Source code for finesse.detectors.knmdetector

"""Direct probing of coupling coefficients."""

from finesse.detectors.general import Detector
from finesse.detectors.compute.amplitude import (

from finesse.cymath.homs import field_index

[docs]class KnmDetector(Detector): """Direct probe of coupling coefficients at a component. This detector has several "modes" which depend upon the values given for the mode indices `n1`, `m1` and `n2`, `m2`. If: * all of `n1`, `m1`, `n2`, `m2` are specified then the detector will output a single complex coefficient corresponding to the coupling from ``(n1, m1) -> (n2, m2)``, * just `n1` and `m1` are specified then it will output a vector of complex coefficients corresponding to each coupling from ``(n1, m1) -> (n, m)`` for each mode ``(n, m)`` in the model, * only `n2` and `m2` are specified then it will output a vector of complex coefficients corresponding to each coupling from ``(n, m) -> (n2, m2)`` for each mode ``(n, m)`` in the model, * none of `n1`, `m1`, `n2`, `m2` are specified then the detector outputs the full matrix of complex coupling coefficients. .. hint:: When using this detector in "full-matrix" mode (i.e. by not giving the values for any of the mode indices), it can be useful to combine the output with the :class:`.KnmMatrix` object to obtain a more convenient representation of the scattering matrix. An example of this is shown below, where the output of a detector of this type is wrapped using :meth:`.KnmMatrix.from_buffer`. .. jupyter-execute:: import finesse finesse.configure(plotting=True) from finesse.knm.matrix import KnmMatrix IFO = finesse.Model() IFO.parse(''' l L0 P=1 link(L0, ITM) m ITM R=0.99 T=0.01 Rc=-2090 xbeta=0.3u s LARM ITM.p2 ETM.p1 L=4k m ETM R=0.99 T=0.01 Rc=2090 cav ARM ITM.p2 modes(x, maxtem=6) knmd K_itm_r ITM 22 ''') out = # Make a KnmMatrix wrapper around the output from the detector k_mat = KnmMatrix.from_buffer(out["K_itm_r"], IFO.homs) # Now we can perform operations such as plotting the scattering matrix k_mat.plot(cmap="bone"); See :ref:`arbitrary_scatter_matrices` for some examples on the utility that the :class:`.KnmMatrix` object provides. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of newly created KnmDetector. comp : :class:`.Connector` A component which can scatter modes. coupling : str Coupling direction string, e.g. "11" for coupling coefficients on reflection from the front surface of a mirror. n1, m1, n2, m2: int or None From (n1, m1) and To (n2, m2) mode indices of the coupling coefficient(s) to retrieve. See above for the options. """ def __init__(self, name, comp, coupling, n1=None, m1=None, n2=None, m2=None): Detector.__init__(self, name, label="Coupling coefficient", needs_trace=True) self.__comp = comp self.__coupling = str(coupling) if not self.__coupling.startswith("K"): self.__coupling = f"K{self.__coupling}" int_or_none = lambda x: None if x is None else int(x) self.n1 = int_or_none(n1) self.m1 = int_or_none(m1) self.n2 = int_or_none(n2) self.m2 = int_or_none(m2) if any(k < 0 for k in (self.n1, self.m1, self.n2, self.m2) if k is not None): raise ValueError("Mode indices cannot be negative.") for n, m in (("n1", "m1"), ("n2", "m2")): sn = getattr(self, n) sm = getattr(self, m) if (sn is None and sm is not None) or (sm is None and sn is not None): raise ValueError(f"Both of {n}, {m} must either be integers or None.") self.__mode1_given = self.n1 is not None self.__mode2_given = self.n2 is not None def _get_workspace(self, sim): # TODO (sjr) Move this block to a separate method which should get called # whenever number of modes in model changes, otherwise # querying self.dtype_shape or self.dtype_size will give # incorrect result until simulation performed. Not a big # problem though, as these are typically never accessed by user. if self.__mode1_given and self.__mode2_given: shape = () elif self.__mode1_given or self.__mode2_given: shape = (sim.model_settings.num_HOMs,) else: shape = (sim.model_settings.num_HOMs, sim.model_settings.num_HOMs) self._update_dtype_shape(shape) for n, m in [(self.n1, self.m1), (self.n2, self.m2)]: if n is None: continue index = self._model.mode_index_map.get((n, m)) if index is None: raise ValueError(f"The mode ({n},{m}) is not in the model!") ws = KnmDetectorWorkspace(self, sim) if self.__mode1_given: ws.from_idx = field_index(self.n1, self.m1, sim.model_settings.homs_view) if self.__mode2_given: ws.to_idx = field_index(self.n2, self.m2, sim.model_settings.homs_view) comp_ws = list(filter(lambda x: x.owner == self.__comp, sim.workspaces)) if not comp_ws: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find {} in simulation workspace" ) ws.knm_matrix = getattr(comp_ws[0], self.__coupling, None) if ws.knm_matrix is None: raise ValueError( f"Connector {} has no scattering " f"matrix coupling {self.__coupling}" ) if self.__mode1_given and self.__mode2_given: ws.set_output_fn(knm_detector_scalar_output) elif self.__mode1_given: ws.set_output_fn(knm_detector_mode1_output) elif self.__mode2_given: ws.set_output_fn(knm_detector_mode2_output) else: ws.set_output_fn(knm_detector_matrix_output) return ws