Source code for finesse.analysis.actions.pseudolock

from more_itertools import pairwise
from scipy.sparse import diags
import numpy as np

from import BaseSolution
from .base import Action
from . import Operator
from finesse.exceptions import FinesseException
from finesse.components import Mirror, Beamsplitter

[docs]class PseudoLockCavitySolution(BaseSolution): """Solution to the :class:`PseudoLockCavity` action. Attributes ---------- operator : :class:`OperatorSolution` Solution of the operator action that is used to compute the roundtrip operator in the cavity w : array_like 2D Eigenvector array v : array_like 1D Eigenvalue array v_idx : int Index of the eigenmode being locked to phase : float Phase in degrees of the eigenmode that is being locked to. This is what is used to set the operating point of the cavity cavity : str Which cavity is being locked lowest_loss : bool If False, the target `mode` attribute is used. Otherwise mode : array_like [n, m] target mode to try and lock to """
# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class PseudoLockCavity(Action): """An action that locks a cavity defined by a `Cavity` element to a specific mode without using any radio-frequency sensing scheme. This will only work on simple cavities that are not coupled in any way. You can specify whether to try and lock to a particular HG mode with the `mode=[n,m]` keyword argument, or just pick the lowest loss mode, `lowest_loss=True`. Parameters ---------- cavity : Cavity Cavity element describing some Fabry-Perot like optical cavity mode : (n, m), optional HG mode to try and lock to, default is [0,0] lowest_loss : bool, optional Select the eigenmode which has the lowest loss, most likely the fundamental mode of the cavity. Using lowest loss will override the `mode` selection. feedback : Parameter optional If `None` the required cavity tuning to lock to the calculated mode will be determined from the cavity objects source node element, and the relevant `phi` parameter will be used. Alternatively you can specify which tuning parameter is used instead. Which should be a `phi` of some mirror in the cavity or a `DegreeOfFreedom` which controls the cavity length. name : str, optional Name of the solution generated by this action Examples -------- A Fabry-Perot based on aLIGO cavities: >>> import finesse >>> model = finesse.Model() >>> model.parse(''' ... l l1 P=1 ... m ITM T=0.014 L=0 Rc=-1945 ... s sARM ITM.p2 ETM.p1 L=3994 ... m ETM R=1 L=0 Rc=2145 ... link(l1, ITM) ... cav arm ETM.p1.o ... modes(maxtem=1) ... ''') The cavity source node is on the ETM so the pseudo-lock will use that node and component `phi` parameter to feedback to. In this case the ETM.phi will be corrected to match the ITM.phi which will make the HG00 resonant. >>> model.ITM.phi = 0 >>> model.ETM.phi = 10 >>>"pseudo_lock_cavity(arm)") >>> print(model.ITM.phi, model.ETM.phi) 0.0 degrees 0.0 degrees >>> model.ITM.phi = 10 >>> model.ETM.phi = 0 >>>"pseudo_lock_cavity(arm)") >>> print(model.ITM.phi, model.ETM.phi) 10.0 degrees 10.0 degrees This lock will also handle any misalignments, mismatches, or maps applied to the cavity. >>> model.ITM.xbeta = 5e-8 >>> model.ITM.phi = 11 >>> model.ETM.phi = 0 >>>"pseudo_lock_cavity(arm)") >>> print(model.ITM.phi, model.ETM.phi) 11.0 degrees 10.984168676865762 degrees We can also lock to other HG modes: >>> sol ="series(pseudo_lock_cavity(arm, mode=[1,0]), noxaxis())") >>> print(model.ITM.phi, model.ETM.phi) >>> print(model.homs) >>> print(sol['noxaxis']['Ecirc']) 11.0 degrees 28.663091273523214 degrees [[0 0] [1 0] [0 1]] [-0.16465261-0.11468501j 0.41262682-0.27112167j 0. +0.j ] """ def __init__( self, cavity, *, mode=[0, 0], lowest_loss=False, feedback=None, name="pseudo_lock_cavity", ): super().