
Map.get_z(self, double k, double phase_factor, model=None)

Calculates the 2D complex-valued array combining both the amplitude and OPD data stored in this map. This returned value is the 2D data that is integrated over to computed higher order mode scattering matrices.


Wave number


Optical path difference scaling factor

modelfinesse.Model, optional

Model object to use in calculating the map


Complex map array


Note that if the maps amplitude or OPD data is defined by a custom function that relies on model parameter data you will have to provide a current model to call this function.

The phase definition used here for converting OPD to phase is

\[\mathrm{amplitude}(x,y) exp(-i k \mathrm{OPD}(x,y)) \]

The phase_factor sign should be used to convert between different coordinates and types of. For example, reflections from port 1 side of a mirror phase_factor=-2. A minus sign is here because the surface normal is pointing back towards the beam, and the 2 is double passing the OPD.