Source code for finesse.utilities.tables

"""Defines classes for displaying tables.

This code is inspired by the tabulate package which can be found at and on PyPI

from click import echo
import csv
from html import escape as htmlescape
import numpy as np
import re
import unicodedata

from .misc import opened_file

[docs]class Table: """Basic class to display tables via pretty printing or html. This class is a container object for formatted tables. All entries should either be strings or have a `__str__` method with readable output. The table can be pretty printed for console and displayed as html. Additionally the table can be saved to a csv file using the same syntax as the `csv` package or rendered as latex code. Parameters ---------- table : array or list A two dimensional array or list-of-lists containing strings. headerrow : bool, default=True Whether the first row is a header. headercolumn : bool, default=False Whether the first column is a header. color : array, optional An array with shape `table.shape + (3,)` of type int containing RGB color data to control the textcolor. If any value in a RGB triple is negative, no color will be applied to the corresponding cell. backgroundcolor : array, optional An array to set the backgroundcolors of the cells, works like `color`. alignment : array, optional An array with on of ("left", "center", "right) for each cell. compact : boolean, optional Skip internal row separators to save space when printing as string. Notes ----- Instead of arrays, color, backgroundcolor and alignment can be given only one option per row, column or total. This will be expanded for the whole table. """
[docs] def __init__( self, table, headerrow=True, headercolumn=False, color=(-1, -1, -1), backgroundcolor=(-1, -1, -1), alignment="left", compact=False, ): self.table = np.array(table, dtype=object) # ensure that the table has at least one cell if len(self.table) == 0: self.table = np.full((1, 1), "") else: if len(self.table.shape) == 0: self.table = np.full((1, 1), "") elif len(self.table.shape) == 1: self.table = np.array([self.table]) self.headerrow = headerrow self.headercolumn = headercolumn self.color = self._make_option_array(color, option_shape=(3,), dtype=int) self.backgroundcolor = self._make_option_array( backgroundcolor, option_shape=(3,), dtype=int ) self.alignment = self._make_option_array(alignment) self.compact = compact
def _make_option_array( self, option, dtype=object, dimensions=None, option_shape=() ): """Expand an option to the whole table. Fills an array with values from `option`. If `option` can be cast as a numpy array and the shape matches `dimensions+option_shape`, this array will be returned. If the shape matches the rows or columns of the desired shape, has a length 1 in the other axis and `option_shape` in all additional axis, it will be expanded along this axis. In all other cases `option` is assumed to be information for a single cell and the returned array is filled with `option` in every entry. Parameters ---------- option : Option for either a single cell, all rows, all columns or the whole table. dtype : data-type, optional, default=object The data type of the option. If the option itself is an array (e.g. RGB color tuple), the data type of the elements must be given. dimensions : tuple, default=None The dimension of the array the option will be expanded to. Passing `None` (the default) uses the shape of the table. option_shape : tuple, default=() The shape of the option value, e.g. (3,) for an RGB triple. Returns ------- np.array A numpy array of the specified `dtype` with shape `dimensions` filled with values from `option` """ isarray = False if dimensions is None: dimensions = self.table.shape if isinstance(option, np.ndarray): isarray = True else: try: option = np.array(option, dtype=dtype) except Exception: pass else: isarray = True if isarray: if option.shape == dimensions + option_shape: return option elif option.shape == (1, dimensions[1], option_shape): # expand to all rows return np.array( [option[0, :] for i in range(dimensions[0])], dtype=dtype ) elif option.shape == (dimensions[0], 1, option_shape): # expand to all columns return np.array( [[option[i, :]] * dimensions[1] for i in range(dimensions[0])], dtype=dtype, ) return np.full(dimensions + option_shape, option, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def get_visible_length(self, text): """Get the visible length of the string. Parameters ---------- text : str Returns ------- int The number of non combining characters after removing ANSI escape sequences. Notes ----- Using code from ` i-remove-the-ansi-escape-sequences-from-a-string-in-python` and ` visible-length-of-a-combining-unicode-string-in-python` """ ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") text = ansi_escape.sub("", text) return sum(1 for ch in str(text) if unicodedata.combining(ch) == 0)
[docs] def get_max_column_width(self, j): """Determine the maximum width of an entry in this column and add 2.""" width = 0 for text in self.table[:, j]: width = max(width, self.get_visible_length(str(text))) return width + 2
