#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import finesse finesse.configure(plotting=True) kat = finesse.Model() kat.parse( """ # Add a Laser named L0 with a power of 1 W. l L0 P=1 # Space attaching L0 <-> m1 with length of 0 m (default). s s0 L0.p1 m1.p1 # Input mirror of cavity. m m1 R=0.99 T=0.01 # Intra-cavity space with length of 1 m. s CAV m1.p2 m2.p1 L=1 # End mirror of cavity. m m2 R=0.991 T=0.009 # Power detectors on reflection, circulation and transmission. pd refl m1.p1.o pd circ m2.p1.i pd trns m2.p2.o """ ) # In[2]: # Scan over the detuning DOF of m1 from -180 deg to +180 deg with 400 points. out = kat.run("xaxis(m1.phi, lin, -180, 180, 400)") out.plot(logy=True); # In[3]: # Add some curvatures to our mirrors. kat.m1.Rc = -0.7 kat.m2.Rc = 0.7 # Define the cavity. kat.parse("cavity cavity1 source=m1.p2.o via=m2.p1.i priority=1") # Plot the beam trace, starting from cavity the eigenmode. tsy = finesse.tracing.tools.propagate_beam( to_node=kat.L0.p1.i, from_node=kat.m2.p1.o, direction="y" ) tsy.plot(); # In[4]: # Remove s0 so we can add in a lens. # FIXME kat.remove is not yet working, so we use a list # comprehension to remove s0 from the model and # reparse it into a new model. (See unparse below) kat2 = finesse.Model() kat2.parse( "\n".join( [l for l in kat.unparse().splitlines() if "s0" not in l] ) ) # Add a silicon lens with an AR surface to the input coupler. kat2.parse( """ space s0 L0.p1 m1_AR.p1 L=0.5 mirror m1_AR R=100e-6 L=10e-6 Rc=-0.3 space s_M1_sub portA=m1_AR.p2 portB=m1.p1 L=10e-3 nr=3.5 """ ) # Plot beam trace, starting from the cavity eigenmode. tsy = finesse.tracing.tools.propagate_beam( to_node=kat2.L0.p1.i, from_node=kat2.m2.p1.o, direction="y" ) tsy.plot(); # In[5]: print(kat) # In[6]: print(kat.component_tree(kat.L0)) # In[7]: print(kat.unparse())