Source code for finesse.cymath.zernike

"""Math functions for computing Zernike polynomial information. 

TODO: write tests and document these functions properly

import numpy as np

[docs]def Rnm_p(n,m): """ Generate radial polynomial for radial Zernikee""" pc = [] m = abs(m) for ik in range(int((n-m)/2)+1): num = (-1)**ik *np.math.factorial(int(n-ik)) den = np.math.factorial(int(ik))*np.math.factorial(int((n+m)/2-ik))*np.math.factorial(int((n-m)/2-ik)) pc.append(num/den) return np.array(pc)
[docs]def Rnm_eval(_r, _phi, n, m, a0): """Function to evaluate radial components""" # Obtain the polynomial coeffs: pn = Rnm_p(n,m) Rnm = np.zeros(_r.shape) for idx, ip in enumerate(pn): Rnm += ip*(_r/a0)**(n-2*idx) # Noll normalissation: Nnm = np.sqrt(2*n+2) return Nnm*Rnm
[docs]def ZPhi_eval(_phi, m): """ Fuction to generate azimuthal component """ if m < 0: ZPhi = 1/np.sqrt(np.pi)*np.sin(m*_phi) elif m>0: ZPhi = 1/np.sqrt(np.pi)*np.cos(m*_phi) else: ZPhi = 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*np.ones(_phi.shape) return ZPhi
[docs]def Znm_eval(_r,_phi, n, m, a0): _Rnm = Rnm_eval(_r, _phi, n, m, a0) _Pnm = ZPhi_eval(_phi, m) return _Rnm*_Pnm
[docs]def Gen_nm(n): """Generate n and m vectors containing n and m indices up to n, excluding zeroth mode""" vlen = np.sum(np.arange(2,n+2)) _n = np.zeros(vlen) _m = np.zeros(vlen) for iN in range(1,n+1): iStart=(np.sum(np.arange(2,iN-1+2))) iStop=(np.sum(np.arange(2,iN+2))) _n[iStart:iStop] = iN for im in range(iN+1): _m[iStart+im] = -iN+im*2 return _n,_m