Source code for finesse.components.lens

"""Transmissive optical components which focus or disperse light beams."""

import logging

import numpy as np

from finesse.components.general import Connector, InteractionType, NoiseType
from finesse.components.node import NodeDirection, NodeType
from finesse.parameter import float_parameter
from finesse.utilities import refractive_index
from finesse.tracing import abcd

from finesse.env import warn
from finesse.warnings import UnreasonableComponentValueWarning

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@float_parameter( "f", "Focal length", validate="_check_f", units="m", is_geometric=True, ) # IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided! class Lens(Connector): """Represents a thin lens optical component with an associated focal length. Notes ----- The specified focal length `f` is only accurate when the lens is attached to spaces with index of refraction close to 1. This component exists so that one can use the intuitive focal length parameter instead of having to set radii of curvature as with e.g. :class:`.Mirror`. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of newly created lens. f : float, optional Focal length of the lens in metres; defaults to infinity. Attributes ---------- OPD_map : :class:`finesse.knm.Map` A map that is used to describe the transverse spatial amplitude and phase variations beyond a simple lensing. Typically the map applied is describing the dnr/dT temperature effects in some substrate. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, f=np.inf): super().__init__(name) self.f = f self.OPD_map = None self._add_port("p1", NodeType.OPTICAL) self.p1._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) self.p1._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self._add_port("p2", NodeType.OPTICAL) self.p2._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) self.p2._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) # optic to optic couplings self._register_node_coupling( "P1i_P2o", self.p1.i, self.p2.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.TRANSMISSION, ) self._register_node_coupling( "P2i_P1o", self.p2.i, self.p1.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.TRANSMISSION, )
def _check_f(self, value): if value == 0: raise ValueError("Focal length of lens must be non-zero.") # check for unreasonable focal length and suggest alternative if abs(value) < 10e-3: warn( f"Lens '{}' has a small focal length. The 'lens' ABCD " "matrix is valid for focal lengths >> thickness of the lens." "This lens may be better modelled as two mirrors and a space.", UnreasonableComponentValueWarning, ) return value def _resymbolise_ABCDs(self): self.__symbolise_ABCDs("x") self.__symbolise_ABCDs("y") def __symbolise_ABCDs(self, direction): # TODO (sjr) Not using direction currently but will split # into fx, fy soon to support astigmatic lenses M_sym = abcd.lens(self.f.ref) # Matrices same for both node couplings self.register_abcd_matrix( M_sym, (self.p1.i, self.p2.o, direction), (self.p2.i, self.p1.o, direction), ) @property def abcdx(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix in the tangential plane. Equivalent to ``lens.ABCD(1, 2, "x")`` and ``lens.ABCD(2, 1, "x")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(1, 2, "x") @property def abcdy(self): """Numeric ABCD matrix in the sagittal plane. Equivalent to ``lens.ABCD(2, 1, "y")`` and ``lens.ABCD(2, 1, "y")``. :getter: Returns a copy of the (numeric) ABCD matrix for this coupling (read-only). """ return self.ABCD(1, 2, "y")
[docs] def ABCD( self, from_node, to_node, direction="x", symbolic=False, copy=True, retboth=False, allow_reverse=False, ): r"""Returns the ABCD matrix of the lens for the specified coupling. .. _fig_abcd_lens_transmission: .. figure:: ../images/abcd_lenst.* :align: center This is given by, .. math:: M = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ -\frac{1}{f} & 1 \end{pmatrix}, where :math:`f` is the focal length of the lens. See :meth:`.Connector.ABCD` for descriptions of parameters, return values and possible exceptions. """ return super().ABCD( from_node, to_node, direction, symbolic, copy, retboth, allow_reverse )
[docs] def actuate_f(self, dioptres, direction=("x", "y")): r"""Actuate on the focal length of the lens with a specified dioptre shift. Sets the focal length to a new value, :math:`f_2`, via, .. math:: f_2 = \frac{1}{d + \frac{1}{f_1}}, where :math:`f_1` is the current focal length and :math:`d` is the dioptre shift (i.e. the `dioptre` argument). By default, both focal planes are shifted. To shift, e.g., only the tangential plane, specify ``direction="x"``. Parameters ---------- dioptres : float Shift in lens focal length in dioptres. direction : tuple or str, optional; default: ("x", "y") Focal plane to shift, defaults to both tangential and sagittal. """ fnew = lambda x: 1 / (dioptres + 1 / x) if "x" in direction: # TODO (sjr) Change to fx self.f = fnew(self.f.value) if "y" in direction: # TODO (sjr) Change to fy self.f = fnew(self.f.value)
def _fill_optical_matrix(self, ws, matrix, connections): for freq in matrix.optical_frequencies.frequencies: with matrix.component_edge_fill3( ws.owner_id, connections.P1i_P2o_idx, freq.index, freq.index, ) as mat: mat[:] = with matrix.component_edge_fill3( ws.owner_id, connections.P2i_P1o_idx, freq.index, freq.index, ) as mat: mat[:] = def _fill_carrier(self, ws): self._fill_optical_matrix(ws, ws.sim.carrier, ws.carrier.connections) def _fill_signal(self, ws): self._fill_optical_matrix(ws, ws.sim.signal, ws.signal.connections) def _get_workspace(self, sim): from finesse.simulations.basematrix import CarrierSignalMatrixSimulation if isinstance(sim, CarrierSignalMatrixSimulation): from finesse.components.modal.lens import LensWorkspace, lens_fill_qnoise _, is_changing = self._eval_parameters() refill = sim.is_component_in_mismatch_couplings(self) or len(is_changing) ws = LensWorkspace(self, sim) # This assumes that nr1/nr2 cannot change during a simulation ws.nr1 = refractive_index(self.p1) ws.nr2 = refractive_index(self.p2) # TODO ddb refractive index should be equal on # both sides of the lens as we are using the thin # lens approximation assert ws.nr1 == ws.nr2 ws.carrier.add_fill_function(self._fill_carrier, refill) ws.signal.add_fill_function(self._fill_signal, refill) if sim.is_modal: ws.abcd_x = self.ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p2.o, "x", copy=False) ws.abcd_y = self.ABCD(self.p1.i, self.p2.o, "y", copy=False) # Set the coupling matrix information # ABCDs are same in each direction ws.set_knm_info( "P1i_P2o", abcd_x=ws.abcd_x, abcd_y=ws.abcd_y, nr_from=ws.nr1, nr_to=ws.nr2, is_transmission=True, apply_map=self.OPD_map, map_phase_factor=1, map_fliplr=False, ) # TODO nr reversed here for now until it's forced to be same on both sides ws.set_knm_info( "P2i_P1o", abcd_x=ws.abcd_x, abcd_y=ws.abcd_y, nr_from=ws.nr2, nr_to=ws.nr1, is_transmission=True, apply_map=self.OPD_map, map_phase_factor=1, map_fliplr=True, ) if sim.signal: ws.signal.set_fill_noise_function( NoiseType.QUANTUM, lens_fill_qnoise ) return ws else: raise Exception(f"Lens does not handle a simulation of type {sim}")