Source code for finesse.utilities.homs

"""Functions for manipulating Higher Order Modes."""

import logging
import numbers
import math

import numpy as np
import scipy.special

from ..env import warn
from ..exceptions import ContextualValueError

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def make_modes(select=None, maxtem=None): """Construct a 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` of HOM indices. Parameters ---------- select : sequence, str, optional; default: None Identifier for the mode indices to generate. This can be: - An iterable of mode indices, where each element in the iterable must unpack to two integer convertible values. - A string identifying the type of modes to include, must be one of "even", "odd", "tangential" (or "x") or "sagittal" (or "y"). maxtem : int, optional; default: None Optional maximum mode order, applicable only for when `select` is a string. This is ignored if `select` is not a string. Returns ------- modes : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of mode indices. Raises ------ ValueError If either of the arguments `select`, `maxtem` are invalid or non-unique. See Also -------- insert_modes : Add modes to an existing mode indices array at the correct positions. Examples -------- Modes up to a maximum order of 2: >>> make_modes(maxtem=2) array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 0], [1, 1], [2, 0]], dtype=int32) Even modes up to order 4: >>> make_modes("even", maxtem=4) array([[0, 0], [0, 2], [0, 4], [2, 0], [2, 2], [4, 0]], dtype=int32) Sagittal modes up to order 3: >>> make_modes("y", maxtem=3) array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]], dtype=int32) Modes from a list of strings: >>> make_modes(["00", "11", "22"]) array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]], dtype=int32) """ if select is None and maxtem is None: raise ContextualValueError( { "select": ContextualValueError.empty, "maxtem": ContextualValueError.empty, }, "cannot both be empty", ) if select is None: _check_maxtem(maxtem) limit = 1 + int(maxtem) N = int(limit * (1 + limit) / 2) modes = np.zeros(N, dtype=(np.intc, 2)) count = 0 for i in range(0, limit): for j in range(0, i + 1): modes[count] = (i - j, j) count += 1 elif isinstance(select, str): switch = { "even": _make_even_modes, "odd": _make_odd_modes, "tangential": _make_tangential_modes, "sagittal": _make_sagittal_modes, "x": _make_tangential_modes, "y": _make_sagittal_modes, } if select.casefold() not in switch: msg = f""" Mode arument (= {select}) not recognised as a valid identifier. It must be: - "even" for generating even modes up to the given maxtem, - "odd" for generating odd modes up to the given maxtem, - "tangential" or "x" for generating tangential modes up to maxtem, - or "sagittal" or "y" for generating sagittal modes up to maxtem. """ raise ValueError(msg.strip()) modes = switch[select.casefold()](maxtem) else: if maxtem is not None: warn( "Ignoring maxtem argument given to make_modes as an iterable has " "already been provided." ) modes = np.zeros(len(select), dtype=(np.intc, 2)) for i, mode in enumerate(select): try: mode = list(mode) except TypeError: raise ValueError("Expected mode list to be a two-dimensional list") if len(mode) != 2: msg = ( f"Expected element {mode} of mode list to be an iterable of " f"length 2 but instead got an iterable of size {len(mode)}." ) raise ValueError(msg) try: n, m = mode n = int(n) m = int(m) if n < 0 or m < 0: raise ValueError() modes[i] = (n, m) except (TypeError, ValueError): msg = ( f"Expected n (= {n}) and m (= {m}) of element {mode} " f"of mode list to be convertible to non-negative integers." ) raise TypeError(msg) (_, counts) = np.unique(modes, axis=0, return_counts=True) if np.any(counts > 1): raise ValueError(f"Mode array has non-unique values: {modes}") return modes
def _make_even_modes(maxtem): all_modes = make_modes(maxtem=maxtem) return np.array([(n, m) for n, m in all_modes if not n % 2 and not m % 2]) def _make_odd_modes(maxtem): all_modes = make_modes(maxtem=maxtem) return np.array( [(n, m) for n, m in all_modes if (n % 2 or not n) and (m % 2 or not m)] ) def _make_tangential_modes(maxtem): _check_maxtem(maxtem) N = 1 + maxtem modes = np.zeros(N, dtype=(np.intc, 2)) for n in range(N): modes[n] = (n, 0) return modes def _make_sagittal_modes(maxtem): _check_maxtem(maxtem) N = 1 + maxtem modes = np.zeros(N, dtype=(np.intc, 2)) for m in range(N): modes[m] = (0, m) return modes