__init__(name) self.cavity = cavity self.mode = mode self.lowest_loss = lowest_loss = feedback def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True): cav = ( model.elements[self.cavity] if isinstance(self.cavity, str) else self.cavity ) memo["keep_nodes"].extend((_.full_name for _ in cav.path.nodes)) if not any(np.all(model.homs == self.mode, axis=1)): raise FinesseException( f"HG mode {self.mode} was not found in the simulation" ) # If a user provided feedback is given then use that to send locking # signal towards if is not None: if isinstance(, str): memo["changing_parameters"].append(model.get( elif hasattr(, "parameter"): memo["changing_parameters"].append( else: memo["changing_parameters"].append( else: # if not use the cavity source component memo["changing_parameters"].append(cav.source.component.phi) def _do(self, state): model = state.model key = id(self) sol = PseudoLockCavitySolution( sol.mode = self.mode sol.lowest_loss = self.lowest_loss sol.cavity = str(self.cavity) # Try and get data already computed for this action ws = state.action_workspaces.get(key, None) if ws is None: state.action_workspaces[key] = ws = {} cav = ws["cavity"] = ( model.elements[self.cavity] if isinstance(self.cavity, str) else self.cavity ) # if the cavity is using a via definition for it's path use that # if not use the opposite to ensure we don't select a dumb option via = cav.source.opposite if cav.via is None else cav.via ws["operator"] = Operator(cav.source, cav.source, via=via) ws["hg_idx"] = int(np.argmax(np.all(model.homs == self.mode, axis=1))) # Get the phi parameter of the cavity source component component = cav.source.component if is None: ws["phi"] = component.phi elif isinstance(, str): ws["phi"] = model.get( elif hasattr(, "parameter"): ws["phi"] = else: ws["phi"] = # Decide on the direction of phase application, depending on side # of mirror/bs the cav source node is on if isinstance(component, Mirror): if cav.source in component.p1: ws["scale"] = -1 else: ws["scale"] = +1 elif isinstance(component, Beamsplitter): # TODO need angle of incidence here if cav.source in component.p1 or cav.source in component.p2: ws["scale"] = -1 else: ws["scale"] = +1 else: raise FinesseException( f"From the cavity node {cav.source}, its owner {cav.source.component} is neither a mirror nor a beamsplitter." ) # Compute eigenmodes and vectors sol.operator = state.apply(ws["operator"]) sol.w, sol.v = np.linalg.eig(sol.operator.operator) if not self.lowest_loss: # select mode with largest self.mode component # which is probably the best guess for making that # mode resonant sol.v_idx = np.argmax(abs(sol.v[:, ws["hg_idx"]])) else: # select eigenmode which has the lowest loss, likely the fundamental # minimize -> roundtip loss = 1 - abs(sol.w)**2 sol.v_idx = np.argmax(abs(sol.w)) sol.phase = np.angle(sol.w[sol.v_idx], deg=True) ws["phi"].value += ws["scale"] * sol.phase / 2 return sol
[docs]class PseudoLockDRFPMISolution(BaseSolution): """TODO: needs updating for all the various attributes this stores."""
[docs] def plot_PRC_SRC_eigenvectors(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt """Plots eigenvector maxtrix for PRC and SRC""" plt.imshow(abs(self.M_evec), origin="upper") plt.text(0, 0, "PRC", c="b", horizontalalignment="center") plt.text(0, 3, "SRC", c="b", horizontalalignment="center") plt.hlines(2.5, -0.5, 5.5) plt.colorbar() plt.title("Eigenvectors")
# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class PseudoLockDRFPMI(Action): """Pseudo-locking is attempting to find an operating point for a LIGO like model without needing to use RF sidebands and readouts. Although it is not physically accurate it does provide a useful tool for analysing detectors from a more theoretical basis. This generates a :class:`PseudoLockDRFPMISolution` solution containing various operators and results. This action is hardcoded to work with a LIGO like model. Mirrors should be named with ITMX, ETMX, PRM, etc. This currently action only really works for finding the lock points for the PRC, SRC, XARM, and YARM – which all have defined cavity roundtrips which allow eigendecomposition of roundtrip operators. The eigenvectors describe the HOM mix for each resonant mode in a cavity and the eigenvalues the roundtrip phase and loss of the mode. This code looks for eigenvectors with the largest HG00 content and then uses the eigenvalues to compute what cavity tunings need to make this mode resonant. The corner is the most complicated here as the PRC and SRC are coupled via the beamsplitter. The eigendecomposition is performed on the 2x2 operator matrix for the PRC, SRC, and the coupling matrices between them. When the coupling is small the results are the same as performing the decomposition on each SRC and PRC separately. Note that the only degree of freedom that this does not handle currently is MICH. MICH is awkward because it is not a cavity. It is essentially the beamsplitter position that makes the anti-symmetric port dark. Parameters ---------- frequency : float, optional Frequency to use for calculating the operators apply_tunings : bool, optional When True the action will modify the model tunings name : str, optional Name of the solution generated by this action """ def __init__(self, frequency=0, *, apply_tunings=True, name="operator_lock"): super().__init__(name) self.frequency = frequency self.apply_tunings = apply_tunings # connections to compute operators for in a LIGO like model # name : (from, to, via) self.operators = { "BS13": ("BS.p1.i", "BS.p3.o", None), "BS31": ("BS.p3.i", "BS.p1.o", None), "BS12": ("BS.p1.i", "BS.p2.o", None), "BS21": ("BS.p2.i", "BS.p1.o", None), "BS24": ("BS.p2.i", "BS.p4.o", None), "BS42": ("BS.p4.i", "BS.p2.o", None), "BS34": ("BS.p3.i", "BS.p4.o", None), "BS43": ("BS.p4.i", "BS.p3.o", None), "MICHX1": ("BS.p3.o", "ITMX.p1.i", None), "MICHY1": ("BS.p2.o", "ITMY.p1.i", None), "MICHX2": ("ITMX.p1.o", "BS.p3.i", None), "MICHY2": ("ITMY.p1.o", "BS.p2.i", None), "R1X": ("ITMX.p1.i", "ITMX.p1.o", None), "R2X": ("ITMX.p2.i", "ITMX.p2.o", None), "T1X": ("ITMX.p1.i", "ITMX.p2.o", None), "T2X": ("ITMX.p2.i", "ITMX.p1.o", None), "GX": ("ITMX.p2.o", "ITMX.p2.i", "ETMX.p1.i"), "GY": ("ITMY.p2.o", "ITMY.p2.i", "ETMY.p1.i"), "R1Y": ("ITMY.p1.i", "ITMY.p1.o", None), "R2Y": ("ITMY.p2.i", "ITMY.p2.o", None), "T1Y": ("ITMY.p1.i", "ITMY.p2.o", None), "T2Y": ("ITMY.p2.i", "ITMY.p1.o", None), "SRC": ("BS.p4.o", "BS.p4.i", "SRM.p1.o"), "PRC": ("BS.p1.o", "BS.p1.i", "PRM.p2.o"), "SQZ": ("sqz.p1.o", "SRM.p2.o", None), } def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True): for name, (_from, _to, via) in self.operators.items(): memo["keep_nodes"].append(_from) memo["keep_nodes"].append(_to) if via: memo["keep_nodes"].append(via) if self.apply_tunings: memo["changing_parameters"].append("SRCL.DC") memo["changing_parameters"].append("PRCL.DC") def _do(self, state): sim = state.sim model = state.model key = id(self) f_idx = None N = sim.model_settings.num_HOMs sol = PseudoLockDRFPMISolution( # Try and get data already computed for this action ws = state.action_workspaces.get(key, None) if ws is None: try: frequency = float(self.frequency) except TypeError: frequency = float(self.frequency.value) # find the right frequency index for freq in state.