, name, node, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, **kwargs) self.__w0_scaled = w0_scaled in (True, 1, "True", "true", "Y", "y") self._nr = if is not None else 1.0 self._changing_check = set() @property def needs_trace(self): return True @property def w0_scaled(self): """Flag for whether the x and y co-ordinates have been scaled by the waist-size of the beam parameter at the detection node. :getter: Returns `True` if x and y have been scaled by the beam waist, `False` otherwise. """ return self.__w0_scaled @property def scaled_xdata(self): """Coordinate data in the x-axis scaled to metres. Equivalent to ``xdata`` if :attr:`.Camera.w0_scaled` is False. Otherwise this is ``xdata`` multiplied by the tangential waist size as measured at the node. """ x = self.xdata if not self.w0_scaled: return x qx = self._model.beam_trace()[self.node].qx return x * qx.w0 @property def scaled_ydata(self): """Coordinate data in the y-axis scaled to metres. Equivalent to ``ydata`` if :attr:`.Camera.w0_scaled` is False. Otherwise this is ``ydata`` multiplied by the sagittal waist size as measured at the node. """ y = self.ydata if not self.w0_scaled: return y qy = self._model.beam_trace()[self.node].qy return y * qy.w0 def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): trace_info["w0_scaled"] = self.w0_scaled
[docs]class Image: r"""Data structure representation of an image. Parameters ---------- xlim : sequence or scalar Limits of the x-dimension of the image. If a single number is given then this will be computed as :math:`x_{\mathrm{lim}} = [-|x|, +|x|]`. ylim : sequence or scalar Limits of the y-dimension of the image. If a single number is given then this will be computed as :math:`y_{\mathrm{lim}} = [-|y|, +|y|]`. npts : int Number of points for both the x and y axes. dtype : str or dtype Data type of the image to pass to NumPy for array creation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, xlim, ylim, npts, dtype): xl, xu = _check_limits(xlim) yl, yu = _check_limits(ylim) self.__set_x_space(npts, lower=xl, upper=xu) self.__set_y_space(npts, lower=yl, upper=yu) self.__set_out_grid(dtype)
def __set_x_space(self, npts, lower=None, upper=None): npts = int(npts) if not npts > 0: raise ValueError("Number of points must be a positive integer.") if lower is None: lower = self._x[0] if upper is None: upper = self._x[-1] self._x = np.linspace(lower, upper, npts, dtype=np.float64) def __set_y_space(self, npts, lower=None, upper=None): npts = int(npts) if not npts > 0: raise ValueError("Number of points must be a positive integer.") if lower is None: lower = self._y[0] if upper is None: upper = self._y[-1] self._y = np.linspace(lower, upper, npts, dtype=np.float64) def __set_out_grid(self, dtype=None): if dtype is None: dtype = self._out.dtype self._out = np.zeros(self.resolution, dtype=dtype) @property def xlim(self): """The limits of the x coordinate data. :getter: Returns a tuple of ``(xmin, xmax)``. :setter: Sets the x-axis limits. """ return self._x[0], self._x[-1] @xlim.setter def xlim(self, value): xl, xu = _check_limits(value) self.__set_x_space(self.npts, xl, xu) @property def ylim(self): """The limits of the y coordinate data. :getter: Returns a tuple of ``(ymin, ymax)``. :setter: Sets the y-axis limits. """ return self._y[0], self._y[-1] @ylim.setter def ylim(self, value): yl, yu = _check_limits(value) self.__set_y_space(self.npts, yl, yu) @property def xdata(self): """The array of data points for the x-axis. :getter: Returns a copy of the :class:`numpy.ndarray` containing the x-axis points. """ return self._x.copy() @property def ydata(self): """The array of data points for the y-axis. :getter: Returns a copy of the :class:`numpy.ndarray` containing the y-axis points. """ return self._y.copy() @property def npts(self): """Number of pixels in each axis. :getter: Returns the number of pixels in each axis. :setter: Sets the number of pixels in each axis. """ return self._x.shape[0] @npts.setter def npts(self, value): self.__set_x_space(value) self.__set_y_space(value) self.__set_out_grid() @property def resolution(self): """The resolution of the image. Currently this is always square (i.e. number of points in both axes always equal). :getter: Returns the tuple ``(xpts, ypts)``. """ return self.npts, self.npts
[docs] def at(self, x=None, y=None): """Retrieves a slice or single pixel of the output image. Parameters ---------- x : scalar, optional Value indicating where to take a y-slice of the image or, if used in conjunction with `y`, which pixel to return. Defaults to `None`. y : scalar, optional Value indicating where to take a x-slice of the image or, if used in conjunction with `x`, which pixel to return. Defaults to `None`. magnitude : bool, optional Returns the amplitude of the detected field if `True`. Otherwise returns the full complex description. Returns ------- out : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or float Either a slice of the image or a single pixel at the specified co-ordinates. """ if x is None and y is None: return self._out.copy() if x is None: nearest_idx = find_nearest(self._y, y, index=True) values = self._out[nearest_idx][:] return values.copy() if y is None: nearest_idx = find_nearest(self._x, x, index=True) values = self._out[:, nearest_idx] return values.copy() nearest_indices = ( find_nearest(self._x, x, index=True), find_nearest(self._y, y, index=True), ) values = self._out[nearest_indices] return values.copy()
