#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import cmath import numpy as np import finesse import finesse.components as fc import finesse.detectors as det from finesse.analysis.actions import FrequencyResponse, Noxaxis finesse.init_plotting() # In[2]: L = 3994.5 # [m] I = 0.757 # [kg.m^2] c = 299792458 # [m.s^-1] f_sus = 0.6 # [Hz] model = finesse.Model() model.fsig.f = 1 # set some initial signal frequency model.modes(maxtem=1) # first order modes for modelling alignment signals LASER = model.add(fc.Laser("LASER", P=1000)) # Add two mirrors for the cavity and attach a pendulum mechanics M1 = model.add(fc.Mirror("M1", R=0.986, T=0.014, Rc=1934)) model.add( fc.mechanical.Pendulum( "M1_sus", model.M1.mech, mass=np.inf, I_yaw=np.inf, I_pitch=I, fpitch=f_sus ) ) M2 = model.add(fc.Mirror("M2", R=1, T=0, Rc=2245)) model.add( fc.mechanical.Pendulum( "M2_sus", model.M2.mech, mass=np.inf, I_yaw=np.inf, I_pitch=I, fpitch=f_sus ) ) model.connect(M1.p1, M2.p1, L=L) model.connect(LASER.p1, M1.p2) model.add(fc.Cavity('cavARM', M2.p1.o)) model.add(det.PowerDetector('P', M1.p1.o)); # cavity power # In[3]: # Now we compute the decomposition of HARD and SOFT modes into motions of M1 and M2 g_1 = 1 - float(L / np.abs(M1.Rcx.value)) # input mirror g-factor g_2 = 1 - float(L / np.abs(M2.Rcx.value)) # end mirror g-factor r = model.add_parameter( 'r', 2 / ((g_1 - g_2) + np.sqrt((g_2 - g_1) ** 2 + 4)), description='r term in eq.3.5 in T0900511', ) # In[4]: HARD = model.add(fc.DegreeOfFreedom("HARD", M1.dofs.F_pitch, -1, M2.dofs.F_pitch, +r.ref)) SOFT = model.add(fc.DegreeOfFreedom("SOFT", M1.dofs.F_pitch, +r.ref, M2.dofs.F_pitch, +1)) print(HARD.amplitudes) print(SOFT.amplitudes) # In[5]: print("model.r = ", model.r.eval()) print("Current HARD amplutudes:", HARD.amplitudes.astype(float)) # In[6]: print(repr(model.M1.dofs.F_pitch.AC_IN)) print(repr(model.M1.dofs.F_pitch.AC_OUT)) print(repr(model.M1.dofs.F_pitch.DC)) # In[7]: LASER.P = 1410 * 3/2 # get to roughly 600kW freq_resp = FrequencyResponse( np.geomspace(0.1, 10, 2000), [HARD.AC.i, SOFT.AC.i], [HARD.AC.o, SOFT.AC.o], ) sol = model.run(freq_resp) # Alsp compute a single data point of the detectors to compute the power # circulating in the cavity out = model.run(Noxaxis()) print(sol.out.shape) # In[8]: omega_0 = 2 * np.pi * f_sus P = out['P'] # Eq 2 from https://opg.optica.org/ao/fulltext.cfm?uri=ao-49-18-3474 omega_plus = np.sqrt( omega_0**2 + P * L / (I * c) * (-(g_1 + g_2) + cmath.sqrt(4+(g_1 - g_2)**2))/ (1 - g_1*g_2) ) omega_minus = np.sqrt( omega_0**2 + P * L / (I * c) * (-(g_1 + g_2) - cmath.sqrt(4+(g_1 - g_2)**2))/ (1 - g_1*g_2) ) axs = finesse.plotting.bode(sol.f, sol['HARD.AC.o', 'HARD.AC.i'], label='HARD') axs = finesse.plotting.bode(sol.f, sol['SOFT.AC.o', 'SOFT.AC.i'], label='SOFT', axs=axs) axs[0].vlines(omega_0 / 2 / np.pi, -70, 60, ls='--', label=f'$\\omega_{{0}} = {omega_0.real / 2 / np.pi:0.2f}$Hz', color='k', zorder=-100) axs[0].vlines(omega_plus.real / 2 / np.pi, -70, 60, ls='--', label=f'$\\omega_{{+}} = {omega_plus.real / 2 / np.pi:0.2f}$Hz', zorder=-100) axs[0].vlines(omega_minus.real / 2 / np.pi, -70, 60, color='red', ls='--', label=f'$\\omega_{{-}} = {omega_minus.real / 2 / np.pi:0.2f}$Hz', zorder=-100) axs[0].margins(0) axs[0].set_title(f"E.Hirose, Appl. Opt. 49, 3474-3484 (2010)\nEq.2 vs FINESSE3, P={P / 1e3:0.0f}kW") axs[0].legend() axs[0].set_ylabel("Magnitude [dB - rad/Nm]") # In[9]: LASER.P = 100 sol = model.run(freq_resp) axs = finesse.plotting.bode(sol.f, sol['HARD.AC.o', 'HARD.AC.i'], label='HARD') finesse.plotting.bode(sol.f, sol['SOFT.AC.o', 'SOFT.AC.i'], label='SOFT', axs=axs) # In[10]: LASER.P = 1410 * 3/2 # get to roughly 600kW model.r = 1 # Or alternatively you can replace the amplitudes directly with something like # HARD.amplitudes[:] = [-1, +1] # SOFT.amplitudes[:] = [+1, +1] sol = model.run(freq_resp) axs = finesse.plotting.bode(sol.f, sol['HARD.AC.o', 'HARD.AC.i'], label='HARD') finesse.plotting.bode(sol.f, sol['SOFT.AC.o', 'SOFT.AC.i'], label='SOFT', axs=axs)