[docs] def apply_ansi_colors(self, text, color, backgroundcolor): """Add the color codes to the string if necessary. Colors should be given as RGB tuples with integer values from [0,255]. """ if not np.any(color < 0): text = "\033[38;2;{};{};{}m{t}\033[0m".format(*color, t=text) if not np.any(backgroundcolor < 0): text = "\033[48;2;{};{};{}m{}\033[0m".format(*backgroundcolor, text) return text
[docs] def expand_string(self, text, width, align="right"): """Expand a string to have a certain length. Add blank spaces to the string to get its visible length to `width`. `align` controls whether the spaces are added in front, at the end or both. `text` will be converted to `str`. Parameters ---------- text : str Can also be an objection with `__str__` defined. width : int align : str, optional Must be one of "right", "left" or "center". Defaults to "right". Raises ------ ValueError If the string is shorter than the given length or `align` is not one of the given options. """ text = f" {str(text)} " diff = width - self.get_visible_length(text) if diff < 0: raise ValueError( "cannot expand text of length {:} to {:}.".format( self.get_visible_length(text), width ) ) if align == "right": return (diff * " ") + text if align == "left": return text + (diff * " ") if align == "center": return ( (int(np.floor(diff / 2)) * " ") + text + (int(np.ceil(diff / 2)) * " ") ) raise ValueError( f"invalid alignment: must be 'right', 'left' or 'center', not" f"{repr(align)}" )
[docs] def generate_row(self, i, start, headerdivision, division, end): """Create the `i`th row with the given elements.""" row = start if self.table.shape[1] > 1: width = self.get_max_column_width(0) row += self.apply_ansi_colors( self.expand_string(str(self.table[i, 0]), width, self.alignment[i, 0]), self.color[i, 0], self.backgroundcolor[i, 0], ) if self.headercolumn: row += headerdivision else: row += division for j in range(1, self.table.shape[1] - 1): width = self.get_max_column_width(j) row += self.apply_ansi_colors( self.expand_string(str(self.table[i, j]), width, self.alignment[i, j]), self.color[i, j], self.backgroundcolor[i, j], ) row += division width = self.get_max_column_width(-1) row += self.apply_ansi_colors( self.expand_string(str(self.table[i, -1]), width, self.alignment[i, -1]), self.color[i, -1], self.backgroundcolor[i, -1], ) row += end return row
[docs] def generate_seperating_row( self, start, line, intersection, headerintersection, end ): """Generate the string separating two rows.""" row = start if self.table.shape[1] > 1: width = self.get_max_column_width(0) row += width * line if self.headercolumn: row += headerintersection else: row += intersection for j in range(1, self.table.shape[1] - 1): width = self.get_max_column_width(j) row += width * line row += intersection width = self.get_max_column_width(-1) row += width * line row += end return row
[docs] def generate_grid_table(self): """Create the whole table.""" table = "" if self.headercolumn: table += self.generate_seperating_row( "\u250C", "\u2500", "\u252C", "\u2565", "\u2510\n" ) else: table += self.generate_seperating_row( "\u250C", "\u2500", "\u252C", "\u253C", "\u2510\n" ) if self.table.shape[0] > 1: table += self.generate_row(0, "\u2502", "\u2551", "\u2502", "\u2502\n") if self.headerrow: table += self.generate_seperating_row( "\u255E", "\u2550", "\u256A", "\u256C", "\u2561\n" ) else: if self.headercolumn: table += self.generate_seperating_row( "\u251C", "\u2500", "\u253C", "\u256B", "\u2524\n" ) else: table += self.generate_seperating_row( "\u251C", "\u2500", "\u253C", "\u256C", "\u2524\n" ) for i in range(1, self.table.shape[0] - 1): table += self.generate_row(i, "\u2502", "\u2551", "\u2502", "\u2502\n") if not self.compact: table += self.generate_seperating_row( "\u251C", "\u2500", "\u253C", "\u256B", "\u2524\n" ) table += self.generate_row(-1, "\u2502", "\u2551", "\u2502", "\u2502\n") table += self.generate_seperating_row( "\u2514", "\u2500", "\u2534", "\u2568", "\u2518\n" ) return table
def __str__(self): return self.generate_grid_table()
[docs] def generate_html_cell(self, row, column, style=dict()): """Generate html code for the table cell at position (row, column). `style` may contain pairs of style options with their values. """ style = style.copy() if (self.headerrow and row == 0) or (self.headercolumn and column == 0): c = '<th style="{}">{}</th>' else: c = '<td style="{}">{}</td>' if not np.any(self.color[row, column] < 0): style["color"] = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(*self.color[row, column]) if not np.any(self.backgroundcolor[row, column] < 0): style["background-color"] = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format( *self.backgroundcolor[row, column] ) style["text-align"] = self.alignment[row, column] style_str = "" for key in style.keys(): style_str += key + ":" + style[key] + ";" return c.format(style_str, htmlescape(str(self.table[row, column])))
