
KnmConnectorWorkspace.set_knm_info(self, connection, double[:, ::1] abcd_x=abcd_unity, double[:, ::1] abcd_y=abcd_unity, double nr_from=1, double nr_to=1, bool is_transmission=False, Parameter beta_x=None, double beta_x_factor=0, Parameter beta_y=None, double beta_y_factor=0, Parameter alpha=None, Map apply_map=None, double map_phase_factor=1, bool map_fliplr=False)

Python facing method to set how Knm calculations should be handled for a particular connection. When the workspace is being created this should be called if modal simualtions are being used. This then sets which ABCD matricies to use, various parameters required, and whether the connection is a transmission or reflection.

This method should only be called once with the required settings. Calling it again will rewrite settings for this connection.

abcd_x, abcd_ydouble[:,::1]

ABCD matrices that transform some input beam parameter to the output of this connection

nr_from, nr_todouble

refractive index at the input and output of this connection


True if this connection represents a transmission through an element

beta_x, beta_yParameter

Parameter objects that reference a yaw (beta_x) and pitch (beta_y) misalignment

beta_x_factor, beta_y_factordouble

Scaling factor for misalignment parameters


Macroscopic angle of incidence parameter for the element


When set this will apply the map object to this connection


When True the map is flipped left-to-right when computing the scattering coefficients