Source code for

"""Beam propagation tools for use outside of a simulation context.

The recommended function for most use-cases is
:func:`` (and
:func:`` for astigmatic beam propagations)
which traces a beam through a specified path of a model. See :ref:`propagating_beams`
for details and examples.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

import numpy as np
from import Callable

from ..components import Cavity
from ..components.general import InteractionType
from ..gaussian import BeamParam
from ..paths import OpticalPath
from ..env import warn
from ..tracing.tree import TraceTree
from import (
from ..utilities import refractive_index

from . import cytools

from finesse.components.node import OpticalNode

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

### Composite ABCD matrices ###

[docs]def compute_abcd( from_node=None, to_node=None, via_node=None, path=None, direction="x", symbolic=False, simplify=False, solution_name=None, ): """Computes the composite ABCD matrix through a given path. By setting the argument `symbolic` to true, this method will return a symbolic representation of the ABCD matrix rather than a numeric matrix. Parameters ---------- from_node : :class:`.Node` Node to trace from. to_node : :class:`.Node` Node to trace to. via_node : :class:`.Node`, optional Optional node to trace via. path : :class:`.OpticalPath`, optional A pre-generated path to use (produced from a call to :meth:`.Model.path`). directon : str, optional Direction of ABCD matrix computation (can be 'x', for tangential plane, or 'y', for sagittal plane). symbolic : bool, tuple(Parameters), optional; default: False If False a numerical ABCD propagation is computed. If True, a symbolic ABCD propagation is calculated instead. A tuple of parameters can also be provided, in this case these parameters will be kept symbolic simplify : bool, optional Attempt to simplify symbolic equations, can be slow for complex models Returns ------- out : :class:`.ABCDSolution` ABCD matrix solution object between the specified nodes. """ path = _make_path(from_node, to_node, via_node, path) # Make a tree from the forward path... t_initial = TraceTree.from_path(path.nodes) if t_initial is None: raise ValueError("Cannot compute ABCD matrix from a node to itself!") # ... then get the last branch as full ABCD is # computed from multiplying each ABCD upwards # through the full tree (i.e. correct multiplication order) t = t_initial.get_last_left_branch() t.node._model._update_symbolic_abcds() M = handle_symbolic( t, direction, simplify=simplify, symbolic=symbolic, sym_func=cytools.compute_symbolic_abcd, num_func=cytools.compute_numeric_abcd, ) fn = path.nodes[0] tn = path.nodes[-1] comp1 = fn.component comp2 = tn.component # Workaround for ABCD at single connector, reverting minus sign applied # due to co-ordinate system transformation on reflection if ( comp1 is comp2 and direction == "x" and comp1.is_valid_coupling(fn, tn) and comp1.interaction_type(fn, tn) == InteractionType.REFLECTION ): M *= -1 if solution_name is None: solution_name = f"ABCD_{fn.full_name}_{tn.full_name}_{direction}" if symbolic: solution_name += "_sym" return ABCDSolution(solution_name, M, direction, symbolic)
### Accumulated Gouy phases ###
[docs]def acc_gouy( from_node=None, to_node=None, via_node=None, path=None, q_in=None, direction="x", symbolic=False, deg=True, **kwargs, ): """Computes the accumulated Gouy phase along a specified path. By setting the argument `symbolic` to true, this method will return a symbolic representation of the accumulated Gouy phase rather than a number. If the argument `q_in` is not specified then this value will be determined from a call to :meth:`.Model.beam_trace`. Arguments to this beam trace call can be passed via the `kwargs` of this method. Parameters ---------- from_node : :class:`.Node` Node to trace from. to_node : :class:`.Node` Node to trace to. via_node : :class:`.Node`, optional Optional node to trace via. path : :class:`.OpticalPath`, optional A pre-generated path to use. q_in : :class:`.BeamParam`, complex, optional