def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): trace_info["xlim"] = self.xlim trace_info["ylim"] = self.ylim
[docs]class ScanLine: r"""Data structure representation of a slice of an image. Parameters ---------- x : scalar or None The x coordinate of the slice. y : scalar or None The y coordinate of the slice. xlim : scalar or size two sequence The limits of the x-axis scan lines. A single number gives :math:`x_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [-|x|, +|x|]`, or a tuple of size two gives :math:`x_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [x[0], x[1]]`. ylim : scalar or array-like The limits of the y-axis scan lines. A single number gives :math:`y_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [-|y|, +|y|]`, or a tuple of size two gives :math:`y_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [y[0], y[1]]`. npts : int Number of points in slice axis. dtype : str or dtype Data type of the slice to pass to NumPy for array creation. """ def __init__(self, npts, dtype, x=None, y=None, xlim=None, ylim=None): if xlim is not None and ylim is not None: raise ValueError("Both xlim and ylim cannot be specified.") if xlim is not None: self.__direction = "x" elif ylim is not None: self.__direction = "y" else: raise ValueError("One of xlim or ylim must be specified.") if self.direction == "x": xl, xu = _check_limits(xlim) self._x = np.linspace(xl, xu, npts, dtype=np.float64) if x is not None: warn( f"Ignoring x = {repr(x)} argument passed to ScanLine as xlim " f"has been specified." ) if y is None: self._y = 0 else: self._y = y else: yl, yu = _check_limits(ylim) self._y = np.linspace(yl, yu, npts, dtype=np.float64) if y is not None: warn( f"Ignoring y = {repr(y)} argument passed to ScanLine as ylim " f"has been specified." ) if x is None: self._x = 0 else: self._x = x self._out = np.zeros(npts, dtype=dtype) def __set_ax_space(self, npts, lower=None, upper=None): npts = int(npts) if not npts > 0: raise ValueError("Number of points must be a positive integer.") if self.direction == "x": ax = self._x else: ax = self._y if lower is None: lower = ax[0] if upper is None: upper = ax[-1] ax = np.linspace(lower, upper, npts, dtype=np.float64) if self.direction == "x": self._x = ax else: self._y = ax def __set_out_line(self, dtype=None): if dtype is None: dtype = self._out.dtype self._out = np.zeros(self.npts, dtype=dtype) @property def direction(self): """The slice axis - i.e. 'x' for x-axis, 'y' for y-axis. :getter: Returns a string determining the slice axis (read-only). """ return self.__direction @property def x(self): """The x co-ordinate of the slice. If :attr:`.ScanLine.direction` is 'x' then this will return ``None``. :getter: Returns the x coordinate of the slice. :setter: Sets the x coordinate of the slice. """ if self.direction == "x": return None return self._x @x.setter def x(self, value): if self.direction == "x": raise RuntimeError( "Cannot set x-position of scan line when the slice is in the x-axis." ) self._x = float(value) @property def y(self): """The y co-ordinate of the slice. If :attr:`ScanLine.direction` is 'y' then this will return ``None``. :getter: Returns the y coordinate of the slice. :setter: Sets the y coordinate of the slice. """ if self.direction == "y": return None return self._y @y.setter def y(self, value): if self.direction == "y": raise RuntimeError( "Cannot set y-position of scan line when the slice is in the y-axis." ) self._y = float(value) @property def xlim(self): """The limits of the slice in the x-axis. If :attr:`ScanLine.direction` is 'y' then this will return ``None``. :getter: Returns a tuple of ``(xmin, xmax)``. :setter: Sets the x-axis limits. """ if self.direction == "y": return None return self._x[0], self._x[-1] @xlim.setter def xlim(self, value): if self.direction == "y": raise RuntimeError("Cannot set x-axis limits for scan line in the y-axis.") xl, xu = _check_limits(value) self.__set_ax_space(self.npts, xl, xu) @property def ylim(self): """The limits of the slice in the y-axis. If :attr:`ScanLine.direction` is 'x' then this will return ``None``. :getter: Returns a tuple of ``(ymin, ymax)``. :setter: Sets the y-axis limits. """ if self.direction == "x": return None return self._y[0], self._y[-1] @ylim.setter def ylim(self, value): if self.direction == "x": raise RuntimeError("Cannot set y-axis limits for scan line in the x-axis.") yl, yu = _check_limits(value) self.