import logging
import weakref
import numpy as np
from finesse.cmatrix import _Column, _SubMatrix
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class DenseMatrix:
Create a matrix with memory views of different submatrices for giving to components:
> DM = DenseMatrix("abc")
> DM.declare_equations(5, 0, 'a')
> DM.declare_equations(5, 1, 'b')
> DM.declare_equations(5, 2, 'c')
> DM.declare_equations(2, 3, 'd')
> v1 = DM.declare_submatrix_view(0, 1, 'b')
> v2 = DM.declare_subdiagonal_view(0, 2, 'b')
> v3 = DM.declare_submatrix_view(3, 1, 'b')
> DM.construct()
> v1[:] = 1
> v2[:] = 0.5
> v3[:] = 0.75
class SubMatrixView:
"""This class represents a sub-matrix view of a CCS sparse matrix. This allows
code to access and set values without worrying about the underlying sparse
compression being used. Although so far this is just for CCS formats.
This object will get a view of a n-by-m sub-matrix starting at index (i,j). The
values of his matrix will be set initially to the coordinates.
def __init__(self, Matrix, _from, _to, name, mtype):
self.M = weakref.ref(Matrix)
self._from = _from
self._to = _to
self.type = mtype
Matrix._declare_submatrix(_from, _to, name, self, mtype)
def from_idx(self):
return self._from
def to_idx(self):
return self._to
def view(self):
return self.A
def _updateview_(self):
# This object represents a view of a matrix, this actually gets the
# submatrix itself to use to fill things
self.A = self.M().get_submatrix(self._from, self._to)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.A[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.A[key] = value
[docs] def __init__(self, name):
self.__name = name
self.sub_columns = {}
self.num_eqs = 0
self.diag_map = {} # Maps submatrix index to RHS element index
self.__callbacks = []
def name(self):
return self.__name
[docs] def declare_submatrix_view(self, from_node, to_node, name):
return DenseMatrix.SubMatrixView(self, from_node, to_node, name, "m")
[docs] def declare_subdiagonal_view(self, from_node, to_node, name):
return DenseMatrix.SubMatrixView(self, from_node, to_node, name, "d")
[docs] def declare_equations(self, Neqs, index, name):
"""Adds a submatrix to the matrix along its diagonal. This defines what
equations exist in the matrix, the submatrix values cannot be changed after
this, they are always `1` Before other submatrices can be added to the matrix
the diagonal must be specfied and how many equations it represents.
Neqs : Py_ssize_t
Number of equations this submatrix represents
_index : long
Subcolumn index
name : unicode
Name used to indentify this coupling in the matrix for debugging
if index in self.sub_columns:
raise Exception(
"Diagonal elements already specified at index {}".format(index)
self.sub_columns[index] = _Column(Neqs, index, name)
_SubMatrix("d", Neqs, Neqs, index, name)
# Record what RHS index/number of equations this submatrix will start in
self.diag_map[index] = self.num_eqs
self.num_eqs += Neqs
[docs] def add_block(self, Neqs, index, name):
Neqs : Py_ssize_t
Number of equations this submatrix represents
_index : long
Subcolumn index
name : unicode
Name used to indentify this coupling in the matrix for debugging
if index in self.sub_columns:
raise Exception(
"Diagonal elements already specified at index {}".format(index)
self.sub_columns[index] = _Column(Neqs, index, name)
_SubMatrix("m", Neqs, Neqs, index, name)
# Record what RHS index/number of equations this submatrix will start in
self.diag_map[index] = self.num_eqs
self.num_eqs += Neqs
def _declare_submatrix(self, _from, _to, name, callback=None, type_="m"):
"""Adds a submatrix to the matrix. The nomenclature of `_from` and `_to` refer
to the variable dependency of the equations this submatrix represents, i.e. the
equations in submatrix `_to` depends on the values in `-from`. Therefore `_from`
is the subcolumn index and `_to` is the subrow index.
_from : long
Subcolumn index
_to : long
Subcolumn index
name : unicode
Name used to indentify this coupling in the matrix for debugging
callback : function()
A callback function that will be called once the matrix has been constructed
type_ : char (optional)
Either 'm' for a full submatrix or 'd' for a diagonal element only submatrix
if _from not in self.sub_columns:
raise Exception(
"Must add a diagonal submatrix at index {} first for this subcolumn".format(
if _to not in self.sub_columns:
raise Exception(
"Must add a diagonal submatrix at index {} first for this subcolumn".format(
_to_size = self.sub_columns[_to].size
_from_size = self.sub_columns[_from].size
_SubMatrix(type_, _from_size, _to_size, _to, name)
if callback:
[docs] def construct(self):
"""Constructing the matrix involves taking the metadata submatrix positions
throughout the matrix and allocating the memory and building the various CCS
matrix structures.
After this the matrix can be populated and sovled.
self.M = -np.eye(self.num_eqs, dtype=complex)
self.rhs = np.zeros((self.num_eqs, 1), dtype=complex)
for cb in self.__callbacks:
[docs] def get_submatrix(self, _from, _to):
# _to -> row
# _from -> column
# Starting indicies
sfidx = self.diag_map[_from]
stidx = self.diag_map[_to]
sm = [_ for _ in self.sub_columns[_from].submatrices if == _to][0]
to_size = sm.rows
from_size = sm.columns
# Only returns diagonal elements if needed
if sm.type == "m":
slf = slice(sfidx, sfidx + from_size, 1)
slt = slice(stidx, stidx + to_size, 1)
return self.M.view()[slt, slf]
elif sm.type == "d":
assert to_size == from_size
return as_strided(
self.M[stidx:, sfidx:],
strides=((self.num_eqs + 1) * self.M.itemsize,),
raise Exception(f"unexpected submatrix type {sm.type}")
def num_equations(self):
return self.num_eqs
[docs] def get_matrix_elements(self):
raise self.M
[docs] def print_matrix(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def print_rhs(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_rhs(self, index, value):
self.rhs[index] = value
[docs] def clear_rhs(self):
self.rhs[:] = 0
[docs] def solve(self, transpose=False, conjugate=False):
"""solve(self, transpose, conjugate)
Solve the matrix with options for transposing and conjugating.
If `transpose` is False, solves the linear system :math:`Ax = b` using the
``Symbolic`` and ``Numeric`` objects stored by this class.
Otherwise, solves the linear system :math:`A^T x = b` or :math:`A^H x = b`. The
`conjugate` option is zero for :math:`A^T x = b` or non-zero for :math:`A^H x = b`.
transpose : bool
Flag determining whether to solve the transpose of the matrix.
conjugate : bool
Flag determining whether to solve :math:`A^T x =b` or :math:`A^H x = b`
for the transposed linear system.
out : np.ndarray
The (negative) solution vector.
inv = np.linalg.inv(self.M)
return inv @ self.rhs