Source code for finesse.analysis.actions.series

"""Serial Action."""
import logging

from import tqdm

import finesse.config
from import BaseSolution

from .base import Action, convert_str_to_parameter

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SeriesSolution(BaseSolution): """SeriesSolution is a solution object that contains the results from running the requested actions by a :class:`Series`. You can see what solutions are contained by printing this object or by inspecting the `SeriesSolution.children` attribute. Attributes ---------- children : iterable The solutions returned from each action in a series analysis """
# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class Series(Action): """A sequential series of actions to apply during a simulation. Parameters ---------- actions : :class:`Action` A collection of Actions to run in series flatten : bool When True, each action will be stored in the top level of the solution tree. When False, each action will be a child of the previous solution generated. name : str Optional name for the solution generated by these actions """ def __init__(self, *actions, flatten=True, name=None): super().__init__(name or "series", True) self.actions = actions self.flatten = flatten def _do(self, state): rq = self.get_requests(state.model) params = tuple( convert_str_to_parameter(state.model, _) for _ in rq["changing_parameters"] ) if state.sim is None: state.build_model(params, rq["keep_nodes"]) if self.flatten: first = SeriesSolution( else: first = None curr_sol = None pbar = tqdm( self.actions, disable=len(self.actions) <= 1 or (not finesse.config.show_progress_bars), leave=False, ) for action in pbar: pbar.set_description_str( next_sol = state.apply(action) if self.flatten and next_sol is not None: first.add(next_sol) else: if next_sol and not curr_sol: first = next_sol # need to return the first one if next_sol: if curr_sol: curr_sol.add(next_sol) curr_sol = next_sol return first def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True): for action in self.actions: action._requests(model, memo, False)
[docs]class ForSolution(BaseSolution): """Solution generated by a `For` Action. Attributes ---------- parameter : object | str Model parameter that was varied by the For action values : array_like Array of values that were iterated over Examples -------- A simple example printing some a varied laser power output. >>> import finesse >>> model = finesse.Model() >>> model.parse(''' ... l l1 ... pd P l1.p1.o ... ''') >>> sol ='for(l1.P, [0, 1, 2, 3], print(l1.P))') 0.0 W 1.0 W 2.0 W 3.0 W >>> print(sol.values) [0, 1, 2, 3] """
# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class For(Action): """An action changes a parameter value and runs a set of actions for each value in the array. Essentially the same as `Series` combined with `Change`. The parameter value is not reset to its original value once this action has finished. Generates a :class:`ForSolution` output when run. Examples -------- A simple example printing some a varied laser power output. >>> import finesse >>> model = finesse.Model() >>> model.parse(''' ... l l1 ... pd P l1.p1.o ... ''') >>> sol ='for(l1.P, [0, 1, 2, 3], print(l1.P))') 0.0 W 1.0 W 2.0 W 3.0 W >>> print(sol.values) [0, 1, 2, 3] Parameters ---------- param : str|Parameter Parameter to change in the model values : array_like Array of values to use for the parameter *actions : tuple(Action) Actions to run for each parameter value. """ def __init__(self, param, values, *actions): super().__init__("for", True) self.param = param self.values = values self.actions = actions def _do(self, state): rq = self.get_requests(state.model) for_param = convert_str_to_parameter(state.model, self.param) params = tuple( [ for_param, *( convert_str_to_parameter(state.model, _) for _ in rq["changing_parameters"] ), ] ) if state.sim is None: state.build_model(params, rq["keep_nodes"]) first = ForSolution( first.parameter = self.param first.values = self.values curr_sol = None pbar = tqdm( self.actions, disable=len(self.actions) <= 1 or (not finesse.config.show_progress_bars), leave=False, ) for for_param.value in self.values: # noqa: B007 state.sim.update_all_parameter_values() for action in pbar: pbar.set_description_str( next_sol = state.apply(action) if next_sol is not None: first.add(next_sol) else: if next_sol and not curr_sol: first = next_sol # need to return the first one if next_sol: if curr_sol: curr_sol.add(next_sol) curr_sol = next_sol return first def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True): memo["changing_parameters"].append(self.param) for action in self.actions: action._requests(model, memo, False)