Beam parameter to use at starting node. If not specified then this will be determined from a beam trace. Note that, if specified, this can also be a symbolic beam parameter. direction : str, optional; default: "x" Plane of computation (can be 'x', 'y' or `None`). symbolic : bool, optional; default: False Flag determining whether to return a symbolic representation. degrees : bool, optional; default: True Flag determining whether to convert return value from radians to degrees. """ path = _make_path(from_node, to_node, via_node, path) t = TraceTree.from_path(path.nodes) if t is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot calculate accumulated Gouy phase from a node to itself!" ) q_in = _make_input_q(q_in, t.node, direction, **kwargs) if q_in.wavelength != t.node._model.lambda0: warn( f"In acc_gouy:\n" f" Wavelength of input beam parameter ({q_in.wavelength} m) not equal " f"to wavelength of model associated with path ({t.node._model.lambda0} m)." ) if q_in.symbolic and not symbolic: "In acc_gouy:\n" " Specified q_in argument is symbolic, switching on " "symbolic Gouy phase accumulation." ) symbolic = True if symbolic: return cytools.compute_symbolic_acc_gouy(t, q_in, direction, deg) return cytools.compute_numeric_acc_gouy(t, complex(q_in), direction, deg)
### Arbitrary beam propagations ###
[docs]def propagate_beam( from_node=None, to_node=None, via_node=None, path=None, q_in=None, direction="x", symbolic=False, simplify=False, solution_name=None, reverse_propagate=False, **kwargs, ): """Propagates a beam through a specified path, returning dictionaries of the beam parameter at each node and component. This method returns a :class:`.PropagationSolution` instance. See :ref:`propagating_beams` for details and examples on using this function. By setting the argument `symbolic` to true, this method will return symbolic representations of the beam parameters, ABCD matrices and accumulated Gouy phases. Specific symbols can be kept by passing a list of symbol names to `symbolic` instead of a True or False flag. Any symbol names not provided will use their current evaluated value. The `simplify` flag when True will try to apply symbolic simplification to the beam propagation. For long propagations through many components using many symbols, this will be slow and might be faster not using any simplification. The argument `q_in` can be used to specify an arbitrary input beam parameter to be used at the starting node of the propagation. If not given then this will be determined from a call to :meth:`.Model.beam_trace`. Arguments to this beam trace call can be passed via the `kwargs` of this method. Parameters ---------- from_node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node to trace from. to_node : :class:`.OpticalNode` Node to trace to. via_node : :class:`.OpticalNode`, optional Optional node to trace via. path : :class:`.OpticalPath`, optional A pre-generated path to use. q_in : :class:`.BeamParam`, complex, optional Beam parameter to use at starting node. If not specified then this will be determined from a beam trace. Note that, if specified, this can also be a symbolic beam parameter. direction : str, optional; default: "x" Plane of computation (can be 'x', 'y' or `None`). symbolic : bool, tuple(Parameters), optional; default: False If False a numerical ABCD propagation is computed. If True, a symbolic ABCD propagation is calculated instead. A tuple of parameters can also be provided, in this case these parameters will be kept symbolic simplify : bool, optional When True, symbolic simplication will be attempted. When using many symbols and large propagation paths this will significantly increase computational time. reverse_propagate : bool, optional When True, the beam will be propagated in the reverse of the optical path found. This allows beams to be traced backwards through components like directional beamsplitters. Returns ------- ps : :class:`.PropagationSolution` A solution object for the propagation. """ if reverse_propagate: path = _make_path( OpticalNode.get_opposite_direction(to_node), OpticalNode.get_opposite_direction(from_node), via_node.opposite if via_node is not None else None, path, ) t = TraceTree.from_path([n.opposite for n in path.nodes[::-1]]) else: path = _make_path(from_node, to_node, via_node, path) t = TraceTree.from_path(path.nodes) if t is None: raise ValueError("Cannot propagate beam from a node to itself!") q_in = _make_input_q(q_in, t.node, direction, **kwargs) if q_in.wavelength != t.node._model.lambda0: warn( f"In propagate_beam:\n" f" Wavelength of input beam parameter ({q_in.wavelength} m) not equal " f"to wavelength of model associated with path ({t.node._model.lambda0} m)." ) if q_in.symbolic and not symbolic: "In propagate_beam:\n" " Specified q_in argument is symbolic, switching on " "symbolic propagation." ) symbolic = True node_info, comp_info = handle_symbolic( t, q_in, direction, symbolic=symbolic, simplify=simplify, sym_func=cytools.propagate_beam_symbolic, num_func=cytools.propagate_beam_numeric, ) if solution_name is None: fn = path.nodes[0] tn = path.nodes[-1] solution_name = f"Propagation_{fn.full_name}_{tn.full_name}_{direction}" if symbolic: solution_name += "_sym" return PropagationSolution(solution_name, node_info, comp_info, symbolic)
[docs]def propagate_beam_astig( from_node=None, to_node=None, via_node=None, path=None, qx_in=None, qy_in=None, symbolic=False, solution_name=None, reverse_propagate=False, **kwargs, ): """Propagates the beam through a specified path over both the tangential and sagittal planes. Internally this calls :func:`` twice - for both the tangential and sagittal planes - and returns a solution object which stores the returns of these as properties. Parameters ---------- from_node : :class:`.Node` Node to trace from. to_node : :class:`.Node` Node to trace to. via_node : :class:`.Node`, optional Optional node to trace via. path : :class:`.OpticalPath`, optional A pre-generated path to use. qx_in : :class:`.BeamParam`, complex, optional Beam parameter, in the tangential plane, to use at starting node. If not specified then this will be determined from a beam trace. Note that, if specified, this can also be a symbolic beam parameter. qy_in : :class:`.BeamParam`, complex, optional Beam parameter, in the sagittal plane, to use at starting node. If not specified then this will be determined from a beam trace. Note that, if specified, this can also be a symbolic beam parameter. symbolic : bool, optional; default: False Flag determining whether to return a symbolic representation. Returns ------- astig_sol : :class:`.AstigmaticPropagationSolution` A solution object consisting of the propagation solutions for both planes and methods for accessing the per-plane beam parameters and overlaps. """ ps_x = propagate_beam( from_node, to_node, via_node, q_in=qx_in, direction="x", symbolic=symbolic, reverse_propagate=reverse_propagate, **kwargs, ) ps_y = propagate_beam( from_node, to_node, via_node, q_in=qy_in, direction="y", symbolic=symbolic, reverse_propagate=reverse_propagate, **kwargs, ) if solution_name is None: fn = ps_x.start_node tn = ps_x.end_node solution_name = f"AstigProp_{fn.full_name}_{tn.full_name}" if symbolic: solution_name += "_sym" return AstigmaticPropagationSolution(solution_name, ps_x, ps_y)
[docs]def handle_symbolic( *args, symbolic: tuple | bool, simplify: bool, sym_func: Callable, num_func: Callable, ): """Handles logic for the 'symbolic' argument for :func:`propagate_beam` and :func:`compute_abcd`. Parameters ---------- symbolic : tuple | bool If True or a tuple, returns a symbolic equation. If tuple, only returns symbolic equation with symbols in the tuple. Else returns numeric. simplify : bool Wether to simplify the symbolics sym_func : Callable Function to call for symbolic solution num_func : Callable Function to call for numeric solution Returns ------- Any Symbolic or numeric solution Raises ------ ValueError When 'symbolic' is not a tuple or a boolean """ if not isinstance(symbolic, (tuple, bool)): raise ValueError(f"{symbolic} must be Tuple or Boolean") if isinstance(symbolic, tuple): _symbolic = symbolic elif symbolic: _symbolic = None # use all symbols else: return num_func(*args) return sym_func(*args, simplify, _symbolic)