[docs] def generate_html_table(self): table = "<table><tbody>\n" for i in range(self.table.shape[0]): table += "<tr>" for j in range(self.table.shape[1]): table += self.generate_html_cell(i, j) table += "</tr>\n" table += "</tbody></table>" return table
def _repr_html_(self): return self.generate_html_table()
[docs] def write_csv(self, csvfile, dialect="excel", **fmtparams): """Write the table data to a csv file using the csv package. Parameters ---------- csvfile : Any object with a write method. The file the data will be written to. dialect : csv.Dialect or str, default="excel" The CSV dialect to use. may be an instance of `csv.Dialect` or any subclass thereof or any string in `csv.list_dialects()`. **fmtparams : dict, optional Formatting parameters for `csv.writer` Returns ------- The writer object used. """ table = np.full(self.table.shape, "", dtype=object) for i in range(self.table.shape[0]): for j in range(self.table.shape[1]): table[i, j] = str(self.table[i, j]) with opened_file(csvfile, "w") as fileobj: writer = csv.writer(fileobj, dialect, **fmtparams) writer.writerows(table) return writer
[docs] def escape_latex(self, text): """Replace special characters in latex with their latex representation.""" latex_special = { "&": r"\&", "%": r"\%", "$": r"\$", "#": r"\#", "_": r"\_", "{": r"\{", "}": r"\}", "~": r"\textasciitilde", "^": r"\textasciicircum", "\\": r"\textbackslash", } return "".join(map(lambda c: latex_special.get(c, c), text))
[docs] def make_latex_str(self, row, column): """Create latex code for the cell at position (row, column).""" text = self.escape_latex(str(self.table[row, column])) if not np.any(self.color[row, column] < 0): text = ( r"\textcolor{colorredgreenblue}{TEXT}".replace( "red", "{:03.0f}".format(self.color[row, column][0]) ) .replace("green", "{:03.0f}".format(self.color[row, column][1])) .replace("blue", "{:03.0f}".format(self.color[row, column][2])) .replace("TEXT", str(text)) ) if self.alignment[row, column] != self.alignment[0, column]: if self.alignment[row, column] == "left": align = r"\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{text}" elif self.alignment[row, column] == "right": align = r"\multicolumn{1}{|r|}{text}" elif self.alignment[row, column] == "center": align = r"\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{text}" text = align.replace("text", text) return text
[docs] def make_latex_colors(self): """Define the colors used in the table for latex.""" colors = np.concatenate((self.color, self.backgroundcolor)) colors = np.unique(colors.reshape(-1, colors.shape[-1]), axis=0) define = "\\definecolor{colorredgreenblue}{RGB}{red, green, blue}\n" text = "" for color in colors: if not np.any(color < 0): text += ( define.replace("red", "{:03.0f}".format(color[0])) .replace("green", "{:03.0f}".format(color[1])) .replace("blue", "{:03.0f}".format(color[2])) ) return text
[docs] def latex(self): """Make latex code that produces the table. If the table cells have colored text, the `xcolor` package must be used in the latex file, the backgroundcolor is not used. """ latex = "\\begin{table}\n" latex += self.make_latex_colors() latex += "\\begin{tabular}{" for j in range(self.table.shape[1]): latex += "|" if self.alignment[0, j] == "left": latex += "l" elif self.alignment[0, j] == "right": latex += "r" elif self.alignment[0, j] == "center": latex += "c" latex += "|}\n" for i in range(self.table.shape[0]): latex += "\\hline\n" latex += self.make_latex_str(i, 0) for j in range(1, self.table.shape[1]): latex += " & " latex += self.make_latex_str(i, j) latex += "\\\\\n" latex += "\\hline\n" latex += "\\end{tabular}\n\\end{table}" return latex
[docs] def print(self): """Show the table. Will use html rendering if possible, otherwise pretty prints the table. """ try: from IPython.display import display display(self) except ImportError: echo(str(self))
[docs]class NumberTable(Table): """Create a table of numbers to display via pretty printing or html. Parameters ---------- table : array or list-of-lists A two dimensional object containing the values of the table. colnames : array or list, optional An array or list with the same length as the second dimension of `table`. These are the column names displayed in the first row. If `rownames` are given this may contain an additional element to display a name of the rownames. rownames : array or list, optional An array or list with the same length as the first dimension of `table`. These are the row names displayed in the first column. colfunc : func, optional A function to assign colors to all values displayed. It will get called with `table` as argument and must return an array with shape `table.shape + (4,)` and type float with color values ranging from 0 to 1. The returned array will be interpreted as RGBA color data, but the the A value will be ignored. If any value in a RGB triple is negative, no color will be applied to the corresponding cell. Accepts `matplotlib` colormaps. bgcolfunc : func, optional A function to set the backgroundcolors of the cells, works like `colorfunc`. norm : func, optional This function is applied to the table data before passing it to the color functions. This is intended for normalization functions from `matplotlib.colors` when using `matplotlib` colormaps, but can be useful with other functions like `numpy.gradient`. numfmt : str or func or array, optional Either a function to format numbers or a formatting string. The function must return a string. Can also be an array with one option per row, column or cell. compact : boolean, optional Skip internal row separators to save space when printing as string. """
