"""Collection of Actions that deal linear time invariant (LTI) modelling tasks."""
from ..runners import run_fsig_sweep
from ...solutions import BaseSolution
from ...components import DegreeOfFreedom
from .base import Action, names_to_nodes
import numpy as np
import logging
from finesse.components.node import NodeType
from finesse.exceptions import FinesseException
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class FrequencyResponseSolution(BaseSolution):
def __getitem__(self, key):
key = np.atleast_1d(key).tolist()
inp_key = slice(None, None, None)
out_key = slice(None, None, None)
for k in key:
_k = np.atleast_1d(k)
if all(_ in self.inputs for _ in _k):
inp_key = tuple(self.inputs.index(_) for _ in _k)
if all(_ in self.outputs for _ in _k):
out_key = tuple(self.outputs.index(_) for _ in _k)
slices = (slice(None, None, None), inp_key, out_key)
return self.out[slices].squeeze()
except (ValueError, IndexError, TypeError):
return super().__getitem__(key)
[docs] def plot_dofs(self, *dofs, axs=None, max_width=12, show_unity=False, **kwargs):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
if "show" in kwargs:
del kwargs["show"]
if len(dofs) == 0:
dofs = self.inputs
if axs is None:
# if no axes are given then grab the figure
# and any axes that are in it
fig = plt.gcf()
axs = np.atleast_2d(fig.axes)
axs = np.atleast_2d(axs)
fig = axs[0, 0].figure()
dofs = np.atleast_1d(dofs)
N = len(dofs)
W = min(5, max_width / N)
if np.prod(axs.shape) != N:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(
1, N, figsize=(W * N, 3.5), squeeze=False, sharey=True
if "label" not in kwargs:
kwargs["label"] = self.outputs
for i, dof in enumerate(dofs):
axs[0, i].loglog(self.f, abs(self[dof]), **kwargs)
axs[0, i].set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
axs[0, i].set_title(dof)
axs[0, i].legend()
if show_unity:
axs[0, i].hlines(
1, min(self.f), max(self.f), color="k", ls=":", zorder=-10
axs[0, 0].set_ylabel("OUTPUT/DOF")
return fig, axs
plot = plot_dofs # Default plot option
[docs] def plot_readouts(self, *readouts, axs=None, max_width=12, **kwargs):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if len(readouts) == 0:
readouts = self.outputs
readouts = np.atleast_1d(readouts)
if axs is None:
N = len(readouts)
W = min(5, max_width / N)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(
1, N, figsize=(W * N, 3.5), squeeze=False, sharey=True
fig = plt.gcf()
if "label" not in kwargs:
kwargs["label"] = self.inputs
for i, rd in enumerate(readouts):
axs[0, i].loglog(self.f, abs(self[rd]), **kwargs)
axs[0, i].set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
axs[0, i].set_title(rd)
axs[0, i].legend()
axs[0, 0].set_ylabel("OUTPUT/DOF")
return fig, axs
[docs]class FrequencyResponse(Action):
"""Computes the frequency response of a signal injceted at various nodes to compute
transfer functions to multiple output nodes. Inputs and outputs should be electrical
or mechanical nodes. It does this in an efficient way by using the same model and
solving for multiple RHS input vectors.
This action does not alter the model state. This action will ignore any currently
definied signal generator elements in the model.
Currently you cannot use optical nodes as either inputs or outputs. This is because
optical nodes can have a range of signal frequencies which there is no interface
for. This feature will be added at some point in the future.
f : array, double
Frequencies to compute the transfer functions over
inputs : iterable[str or Element]
Mechanical or electrical node to inject signal at
outputs : iterable[str or Element]
Mechanical or electrical nodes to measure output at
open_loop : bool, optional
Computes open loop transfer functions if the system has closed
name : str, optional
Solution name
Here we measure a set of transfer functions from DARM and CARM
to four readouts for a particular `model`,
>>> sol = model.run(FrequencyResponse(np.geomspace(0.1, 50000, 100),
... ('DARM', 'CARM'),
... ('AS.DC', 'AS45.I', 'AS45.Q', 'REFL9.I'),
... ))
Single inputs and outputs can also be specified
>>> model.run(FrequencyResponse(np.geomspace(0.1, 50000, 100), 'DARM', AS.DC'))
The transfer functions can then be accessed like a 2D array by name,
the ordering of inputs to outputs does not matter.
>>> sol['DARM'] # DARM to all outputs
>>> sol['DARM', 'AS.DC'] # DARM to AS.DC
>>> sol['DARM', ('AS.DC', 'AS45.I')]
>>> sol['AS.DC'] # All inputs to AS.DC readout
def __init__(
self, f, inputs, outputs, *, open_loop=False, name="frequency_response"
inputs = np.atleast_1d(inputs)
outputs = np.atleast_1d(outputs)
if f is None:
raise FinesseException("A frequency vector must be provided")
self.f = np.array(f, dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
except Exception:
# If the f is a symbol...
self.f = np.array(f.eval(), dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
if self.f.size == 0:
raise FinesseException("Frequency vector has size 0")
if any(self.f <= 0):
raise FinesseException(
"Frequency vector must contain values greater than 0"
def process(x, input):
if isinstance(x, DegreeOfFreedom):
if input:
return x.AC.i.full_name
return x.AC.o.full_name
elif isinstance(x, (str, np.str_)):
return x
else: # Try and get full_name
return x.full_name
self.inputs = list(process(i, True) for i in inputs)
self.outputs = list(process(o, False) for o in outputs)
self.open_loop = open_loop
def _do(self, state, fsig_independant_outputs=None, fsig_dependant_outputs=None):
input_rhs_indices = np.zeros(len(self.inputs), dtype=int)
output_rhs_indices = np.zeros(len(self.outputs), dtype=int)
# some signals will need to be scaled
input_scaling = np.ones(len(self.inputs), dtype=float)
output_scaling = np.ones(len(self.outputs), dtype=float)
for i, node in enumerate(
names_to_nodes(state.model, self.inputs, default_hints=("input",))
if node.type is NodeType.OPTICAL:
raise FinesseException(
f"Optical nodes ({node}) cannot be used with the frequency response action"
# set scaling for mechanical input signals
if node.type is NodeType.MECHANICAL:
input_scaling[i] /= state.sim.model_settings.x_scale
input_rhs_indices[i] = state.sim.signal.field(node, 0, 0)
for i, node in enumerate(
names_to_nodes(state.model, self.outputs, default_hints=("output",))
if node.type is NodeType.OPTICAL:
raise FinesseException(
f"Optical nodes ({node}) cannot be used with the frequency response action"
# set scaling for mechanical output signals
if node.type is NodeType.MECHANICAL:
output_scaling[i] *= state.sim.model_settings.x_scale
output_rhs_indices[i] = state.sim.signal.field(node, 0, 0)
sol = FrequencyResponseSolution(self.name)
sol.f = self.f
sol.inputs = self.inputs
sol.outputs = self.outputs
rtn = run_fsig_sweep(
if fsig_independant_outputs is not None
else None,
if fsig_dependant_outputs is not None
else None,
if len(rtn) == 2:
sol.out = rtn[0]
sol.extra_outputs = rtn[1]
sol.out = rtn
return sol
def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True):
memo["keep_nodes"].extend((_, ("input",)) for _ in self.inputs)
memo["keep_nodes"].extend((_, ("output",)) for _ in self.outputs)