"""Operator based Actions to extract operators and perform operator based analyes, such
as calculating eigenmodes."""
from more_itertools import pairwise
from scipy.sparse import diags
import numpy as np
from ...components import Cavity
from ...solutions import BaseSolution
from .base import Action
[docs]class EigenmodesSolution(BaseSolution):
"""Contains the result of an Eigenmodes action. The start node is defined by the
Cavity starting point.
connections : tuple((Node, Node))
Node connections used in the round trip propagator
roundtrip_matrix : array
Combined round trip matrix operator for the cavity
matrices : list[array]
A list of operators for each connection
eigvalues, eigvectors : array, array
Eigen values and vectors of the round trip matrix
cavity_planewave_loss : float
Round trip loss for a planewave
homs : array_like
Array of HOMs used in the model at the time this was computed
[docs] def loss(self, remove_planewave_loss=False):
"""Computes the round trip loss of all the eigenmodes of the cavity. Eigenmodes
are ordered by loss. Lowest loss may not be the fundamental mode.
remove_planewave_loss : bool, optional
Whether to remove the roundtrip loss a plane wave would experience
to see the loss induced from HOM effects.
index : array_like
Indicies of ordering for the eigvalues and eigvectors of this solution
loss : array_like
Roundtrip loss of modes
idx = np.argsort(1 - abs(self.eigvalues) ** 2)
eigx_values = self.eigvalues[idx]
loss = 1 - abs(eigx_values) ** 2
if remove_planewave_loss:
loss = loss - self.cavity_planewave_loss
return idx, loss
[docs] def plot_roundtrip_loss(self, remove_planewave_loss=False, ax=None, **kwargs):
"""Plots the roundtrip loss of the cavity for each eigenmode.
remove_planewave_loss : bool, optional
If True, remove the loss a planewave would experience to just see the
effects from higher order modes.
ax : Matplotlib.Axis, optional
The axis to plot on to, if `None` a new figure is made
Keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.semilogy for styling trace
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is not None:
idx = np.argsort(1 - abs(self.eigvalues) ** 2)
eigx_values = self.eigvalues[idx]
loss = 1 - abs(eigx_values) ** 2
if remove_planewave_loss:
loss = loss - self.cavity_planewave_loss
plt.semilogy(loss / 1e-6, **kwargs)
plt.xlabel("Eigenvalue index")
if not remove_planewave_loss:
plt.ylabel("Roundtrip loss [ppm]")
plt.ylabel("Loss excess from planewave [ppm]")
[docs] def plot_phase(self, scale=None, ax=None, **kwargs):
"""Plots the eigenmode phases.
scale : float
Scale of scatter point size
ax : Matplotlib.Axis, optional
The axis to plot on to, if `None` a new figure is made
Keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter for styling trace
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is not None:
idx = np.argsort(1 - abs(self.eigvalues) ** 2)
eigx_values = self.eigvalues[idx]
eigx_phase = np.angle(eigx_values)
eigx_phase = eigx_phase - eigx_phase[0]
plt.scatter(np.arange(eigx_values.size), eigx_phase, scale, **kwargs)
plt.xlabel("Eigenvalue index")
plt.ylabel("Eigenvalue phase [rad]")
# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class Eigenmodes(Action):
"""For a given Cavity defined in a model, this action will compute the roundtrip
operator and calculate the eigen-values and -vectors of the cavity. This will not
give correct solutions for coupled cavities.
This can be used to determine what modes combination of modes are resonating in a
cavity and the required tuning to make that mode resonate.