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequencies: if freq.f == frequency: f_idx = freq.index break if f_idx is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find an optical carrier frequency with a value of {self.frequency}Hz" ) state.action_workspaces[key] = ws = {} # loop through each operator we need to get for name, (start, end, via) in self.operators.items(): nodes = model.path(start, end, via_node=via).nodes connections = tuple( (n1.full_name, n2.full_name) for n1, n2 in pairwise(nodes) ) operators = [] # Get all the matrix views to eventually multiply together later for _ in pairwise(nodes): # if we have a 1D array it's just a diagonal matrix # so convert it to a sparse array for easy multiplying # later # TODO can have some option to select between different # frequencies or signal/carrier at some point Mview = sim.carrier.connections[_] if Mview.ndim == 2: # We have a frequency scattering matrix # TODO : not sure on user interface for getting # different frequency couplings yet, for now it's # just same freq in and out M = Mview[f_idx, f_idx] else: # no frequency coupling M = Mview[f_idx] operators.append(M) ws[name] = (nodes, connections, operators) # Loop through all the opeators are multiply them together to get # each reduced operator sol.operators = {} for name, (nodes, connections, operators) in ws.items(): M = np.eye(sim.model_settings.num_HOMs) for op in operators: if op.view.ndim == 1: M = diags(-op.view) @ M else: M = -op.view @ M sol.operators[name] = M # Give all the opertors variable names GX = sol.operators["GX"] GY = sol.operators["GY"] SRC = sol.operators["SRC"] PRC = sol.operators["PRC"] R1X = sol.operators["R1X"] R1Y = sol.operators["R1Y"] R2X = sol.operators["R2X"] R2Y = sol.operators["R2Y"] # T1X = sol.operators["T1X"] # T1Y = sol.operators["T1Y"] # T2X = sol.operators["T2X"] # T2Y = sol.operators["T2Y"] BS12 = sol.operators["BS12"] BS21 = sol.operators["BS21"] BS13 = sol.operators["BS13"] BS31 = sol.operators["BS31"] BS24 = sol.operators["BS24"] BS42 = sol.operators["BS42"] BS34 = sol.operators["BS34"] BS43 = sol.operators["BS43"] MICHX1 = sol.operators["MICHX1"] MICHX2 = sol.operators["MICHX2"] MICHY1 = sol.operators["MICHY1"] MICHY2 = sol.operators["MICHY2"] # Now finally multiply the various operators together to compute # the different eigendecompositions # I = np.eye(N, dtype=np.complex128) GRTX = GX @ R2X GRTY = GY @ R2Y RX = R1X # + T2X @ np.linalg.inv(I - GRTX) @ GX @ T1X RY = R1Y # + T2Y @ np.linalg.inv(I - GRTY) @ GY @ T1Y MX = MICHX2 @ RX @ MICHX1 MY = MICHY2 @ RY @ MICHY1 MICHSS = BS34 @ MX @ BS43 + BS24 @ MY @ BS42 MICHSP = BS31 @ MX @ BS43 + BS21 @ MY @ BS42 MICHPP = BS31 @ MX @ BS13 + BS21 @ MY @ BS12 MICHPS = BS34 @ MX @ BS13 + BS24 @ MY @ BS12 sol.SRC = MICHSS @ SRC sol.PRC = MICHPP @ PRC sol.SRC_PRC = MICHSP @ SRC sol.PRC_SRC = MICHPS @ PRC # eigenvalues and vectors of the SRC roundtrip operator gives # the various resonant mode structure regardless of HOM content # and defects sol.X_eval, sol.X_evec = np.linalg.eig(GRTX) sol.Y_eval, sol.Y_evec = np.linalg.eig(GRTY) sol.X_HG00_idx, sol.Y_HG00_idx = ( abs(sol.X_evec[0, :]).argmax(), abs(sol.Y_evec[0, :]).argmax(), ) sol.xarm_phi = -np.angle(sol.X_eval[sol.X_HG00_idx], deg=True) / 2 sol.yarm_phi = -np.angle(sol.Y_eval[sol.Y_HG00_idx], deg=True) / 2 # Make a 2x2 block matrix for corner coupling between SRC and PRC sol.M = np.block([[sol.PRC, sol.PRC_SRC], [sol.SRC_PRC, sol.SRC]]) sol.M_eval, sol.M_evec = np.linalg.eig(sol.M) # Compute which eigenvectors are the most HG00 like # Grab the HG00 row in and select the column with the # max value, will be the mode with the most HG00 content sol.PRC_HG00_idx, sol.SRC_HG00_idx = ( abs(sol.M_evec[0, :]).argmax(), abs(sol.M_evec[N, :]).argmax(), ) # Compute phases for each cavity sol.corner_phases = -np.angle(sol.M_eval, deg=True) / 2 # Then select the cavity detuning to pick the most HG00 mode # Resonant sideband extraction sol.src_phi = sol.corner_phases[sol.SRC_HG00_idx] sol.prc_phi = sol.corner_phases[sol.PRC_HG00_idx] sol.PRC_evec = sol.M_evec[:N, sol.PRC_HG00_idx] sol.SRC_evec = sol.M_evec[N:, sol.SRC_HG00_idx] if self.apply_tunings: state.model.SRCL.DC += sol.src_phi state.model.PRCL.DC += 90 - sol.prc_phi return sol