### Computing mode mismatches ###
[docs]def compute_cavity_mismatches(model, cav1=None, cav2=None): """Computes the mismatch parameter (see :meth:`.BeamParam.mismatch` for the equation) between cavities of the model. If either / both of `cav1`, `cav2` are not specified then these will be set to all the cavities of the model. This means that the default behaviour of this method (specifying no args) is to compute mismatches between each cavity in the model. If either of each cavity in a coupling is unstable then the mismatch values between these will be given as ``np.nan``. Parameters ---------- cav1 : :class:`.Cavity`, str, optional; default: None A single cavity object (or its name). Defaults to None such that all cavities are used. cav2 : :class:`.Cavity`, str, optional; default: None A single cavity object (or its name). Defaults to None such that all cavities are used. Returns ------- mmx : float or dict If both `cav1` and `cav2` were specified then this will be a single number giving the mismatch between these cavities in the tangential plane. Otherwise, mmx is a dictionary of ``(c1, c2): mm_x`` mappings, where `c1` and `c2` are the cavity names and `mm_x` is the mismatch between any two cavities in the tangential plane. mmy : float or dict If both `cav1` and `cav2` were specified then this will be a single number giving the mismatch between these cavities in the sagittal plane. Otherwise, mmy is a dictionary of ``(c1, c2): mm_y`` mappings, where `c1` and `c2` are the cavity names and `mm_y` is the mismatch between any two cavities in the sagittal plane. """ if cav1 is None: cavs_outer = model.cavities else: if isinstance(cav1, str): _c1 = model.elements.get(cav1) else: _c1 = cav1 if not isinstance(_c1, Cavity): raise ValueError(f"Invalid argument type/name for cav1: {cav1}") cavs_outer = [_c1] if cav2 is None: cavs_inner = model.cavities else: if isinstance(cav2, str): _c2 = model.elements.get(cav2) else: _c2 = cav2 if not isinstance(_c2, Cavity): raise ValueError(f"Invalid argument type/name for cav2: {cav2}") cavs_inner = [_c2] mm_x = {} mm_y = {} for c1 in cavs_outer: if not c1.is_stable: for c2 in cavs_inner: mm_x[(,] = mm_x[(,] = np.nan mm_y[(,] = mm_y[(,] = np.nan else: trace = model.beam_trace(store=False, enable_only=c1) for c2 in cavs_inner: if not c2.is_stable: mm_x[(,] = mm_x[(,] = np.nan mm_y[(,] = mm_y[(,] = np.nan elif c1 is c2: mm_x[(,] = mm_x[(,] = 0 mm_y[(,] = mm_y[(,] = 0 else: q1x, q1y = trace[c2.source] q2x, q2y = c2.qx, c2.qy mmx = BeamParam.mismatch(q1x, q2x) mmy = BeamParam.mismatch(q1y, q2y) mm_x[(,] = mm_x[(,] = mmx mm_y[(,] = mm_y[(,] = mmy if cav1 is not None and cav2 is not None: return list(mm_x.values())[0], list(mm_y.values())[0] return mm_x, mm_y
### Convenience functions ### def _make_path(from_node, to_node, via_node, path): if path is not None: if from_node is not None or to_node is not None or via_node is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify both path and any of " "(from_node, to_node, via_node)." ) if not isinstance(path, OpticalPath): raise TypeError( "Expected path to be of type OpticalPath (i.e. return " "value of a Model.path call), but got an object of " f"type: {type(path)}" ) else: if from_node is None or to_node is None: raise ValueError("One of: path OR (from_node, to_node) must be specified.") model = from_node._model if to_node._model is not model: raise ValueError( f"{from_node.full_name} and {to_node.full_name} are from " "different models." ) path = model.path(from_node, to_node, via_node=via_node) return path def _make_input_q(q_in, node, direction, **kwargs): model = node._model if q_in is None: trace = model.beam_trace(store=False, **kwargs) qx_in, qy_in = trace[node] if direction == "x": q_in = qx_in else: q_in = qy_in else: model._update_symbolic_abcds() if not isinstance(q_in, BeamParam): q_in = BeamParam( q=q_in, wavelength=model.lambda0, nr=refractive_index(node), ) return q_in