cavity : str
cavity name
frequency : float
Frequency to use for calculating the operators
name : str, optional
Name of the solution generated by this action
def __init__(self, cavity: Cavity, frequency, *, name="eigenmode"):
self.cavity = cavity
self.frequency = frequency
def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True):
def _do(self, state):
sim = state.sim
model = state.model
cav = model.elements[
self.cavity if isinstance(self.cavity, str) else self.cavity.name
# Get the connections (node) forming this cavity
nodes = cav.path.nodes
# need to complete the loop by adding the first element
# to the end again
f_idx = None
# find the right frequency index
for freq in state.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequencies:
if freq.f == float(self.frequency):
f_idx = freq.index
if f_idx is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Could not find an optical carrier frequency with a value of {self.frequency}Hz"
sol = EigenmodesSolution(self.name)
sol.cavity_planewave_loss = cav.loss
sol.homs = model.homs.copy()
sol.connections = tuple(
(n1.full_name, n2.full_name) for n1, n2 in pairwise(nodes)
sol.roundtrip_matrix = None
sol.matrices = []
# update sim
if sim.is_modal:
for _ in pairwise(nodes):
# if we have a 1D array it's just a diagonal matrix
# so convert it to a sparse array for easy multiplying
# later
if sim.carrier.connections[_][f_idx].view.ndim == 1:
M = diags(sim.carrier.connections[_][f_idx][:])
M = sim.carrier.connections[_][f_idx].view.copy()
# Keep reference to each coupling we come across
# Compute roundtrip matrix as we go
if sol.roundtrip_matrix is None:
sol.roundtrip_matrix = M
sol.roundtrip_matrix = M @ sol.roundtrip_matrix
# Find eigen values and vectors of roundtrip
sol.eigvalues, sol.eigvectors = np.linalg.eig(sol.roundtrip_matrix)
return sol
[docs]class OperatorSolution(BaseSolution):
"""Contains solution to the Operator action. The main result is the `operator`
attribute which describes the operator taking the field from start to end node.
connections : [(Node, Node)]
A list of node pairs describing the connections
traversed to compute this operator
operator : ndarray(ndim=2, dtype=complex)
The operator describing the propagation from start
to end node.
# IMPORTANT: renaming this class impacts the katscript spec and should be avoided!
[docs]class Operator(Action):
"""This action can be used to extract operators out from a simulation for external
use. The operators are defined by a path in the network between two nodes (via some
other if more direction is required).
The `model.path` method can be used to test which nodes are traversed before using
this to extract operators if needed.
start_node : str
Start node name
end_node : str
End node name
via : str, optional
Via node to use to specify a path with multiple options
frequency : float, optional
Frequency to use for calculating the operators
name : str, optional
Name of the solution generated by this action
def __init__(self, start_node, end_node, via=None, frequency=0, *, name="operator"):
self.start_node = start_node
self.end_node = end_node
self.via = via
self.frequency = frequency
def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True):
if self.via is not None:
def _do(self, state):
sim = state.sim
model = state.model
key = id(self)
f_idx = None
sol = OperatorSolution(self.name)
# Try and get data already computed for this action
ws = state.action_workspaces.get(key, None)
if ws:
nodes = ws["nodes"]
connections = ws["connections"]
f_idx = ws["f_idx"]
frequency = float(self.frequency)
except TypeError:
frequency = float(self.frequency.value)
# find the right frequency index
for freq in state.sim.carrier.optical_frequencies.frequencies:
if freq.f == frequency:
f_idx = freq.index
if f_idx is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Could not find an optical carrier frequency with a value of {self.frequency}Hz"
nodes = model.path(self.start_node, self.end_node, via_node=self.via).nodes
connections = tuple(
(n1.full_name, n2.full_name) for n1, n2 in pairwise(nodes)
ws = {
"nodes": nodes,
"connections": connections,
"f_idx": f_idx,
state.action_workspaces[key] = ws
# update sim
if sim.is_modal:
sol.connections = connections
sol.operator = np.eye(sim.model_settings.num_HOMs)
for _ in pairwise(nodes):
# if we have a 1D array it's just a diagonal matrix
# so convert it to a sparse array for easy multiplying
# later
# TODO can have some option to select between different
# frequencies or signal/carrier at some point
Mview = sim.carrier.connections[_]
if Mview.ndim == 2:
# We have a frequency scattering matrix
# TODO : not sure on user interface for getting
# different frequency couplings yet, for now it's
# just same freq in and out
M = Mview[f_idx, f_idx]
# no frequency coupling
M = Mview[f_idx]
if M.view.ndim == 1:
# TODO can probably write something faster
# than making a sparse diagonal matrix here
sol.operator = diags(M.view) @ (-sol.operator)
sol.operator = M.view @ (-sol.operator)
return sol