__set_ax_space(self.npts, yl, yu) @property def xdata(self): """The numeric value(s) of the x coordinate. If :attr:`ScanLine.direction` is 'x' then this will be a copy of the array of values, otherwise it is a single value equivalent to :attr:`.ScanLine.x`. :getter: The x coordinate value(s). Read-only. """ if self.direction == "x": return self._x.copy() return self._x @property def ydata(self): """The numeric value(s) of the y coordinate. If :attr:`ScanLine.direction` is 'y' then this will be a copy of the array of values, otherwise it is a single value equivalent to :attr:`.ScanLine.y`. :getter: The y coordinate value(s). Read-only. """ if self.direction == "y": return self._y.copy() return self._y @property def npts(self): """Number of pixels in the scanning axis. :getter: Returns the number of pixels in the slice axis. :setter: Sets the number of pixels in the slice axis. """ if self.direction == "x": return self._x.shape[0] return self._y.shape[0] @npts.setter def npts(self, value): self.__set_ax_space(value) self.__set_out_line() def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): trace_info["xlim"] = self.xlim trace_info["ylim"] = self.ylim trace_info["xdata"] = self.xdata trace_info["ydata"] = self.ydata trace_info["direction"] = self.direction
[docs]class Pixel: r"""Data structure representation of a pixel of an image. Parameters ---------- x : scalar The x co-ordinate of the pixel. y : scalar The y co-ordinate of the pixel. dtype : str or dtype Data type of the pixel. """ def __init__(self, x, y, dtype): self.x = x self.y = y if dtype == np.complex128: self._out = complex(0, 0) else: self._out = 0.0 @property def x(self): """The x coordinate of the pixel. :getter: Returns the x coordinate of the pixel. :setter: Sets the x coordinate of the pixel. """ return self._x @x.setter def x(self, value): self._x = float(value) @property def xdata(self): """Equivalent to :attr:`.Pixel.x`. :getter: Returns the x coordinate of the pixel. Read-only version. """ return self._x @property def y(self): """The y coordinate of the pixel. :getter: Returns the y coordinate of the pixel. :setter: Sets the y coordinate of the pixel. """ return self._y @y.setter def y(self, value): self._y = float(value) @property def ydata(self): """Equivalent to :attr:`.Pixel.y`. :getter: Returns the y coordinate of the pixel. Read-only version. """ return self._y def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): trace_info["xdata"] = self.xdata trace_info["ydata"] = self.ydata
[docs]class CCDCamera(Camera, ABC): """Abstract type for cameras which detect pixel intensity. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. w0_scaled : bool, optional; default: True Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. """ def __init__(self, name, node, w0_scaled=True, **kwargs): if isinstance(self, Image): shape = self._x.shape[0], self._y.shape[0] elif isinstance(self, ScanLine): if self.direction == "x": shape = self._x.shape else: shape = self._y.shape elif isinstance(self, Pixel): shape = None else: raise TypeError( "Bug detected! CCDCamera does not derive from Image, " "ScanLine or Pixel." ) Camera.__init__(self, name, node, w0_scaled, np.float64, shape, **kwargs)
[docs]class CCD(CCDCamera, Image): r"""Camera for detecting the full image of the beam in terms of the intensity. Get the unscaled x and y coordinate data via :attr:`.Image.xdata` and :attr:`.Image.ydata`, respectively. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. xlim : sequence or scalar Limits of the x-dimension of the image. If a single number is given then this will be computed as :math:`x_{\mathrm{lim}} = [-|x|, +|x|]`. ylim : sequence or scalar Limits of the y-dimension of the image. If a single number is given then this will be computed as :math:`y_{\mathrm{lim}} = [-|y|, +|y|]`. npts : int Number of points in both axes. w0_scaled : bool, optional; default: True Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. """ def __init__(self, name, node, xlim, ylim, npts, w0_scaled=True): Image.__init__(self, xlim, ylim, npts, dtype=np.float64) CCDCamera.__init__(self, name, node, w0_scaled) @property def npts(self): return super().npts @npts.setter def npts(self, value): super(CCD, self.__class__).npts.fset(self, value) self._update_dtype_shape(self.resolution) def _get_workspace(self, sim): ws = CCDWorkspace(self, sim, self._out) ws.set_output_fn(ccd_output) return ws def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): CCDCamera._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info) Image._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info)