[docs] def __init__( self, table, colnames=None, rownames=None, colfunc=None, bgcolfunc=None, norm=None, numfmt=None, compact=False, ): table = np.array(table) if colnames is not None: headerrow = True else: headerrow = False colnames = [] if rownames is not None: headercolumn = True else: headercolumn = False rownames = [] # ensure that the shape has indices 0 and 1 if len(table.shape) == 0: table = np.zeros((0, 0), dtype=table.dtype) elif len(table.shape) == 1: table = np.array([table]) if 0 in table.shape: str_table = np.full( (max(len(rownames) + headercolumn, 1), max(len(colnames), 1)), "", dtype=object, ) else: str_table = np.full( (table.shape[0] + headerrow, table.shape[1] + headercolumn), "", dtype=object, ) super().__init__( str_table, headerrow, headercolumn, alignment="right", compact=compact ) self.color, self.backgroundcolor = self.make_colors( table, colfunc, bgcolfunc, norm ) if self.headerrow and len(colnames) != table.shape[1]: if ( len(colnames) == table.shape[1] + 1 or 0 in table.shape ) and self.headercolumn: self.table[0, 0] = colnames[0] colnames = colnames[1:] else: raise ValueError( f"Number of column names ({len(colnames)}) differs from columns " f"given ({table.shape[1]})." ) if ( self.headercolumn and 0 not in table.shape and len(rownames) != table.shape[0] ): raise ValueError( f"Number of row names ({len(rownames)}) differs from rows given" f"({table.shape[0]})." ) self.number_format = np.full(self.table.shape, None, dtype=object) if 0 not in table.shape: self.number_format[ self.headerrow :, self.headercolumn : ] = self._make_option_array(numfmt, dtype=object, dimensions=table.shape) for i in range(table.shape[0]): for j in range(table.shape[1]): self.table[ i + self.headerrow, j + self.headercolumn ] = self.make_string( table[i, j], i + self.headerrow, j + self.headercolumn ) if colnames: for j in range(len(colnames)): x = self.make_string(colnames[j], 0, j + self.headercolumn) self.table[0, j + self.headercolumn] = x if rownames: for i in range(len(rownames)): self.table[i + self.headerrow, 0] = self.make_string( rownames[i], i + self.headerrow, 0 ) if self.headerrow: self.alignment[0, :] = "center" if self.headercolumn: self.alignment[:, 0] = "center"
[docs] def make_colors(self, table, colorfunc, backgroundcolorfunc, norm): """Calculate the colors for the table. Produces an array with RGB color values in the range [0, 255] for every cell by calling `colorfunc(norm(table))` and `backgroundcolorfunc(norm(table))`. Parameters ---------- table : array The data table without headers. Should contain numbers, but accepts arbitrary data as long as the color and norm functions can handle it. colorfunc : callable or None A function producing RGB color data for every cell. Color values must be in [0,1]. If `None` the array is filled with (-1,-1,-1). backgroundcolorfunc : callable or None A function producing RGB color data for every cell. Color values must be in [0,1]. If `None` the array is filled with (-1,-1,-1). norm : callable or None A normalization applied before calling the color functions. If `None` it is replaced by a function that does nothing. Returns ------- color The array produced by `colorfunc` backgroundcolor The array produced by `backgroundcolorfunc` """ if norm is None: norm = lambda x: x color = np.full(self.table.shape + (3,), -1, dtype=int) if colorfunc is not None: color[self.headerrow :, self.headercolumn :] = np.round( 255 * colorfunc(norm(table))[:, :, :3], 0 ) backgroundcolor = np.full(self.table.shape + (3,), -1, dtype=int) if backgroundcolorfunc is not None: backgroundcolor[self.headerrow :, self.headercolumn :] = np.round( 255 * backgroundcolorfunc(norm(table))[:, :, :3], 0 ) return color, backgroundcolor
[docs] def make_string(self, obj, row, col): """Convert obj to a string using `self.number_format[row, column]`. If the cell is a header or `self.number_format[row, column]` is None, `obj` is converted with `str`. If `self.number_format[row, column]` is a function `self.number_format[row, column](obj)` is called. If `self.number_format[row, column]` is a string `self.number_format[row, col].format(obj)` is called. """ if (self.headerrow and row == 0) or (self.headercolumn and col == 0): return str(obj) if self.number_format[row, col] is None: return str(obj) if isinstance(self.number_format[row, col], str): return self.number_format[row, col].format(obj) return self.number_format[row, col](obj)