#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import finesse finesse.configure(plotting=True) model = finesse.Model() model.parse( """ laser i1 P=1 f=0 space s1 portA=i1.p1 portB=eo1.p1 modulator eo1 15M 0.7 order=3 space s2 portA=eo1.p2 portB=m1.p1 mirror m1 R=0.9 T=0.1 space s3 portA=m1.p2 portB=m2.p1 L=1 mirror m2 R=0.9 T=0.1 power_detector_dc refl node=m1.p1.o power_detector_dc trans node=m2.p2.o """ ) # In[2]: import numpy as np for phase in np.linspace(0, 90, endpoint=True, num=6): model.parse(f"pd1 pdh{phase:.0f} node=m1.p1.o f=eo1.f phase={phase:.0f}") # In[3]: model.parse("xaxis(m2.phi, lin, -100, 100, 400)") model.run().plot(); # In[4]: def remove_demod_pds(verbose=True): for el in model.elements: if el.startswith('pdh'): model.remove(el) if verbose: print(f'Removed {el}') # Remove the old detectors. remove_demod_pds() # Create another array of phases. phases = np.arange(0,90,1) for phase in phases: model.parse(f"pd1 pdh{phase:.0f} node=m1.p1.o f=eo1.f phase={phase:.0f}") # Sweep the mirror tuning across 3 points: ±1° and 0. model.parse("xaxis(m2.phi, lin, -1, 1, 2)") out = model.run() # Calculate the gradient of the error signal. grad = [] for phase in phases: var = out[f'pdh{phase}'] grad.append((var[0] - var[-1])/2) # Find the maximum gradient. grad = np.array(grad) idxmax = np.argmax(np.abs(grad)) print(f'Maximum error signal gradient occurs at {phases[idxmax]} degrees') # Plot. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(phases,grad) plt.xlabel('Demodulation Phase (°)') plt.ylabel('Error Signal Gradient (arb)'); # In[5]: remove_demod_pds(verbose=False) model.parse(""" power_detector_demod_1 pdh node=m1.p1.o f=eo1.f phase=9 lock lock_length pdh m1.phi -10 1e-8 xaxis(m2.phi, lin, 0, 100, 400, pre_step=run_locks()) """) model.run().plot(); # In[6]: import finesse import numpy as np finesse.init_plotting() model = finesse.Model() model.parse( """ laser i1 P=1 f=0 space s1 portA=i1.p1 portB=eo1.p1 modulator eo1 15M 0.7 order=3 space s2 portA=eo1.p2 portB=m1.p1 mirror m1 R=0.9 T=0.1 space s3 portA=m1.p2 portB=m2.p1 L=1 mirror m2 R=0.9 T=0.1 pd1 pdh_complex m1.p1.o f=eo1.f """ ) # In[7]: eps = 1e-9 # finite difference step size for gradient calculation model.parse(f"xaxis(m1.phi, lin, -{eps / 2}, {eps / 2}, 1, relative=True)") sol = model.run() # compute the real and imaginary gradient with respect to the # cavity length change, then compute the complex argument (angle) # to get the optimial demodulation phase opt_demod = np.angle( np.gradient( sol['pdh_complex'], eps ).mean(), # take mean as we need deg=True # make sure we compute angle in degrees ) print(opt_demod) # In[8]: model.parse(f""" pd1 pdh_I m1.p1.o f=eo1.f phase={opt_demod} pd1 pdh_Q m1.p1.o f=eo1.f phase={opt_demod + 90} xaxis(m1.phi, lin, -50, 50, 200) """) sol = model.run() sol.plot('pdh_I', 'pdh_Q');