[docs]class CCDScanLine(CCDCamera, ScanLine): r"""Camera for detecting a slice of the beam in terms of the intensity. The :attr:`.ScanLine.direction` (i.e. axis of slice) is determined from which of `xlim` or `ylim` is specified. Get the unscaled x and y coordinate data via :attr:`.ScanLine.xdata` and :attr:`.ScanLine.ydata`, respectively. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. npts : int Number of points in slice axis. x : scalar or None; default: None The x coordinate of the slice. If ylim is given and this is not specified then defaults to zero. If xlim is given and this is also specified then it is ignored. y : scalar or None; default: None The y coordinate of the slice. If xlim is given and this is not specified then defaults to zero. If ylim is given and this is also specified then it is ignored. xlim : scalar or size two sequence; default: None The limits of the x-axis scan lines. A single number gives :math:`x_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [-|x|, +|x|]`, or a tuple of size two gives :math:`x_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [x[0], x[1]]`. ylim : scalar or array-like; default: None The limits of the y-axis scan lines. A single number gives :math:`y_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [-|y|, +|y|]`, or a tuple of size two gives :math:`y_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [y[0], y[1]]`. w0_scaled : bool, optional; default: True Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. """ def __init__( self, name, node, npts, x=None, y=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, w0_scaled=True ): label = "Pixel intensity" unit = r"W m$^{-2}$" ScanLine.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, npts=npts, dtype=np.float64 ) CCDCamera.__init__(self, name, node, w0_scaled, label=label, unit=unit) @property def npts(self): return super().npts @npts.setter def npts(self, value): super(CCDScanLine, self.__class__).npts.fset(self, value) self._update_dtype_shape(self.npts) def _get_workspace(self, sim): ws = CCDLineWorkspace(self, sim, self._out) ws.set_output_fn(ccd_line_output) return ws def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): CCDCamera._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info) ScanLine._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info)
[docs]class CCDPixel(CCDCamera, Pixel): """Camera for detecting a single pixel of the beam in terms of the intensity. Get the unscaled x and y coordinate data via :attr:`.Pixel.xdata` and :attr:`.Pixel.ydata`, respectively. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. x : scalar, optional; default: 0 The x co-ordinate of the pixel. y : scalar, optional; default: 0 The y co-ordinate of the pixel. w0_scaled : bool, optional; default: True Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. """ def __init__(self, name, node, x=0, y=0, w0_scaled=True): label = "Pixel intensity" unit = r"W m$^{-2}$" Pixel.__init__(self, x, y, dtype=np.float64) CCDCamera.__init__(self, name, node, w0_scaled, label=label, unit=unit) def _get_workspace(self, sim): ws = CameraWorkspace(self, sim) ws.set_output_fn(ccd_pixel_output) return ws def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): CCDCamera._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info) Pixel._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info)
[docs]@float_parameter("f", "Frequency", units="Hz") class ComplexCamera(Camera, ABC): """Abstract type for cameras which detect pixel amplitude and phase. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. f : scalar, optional; default: 0 Field frequency offset from the carrier to detect. w0_scaled : bool, optional; default: True Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. """ def __init__(self, name, node, f=0, w0_scaled=True): if isinstance(self, Image): shape = self._x.shape[0], self._y.shape[0] elif isinstance(self, ScanLine): if self.direction == "x": shape = self._x.shape else: shape = self._y.shape elif isinstance(self, Pixel): shape = None else: raise TypeError( "Bug detected! ComplexCamera does not derive from Image, " "ScanLine or Pixel." ) Camera.__init__(self, name, node, w0_scaled, dtype=np.complex128, shape=shape) self.f = f self._changing_check = set((self.f,))
[docs]@float_parameter("f", "Frequency", units="Hz") class FieldCamera(ComplexCamera, Image): r"""Camera for detecting the full image of the beam in terms of amplitude and phase. Get the unscaled x and y coordinate data via :attr:`.Image.xdata` and :attr:`.Image.ydata`, respectively. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. xlim : sequence or scalar Limits of the x-dimension of the image. If a single number is given then this will be computed as :math:`x_{\mathrm{lim}} = [-|x|, +|x|]`. ylim : sequence or scalar Limits of the y-dimension of the image. If a single number is given then this will be computed as :math:`y_{\mathrm{lim}} = [-|y|, +|y|]`. npts : int Number of points in both axes. f : scalar, optional; default: 0 Field frequency offset from the carrier to detect. w0_scaled : bool, optional; default: True Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. """ def __init__(self, name, node, xlim, ylim, npts, f=0, w0_scaled=True): Image.__init__(self, xlim, ylim, npts, dtype=np.complex128) ComplexCamera.__init__(self, name, node, f=f, w0_scaled=w0_scaled) @property def npts(self): return super().npts @npts.setter def npts(self, value): super(FieldCamera, self.__class__).npts.fset(self, value) self._update_dtype_shape(self.resolution) def _get_workspace(self, sim): ws = FieldCameraWorkspace(self, sim, self._out) ws.set_output_fn(field_camera_output) return ws def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): Image._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info) ComplexCamera._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info)
