Source code for finesse.components.modulator

"""Optical components performing modulation of beams."""
import logging

import numpy as np

from finesse.components.general import InteractionType, Connector, FrequencyGenerator
from finesse.components.node import NodeType, NodeDirection
from finesse.parameter import (

from finesse.enums import ModulatorType

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@float_parameter("f", "Frequency", units="Hz") @float_parameter("midx", "Modulation index") @float_parameter("phase", "Phase", units="degrees") @int_parameter( "order", "Maximum modulation order", changeable_during_simulation=False, validate="_check_order", ) @enum_parameter( "mod_type", f"Modulation type {tuple(_ for _ in ModulatorType.__members__.keys())}", ModulatorType, changeable_during_simulation=False, validate="_check_mod_type", ) @bool_parameter("positive_only", "Positive only", changeable_during_simulation=False) # IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided! class Modulator(Connector, FrequencyGenerator): """Represents a modulator optical component with associated properties such as modulation frequency, index and order. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of newly created modulator. f : float or :class:`.Frequency`, optional Frequency of the modulation (in Hz) or :class:`.Frequency` object. midx : float Modulation index, >= 0. order : int, optional Maximum order of modulations to produce. Must be 1 for amplitude modulation. Defaults to 1. mod_type : str, optional Modulation type, either 'am' (:ref:`amplitude modulation<amp_mod>`) or 'pm' (:ref:`phase modulation<phase_mod>`). Defaults to 'pm'. phase : float, optional Relative phase of modulation (in degrees). Defaults to 0.0. positive_only : bool, optional If True, only produce positive-frequency sidebands. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, name, f, midx, order=1,, phase=0.0, positive_only=False, ): Connector.__init__(self, name) FrequencyGenerator.__init__(self) self.f = f self.midx = midx self.phase = phase self.order = order self.mod_type = mod_type self.positive_only = positive_only self._add_port("p1", NodeType.OPTICAL) self.p1._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) self.p1._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self._add_port("p2", NodeType.OPTICAL) self.p2._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) self.p2._add_node("o", NodeDirection.OUTPUT) self._add_port("amp", NodeType.ELECTRICAL) self.amp._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) self._add_port("phs", NodeType.ELECTRICAL) self.phs._add_node("i", NodeDirection.INPUT) # optic to optic couplings self._register_node_coupling( "P1i_P2o", self.p1.i, self.p2.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.TRANSMISSION, ) self._register_node_coupling( "P2i_P1o", self.p2.i, self.p1.o, interaction_type=InteractionType.TRANSMISSION, ) self._register_node_coupling("amp_P1o", self.amp.i, self.p1.o) self._register_node_coupling("amp_P2o", self.amp.i, self.p2.o) self.__freqs_changing = None self.__changing_check = set((self.midx, self.phase)) def _modulation_frequencies(self): order = self.order.eval() if order - int(order) != 0: raise ValueError( f"Modulation order for {} must be an integer not {order}" ) order = int(order) orders = list(range(-order, 1 + order)) orders.pop(order) # remove 0 fm =, orders) return fm def _couples_frequency(self, ws, connection, f_in, f_out): if connection in ("P2i_P1o", "P1i_P2o"): if f_in == f_out: return True elif (f_in, f_out) in ws.carrier_frequency_couplings: return True elif (f_out, f_in) in ws.carrier_frequency_couplings: return True elif (f_in, f_out) in ws.signal_frequency_couplings: return True elif (f_out, f_in) in ws.signal_frequency_couplings: return True else: return False else: # any other signal connection return True def _check_order(self, value): if self.mod_type == and int(value) != 1: raise ValueError( "Modulation order must be 1 when using amplitude modulation" ) return value def _check_mod_type(self, value): try: value = ModulatorType(value) except ValueError: try: value = ModulatorType[value] # cast input into enum except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"'{value}' is not a valid Modulator type, options are {tuple(_ for _ in ModulatorType.__members__.keys())}" ) if self.order.state == ParameterState.Numeric: if value == and self.order > 1: raise ValueError("Amplitude modulation can only be used with order 1") return value @property def f(self): """Source frequency representing modulation. Returns ------- :class:`float` or :class:`.Frequency` The modulation frequency. """ return self.__f @f.setter def f(self, value): self.__f = value @property def order(self): """The maximum order of modulations produced by the modulator. Returns ------- int The maximum modulation order. """ return self.__order @order.setter def order(self, value): self.__order = int(value) def _get_workspace(self, sim): from finesse.components.modal.modulator import ( ModulatorWorkspace, modulator_carrier_fill, modulator_signal_optical_fill, modulator_signal_phase_fill, modulator_signal_amp_fill, ) ws = ModulatorWorkspace(self, sim) ws.carrier.add_fill_function( modulator_carrier_fill, self.midx.is_changing or self.phase.is_changing ) if sim.signal: # modulator for signals doesn't actually need refilling each time if # signal frequency is changing, as the coupling depends on the ws.signal.add_fill_function( modulator_signal_optical_fill, self.midx.is_changing or self.phase.is_changing, ) if ws.amp_signal_enabled: # Amplitude signal elements do not depend on the signal frequency ws.signal.add_fill_function( modulator_signal_amp_fill, self.midx.is_changing or self.phase.is_changing, ) if ws.phs_signal_enabled: # Phase signal elements do not depend on the signal frequency ws.signal.add_fill_function( modulator_signal_phase_fill, self.midx.is_changing or self.phase.is_changing, ) return ws