[docs]def insert_modes(modes, new_modes): """Inserts the mode indices in `new_modes` into the `modes` array at the correct (sorted) position(s). Parameters ---------- modes : :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of HOM indices. new_modes : sequence, str A single mode index pair or an iterable of mode indices. Each element must unpack to two integer convertible values. Returns ------- out : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A sorted array of HOM indices consisting of the original contents of `modes` with the mode indices from `new_modes` included. Raises ------ ValueError If `new_modes` is not a mode index pair or iterable of mode indices. See Also -------- make_modes Examples -------- Make an array of even modes and insert new modes into this: >>> modes = make_modes("even", 2) >>> modes array([[0, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0]], dtype=int32) >>> insert_modes(modes, ["11", "32"]) array([[0, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1], [2, 0], [3, 2]], dtype=int32) """ if not hasattr(new_modes, "__getitem__"): raise ValueError( "Argument 'new_modes' must be a single mode index pair " "or an iterable of mode index pairs." ) if not hasattr(new_modes[0], "__getitem__") or isinstance(new_modes, str): new_modes = [new_modes] new = np.array([(int(n), int(m)) for n, m in new_modes], dtype=np.intc) return np.unique(np.vstack((modes, new)), axis=0)
[docs]def remove_modes(modes, remove): if not hasattr(remove, "__getitem__"): raise ValueError( "Argument remove must be a single mode index pair " "or an iterable of mode index pairs." ) if not hasattr(remove[0], "__getitem__") or isinstance(remove, str): remove = [remove] for n, m in remove: ni = int(n) mi = int(m) index = np.where(np.bitwise_and(modes[:, 0] == ni, modes[:, 1] == mi)) modes = np.delete(modes, index, axis=0) return modes
[docs]def surface_diopt_to_roc(roc, d): """Convert a dioptre shift, at a surface, to a radius of curvature. Parameters ---------- roc : float The initial radius of curvature of the surface. d : float, array-like A value or array of values representing the dioptre shift. Returns ------- out : float, array-like The new values of the radius of curvature. """ return 2 / (d + 2 / roc)
[docs]def lens_diopt_to_f(f, d): """Convert a dioptre shift, at a lens, to a focal length. Parameters ---------- f : float The initial focal length of the lens. d : float, array-like A value or array of values representing the dioptre shift. Returns ------- out : float, array-like The new value(s) of the focal length. """ return 1 / (d + 1 / f)
def _check_maxtem(maxtem): if ( not isinstance(maxtem, numbers.Number) or maxtem < 0 or ( hasattr(maxtem, "is_integer") and not maxtem.is_integer() and not isinstance(maxtem, numbers.Integral) ) ): raise ValueError("Argument maxtem must be a non-negative integer.")
[docs]def jacobi_real_x(n, a, b, x): r"""Jacobi Polynomial P_n^{a,b}(x) for real x. n / n+a \ / n+b \ / x-1 \^(s) / x+1 \^(n-s) P_n^{a,b}(x)= Sum | | | | | --- | | --- | s=0 \ n-s / \ s / \ 2 / \ 2 / Parameters ---------- n, a, b : int Polynomial coefficients x : float Polynomial argument Notes ----- Implementation of Jacobi fucntion using binominal coefficients. This can handle values of alpha, beta < -1 which the special.eval_jacobi function does not. """ P = 0.0 for s in np.arange(0, n + 1): P += ( scipy.special.binom(n + a, n - s) * scipy.special.binom(n + b, s) * ((x - 1.0) / 2) ** (s) * ((x + 1.0) / 2) ** (n - s) ) return P
[docs]def HG_to_LG(n, m): """Returns the coefficients and mode indices of the Laguerre-Gaussian modes required to create a particular Hermote-Gaussian mode. Parameters ---------- n, m: integer Indices of the HG mode to re-create. Returns ------- coeffcients: array_like Complex coefficients for each order=n+m LG mode required to re-create HG_n,m. ps, ls: array_like LG mode indices corresponding to coefficients. """ factorial = math.factorial # Mode order N = n + m # Create empty vectors for LG coefficients/ indices coefficients = np.linspace(0, 0, N + 1, dtype=np.complex128) ps = np.linspace(0, 0, N + 1) ls = np.linspace(0, 0, N + 1) # Calculate coefficients for j in np.arange(0, N + 1): # Indices for coefficients l = 2 * j - N p = int((N - np.abs(l)) / 2) ps[j] = p ls[j] = l signl = np.sign(l) if l == 0: signl = 1.0 # Coefficient c = (signl * 1j) ** m * np.sqrt( factorial(N - m) * factorial(m) / (2**N * factorial(np.abs(l) + p) * factorial(p)) ) c = ( c * (-1.0) ** p * (-2.0) ** m * jacobi_real_x(m, np.abs(l) + p - m, p - m, 0.0) ) coefficients[j] = c return tuple(zip(coefficients, np.array(tuple(zip(ps, ls)))))
[docs]def make_modes_LG(maxtem): """Returns an array of LG modes ordered in increasing polynomial order, 2p+|l|. Parameters ---------- maxtem : int Maximum LG order to include, maxtem > 0. Returns ------- pl : array_like array of (p,l) indicies """ modes = [] orders = [] for p in np.arange(maxtem + 1): for l in np.arange(-maxtem, maxtem + 1): order = 2 * p + abs(l) if order <= maxtem: modes.append((p, l)) orders.append(order) return np.array(modes)[np.argsort(orders)]
[docs]def HG_to_LG_matrix(hgs, lgs): """Returns a matrix that will convert a Hermite-Gaussian mode vector into Laguerre- Gaussian modes. The HG and LG modes provided to this function must contain all the required modes. A 2nd order HG mode will require 2nd order LG modes. Parameters ---------- hgs : array_like Array of (n,m) indicies lgs : array_like Array of (p,l) indicies Returns ------- K : matrix Matrix to multiply with a HG mode vector to get the equivalent LG modes. """ hg_idx = {(n, m): i for i, (n, m) in enumerate(hgs)} lg_idx = {(p, l): i for i, (p, l) in enumerate(lgs)} K = np.zeros((hgs.shape[0], lgs.shape[0]), dtype=complex) for nm in hgs: fpl = HG_to_LG(*nm) h = hg_idx[nm[0], nm[1]] for factor, pl in fpl: l = lg_idx[pl[0], pl[1]] K[l, h] = factor return K