[docs]@float_parameter("f", "Frequency", units="Hz") class FieldScanLine(ComplexCamera, ScanLine): r"""Camera for detecting a slice of the beam in terms of amplitude and phase. The :attr:`.ScanLine.direction` (i.e. axis of slice) is determined from which of `xlim` or `ylim` is specified. Get the unscaled x and y coordinate data via :attr:`.ScanLine.xdata` and :attr:`.ScanLine.ydata`, respectively. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. npts : int Number of points in slice axis. x : scalar or None; default: None The x coordinate of the slice. If ylim is given and this is not specified then defaults to zero. If xlim is given and this is also specified then it is ignored. y : scalar or None; default: None The y coordinate of the slice. If xlim is given and this is not specified then defaults to zero. If ylim is given and this is also specified then it is ignored. xlim : scalar or size two sequence; default: None The limits of the x-axis scan lines. A single number gives :math:`x_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [-|x|, +|x|]`, or a tuple of size two gives :math:`x_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [x[0], x[1]]`. ylim : scalar or array-like; default: None The limits of the y-axis scan lines. A single number gives :math:`y_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [-|y|, +|y|]`, or a tuple of size two gives :math:`y_{\mathrm{axis}} \in [y[0], y[1]]`. f : scalar, optional; default: 0 Field frequency offset from the carrier to detect. w0_scaled : bool, optional; default: True Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. """ def __init__( self, name, node, npts, x=None, y=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, f=0, w0_scaled=True, ): ScanLine.__init__( self, x=x, y=y, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, npts=npts, dtype=np.complex128 ) ComplexCamera.__init__(self, name, node, f=f, w0_scaled=w0_scaled) @property def npts(self): return super().npts @npts.setter def npts(self, value): super(FieldScanLine, self.__class__).npts.fset(self, value) self._update_dtype_shape(self.npts) def _get_workspace(self, sim): ws = FieldLineWorkspace(self, sim, self._out) ws.set_output_fn(field_line_output) return ws def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): ComplexCamera._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info) ScanLine._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info)
[docs]@float_parameter("f", "Frequency", units="Hz") class FieldPixel(ComplexCamera, Pixel): """Camera for detecting a single pixel of the beam in terms of the amplitude and phase. Get the unscaled x and y coordinate data via :attr:`.Pixel.xdata` and :attr:`.Pixel.ydata`, respectively. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name of the camera. node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node at which to detect. x : scalar, optional; default: 0 The x co-ordinate of the pixel. y : scalar, optional; default: 0 The y co-ordinate of the pixel. f : scalar, optional; default: 0 Field frequency offset from the carrier to detect. w0_scaled : bool, optional; default: True Flag indicating whether the :math:`x`, :math:`y` axes should be scaled to the waist-size of the beam parameter at `node`. """ def __init__(self, name, node, x=0, y=0, f=0, w0_scaled=True): Pixel.__init__(self, x, y, dtype=np.complex128) ComplexCamera.__init__(self, name, node, f=f, w0_scaled=w0_scaled) def _get_workspace(self, sim): ws = FieldPixelWorkspace(self, sim) ws.set_output_fn(field_pixel_output) return ws def _set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info): ComplexCamera._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info) Pixel._set_plotting_variables(self, trace_info)
def _check_limits(value): if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): value = [-abs(value), abs(value)] elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = [value.min(), value.max()] elif is_iterable(value): if len(value) != 2: raise TypeError( "Expected limit to be a single number or sequence of size 2 " f"but got a sequence of size: {len(value)}" ) else: raise TypeError("Unrecognised type for limit value.") return value