#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import finesse finesse.configure(plotting=True) power = 1.5 # default laser power in Watt w0 = 10e-3 # default gaussian waist size in meter3 alpha = 30 # angle of incidence for both BS in degrees0 xbeta = 1e-5 # default tilt of both beam splitters in radians s1 = 1000 # distance till 1st beamsplitter s2 = 400 # distance between beamsplitters s3 = 600 # default distance between 2nd beamsplitter and detector z0 = -1200 # default waist position, 1200 meter right of laser maxtem = 7 # default maxtem basescript = f""" laser l1 P={power} gauss g1 l1.p1.o w0={w0} z={z0} modes(maxtem={maxtem}) space s1 l1.p1 bs1.p1 L={s1} beamsplitter bs1 R=1 T=0 alpha={alpha} xbeta={xbeta} space s2 bs1.p2 bs2.p1 L={s2} beamsplitter bs2 R=1 T=0 alpha=bs1.alpha xbeta=bs1.xbeta space s3 bs2.p2 n1.p1 L={s3} # Add a 'nothing' component at the location of the detector nothing n1 """ basekat = finesse.Model() basekat.parse(basescript) # In[2]: # Simulations: measure beam 600 and 1000 meter after second BS s3a = 600 s3b = 1000 kat1 = finesse.Model() kat1.parse(basescript) kat1.parse(""" # Set a 1-D CCD at n1, measure around peak at 0.8 at 600 and 1000m ccdline ccd1 node=n1.p1.i xlim=[0.5,1.0] npts=200 # Also put a full 2-D CCD at the same position ccd ccd2 node=n1.p1.i xlim=[-3,3] ylim=[-3,3] npts=200 """) out1 = kat1.run(f""" series( noxaxis(name="S600"), change(s3.L={s3b}), noxaxis(name="S1000") ) """) # In[3]: # Plot the results f,ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) for (i, name, s3val) in ([0, 'S600', s3a], [1, 'S1000', s3b]): ax[i].plot(kat1.ccd1.xdata, out1[name]['ccd1'],'r') ax[i].set_title(f"{s3val:.0f} meter") ax[i].set_xlabel("x/w0") ax[i].set_ylabel("intensity") # In[4]: f,ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, figsize=(5, 5)) pxy_extent = (kat1.ccd2.xdata.min(), kat1.ccd2.xdata.max(), kat1.ccd2.ydata.min(), kat1.ccd2.ydata.max()) ax.imshow(out1['S600']['ccd2'].T, aspect='auto', extent = pxy_extent) ax.set_xlabel("x/w0") ax.set_ylabel("y/w0"); # In[5]: # Plotting range for x: [peak-dx...peak+dx] dx = 0.8 # Calculate expected Delta and delta phi Delta = s2*np.sin(2*xbeta)/w0 dphi = 2*s2*np.sin(xbeta)**2/basekat.lambda0*360 kat2 = finesse.Model() kat2.parse(basescript) kat2.parse(f""" fline fl1 node=n1.p1.i xlim=[{Delta}-{dx},{Delta}+{dx}] npts=200 fline fl2 node=n1.p1.i xlim=[-{dx},{dx}] npts=40 """) out2 = kat2.run(""" series( noxaxis(name='full'), change(bs1.xbeta=0), noxaxis(name='ref') ) """) # In[6]: f,ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, figsize=(8, 5)) ax.plot(kat2.fl1.xdata, np.angle(out2['full']['fl1'], deg=True), 'r', label="measured") ax.plot(kat2.fl2.xdata + Delta, np.angle(out2['ref']['fl2'], deg=True) + dphi, 'bp', label="prediction") ax.set_title("xbeta=1e-5 radian, with predicted peak") ax.set_xlabel("x/w0") ax.set_ylabel("phase (°)") ax.legend(loc='lower center'); # In[7]: kat3 = finesse.Model() kat3.parse(basescript) # Note: important to specify n,m kat3.parse("amplitude_detector ad1 node=n1.p1.i f=0 n=0 m=0") out3 = kat3.run("xaxis(bs1.xbeta, lin, -1.5e-5, 1.5e-5, 40)") # In[8]: f,ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, figsize=(8, 5)) ax.plot(out3.x[0], np.angle(out3['ad1'], deg=True), 'r', label="measured") ax.plot(out3.x[0], 2*s2*np.sin(out3.x[0])**2/basekat.lambda0*360, 'bp', label="2s·sin²(β)/λ·360°") ax.set_title("measured versus calculated") ax.set_xlabel("xbeta (radian)") ax.set_ylabel("phase (°)") ax.legend(loc="upper center");