"""KatScript lexer for syntax highlighting with Pygments.
Note that this plugin is used in the documentation as well, it provides the syntax
highlighting for the code-block:katscript directive
from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, using, bygroups
import pygments
import pygments.token as token
import re
[docs]class KatScriptPygmentsLexer(Lexer):
name = "KatScript"
aliases = ["katscript", "kat"]
filenames = ["*.kat"]
# Default map of KatToken types to pygments.token types.
token_map = {
# POWER and FLOORDIVIDE aren't needed since Pygments instead assumes these to be
# two TIMES and DIVIDE tokens respectively.
"COMMENT": token.Comment,
"BOOLEAN": token.Keyword.Reserved,
"NONE": token.Text,
"REFERENCE": token.Name.Variable,
"NUMBER": token.Number,
"DIVIDE": token.Operator,
"EQUALS": token.Operator,
"MINUS": token.Operator,
"PLUS": token.Operator,
"TIMES": token.Operator,
"COMMA": token.Punctuation,
"LPAREN": token.Punctuation,
"RPAREN": token.Punctuation,
"LBRACKET": token.Punctuation,
"RBRACKET": token.Punctuation,
"STRING": token.String,
"NAME": token.Text,
"NEWLINE": token.Text,
"WHITESPACE": token.Text,
[docs] def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
from finesse.script.parser import KatParser
import finesse.script.containers as containers
parser = KatParser()
script = parser.parse(text)
# Many tokens are typed as "NAME", with no other information available in
# `script.sorted_tokens`. We therefore first do a pass through
# `script.arguments` (where this information is available), and tag those that
# have some special meaning.
for arg in script.arguments:
if isinstance(arg, containers.KatFunction):
arg.directive._syntax_highlight_type = token.Name.Function.Magic
elif isinstance(arg, containers.KatElement):
arg.directive._syntax_highlight_type = token.Keyword.Type
arg.name._syntax_highlight_type = token.Text
for tok in script.sorted_tokens:
if isinstance(tok, containers.KatMetaToken):
elif hasattr(tok, "_syntax_highlight_type"):
# If we've already tagged this token, just use the tagged type.
yield tok.start_index, tok._syntax_highlight_type, tok.raw_value
elif tok.type == "NAME" and "." in tok.raw_value:
# Assume any "foo.bar" style tokens are variables.
split = tok.raw_value.split(".")
yield tok.start_index, token.Text, split[0]
pos = tok.start_index + len(split[0])
for s in split[1:]:
yield pos, token.Punctuation, "."
pos += 1
yield pos, token.Text, s
pos += len(s)
elif tok.type == "REFERENCE":
# Don't highlight the initial "&" in a reference, as it's really an
# operator.
yield tok.start_index, token.Operator, tok.raw_value[0]
yield tok.start_index + 1, self.token_map[tok.type], tok.raw_value[1:]
yield tok.start_index, self.token_map[tok.type], tok.raw_value
[docs]class KatScriptSubstringPygmentsLexer(RegexLexer):
name = "KatScriptInPython"
aliases = ["katscriptinpython"]
flags = re.DOTALL
tokens = {
"root": [
bygroups(using(pygments.lexers.python.PythonLexer), None),
(".+", using(pygments.lexers.python.PythonLexer)),
"katscript": [