"""Methods for saving outputs to files.
Currently just uses pickles until HDF is working.
import numpy as np
import pickle
from finesse.env import warn
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import importlib
import os.path
# NOTE ssl: h5py is not available on OSX for ARM64 as of 2022-01-20; see #448.
import h5py
except ImportError:
HAS_HDF5 = False
HAS_HDF5 = True
HDF_EXTENSIONS = [".h5", ".hdf5", ".hdf"]
PICKLE_EXTENSIONS = [".pkl", ".pickle"]
FORMAT_OPTIONS = ["hdf", "pickle"]
[docs]def type_to_json(_type):
if not isinstance(_type, type):
raise TypeError(f"Not a type: {_type}")
if hasattr(_type, "__module__"):
return f"{_type.__module__}.{_type.__name__}"
return _type.__name__
[docs]def type_from_json(data):
# Grab the class name and figure out what type of object
# to instantiate
cls_name, *module = data.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)[::-1]
if len(module) == 0: # builtin
return getattr(__builtins__, cls_name)
module = importlib.import_module(module[0])
return getattr(module, cls_name)
[docs]def np_dtype_to_json(dtype):
"""Converts a numpy dtype into a json string format."""
if not isinstance(dtype, np.dtype):
raise TypeError(f"Not a dtype {dtype}")
return json.dumps(tuple((a, b, tuple(c)) for a, b, *c in dtype.descr))
[docs]def np_dtype_from_json(data):
data = json.loads(data)
def process(a, b, c):
a = a.strip()
f = (
lambda x: ()
if len(x) == 0
else tuple(np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(x)).tolist())
c = f(c)
if len(c) == 0:
return (
return (a, b, c)
# multiple checks needed to remove extra information stored during
# the storage stage. If no name or shapes are given then we have
# to go back to a single dtype string, rather than a tuple otherwise
# you get a record array and an auto generated name for the column
descr = [process(a, b, c) for a, b, *c in data]
if len(descr) == 1 and len(descr[0]) == 2 and len(descr[0][0]) == 0:
descr = descr[0][1]
return np.dtype(descr)
[docs]def dict_to_json(d):
return json.dumps(d)
[docs]def object_to_hdf(obj):
pkl = pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=5)
return np.void(pkl)
[docs]def create_object_dataset(grp, key, obj):
d = grp.create_dataset(key, data=object_to_hdf(obj))
d.attrs["type"] = type_to_json(type(obj))
[docs]def str_array_to_hdf(s):
return np.string_(s)
[docs]def to_generic_hdf(obj, grp):
"""Used to convert a generic Python class into a HDF group.
Scalar values (as determined by np.isscalar) are added as HDF group attributes. This
includes class attributes that are int, float, strings, etc. Attributes that are
representable with a numpy array are written as datasets within the group. Any
attribute that does not fit in the above will be pickled and added as a byte stream
if not hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
warn(f"Nothing to write for {repr(obj)}")
for key, value in obj.__dict__.items():
arr = np.asarray(value)
if np.isscalar(value):
# Write scalars as attributes to the group
grp.attrs[key] = value
elif arr.dtype.char == "U": # array of strings
grp.create_dataset(key, data=str_array_to_hdf(value))
elif arr.dtype.char == "O": # Object
create_object_dataset(grp, key, value)
else: # Otherwise just try and dump the numpy array
grp.create_dataset(key, data=value)
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception(f"Error writing {key}:{value} to HDF", ex)
[docs]def dump_solution_hdf(sol, filename):
if not HAS_HDF5:
raise RuntimeError("h5py not available; cannot dump to HDF. See #448.")
def _dump(grp, obj):
grp.attrs["__solution__.name"] = obj.name
grp.attrs["__solution__.type"] = type_to_json(type(obj))
dumpfunc = dump_mapping.get(type(obj), to_generic_hdf)
grp.attrs["__solution__.dumper"] = f"{dumpfunc.__module__}.{dumpfunc.__name__}"
dumpfunc(obj, grp)
data = defaultdict(list)
for _ in sol.get_all_children():
with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f:
# Every solution object has its own group
for path, sols in data.items():
grp = f.create_group(path)
if len(sols) > 1:
# Then we have multiple solutions with the same name at this level
for i, s in enumerate(sols):
g = grp.create_group(str(i))
_dump(g, s)
_dump(grp, sols[0])
[docs]def load_solution_hdf(filename):
if not HAS_HDF5:
raise RuntimeError("h5py not available; cannot dump to HDF. See #448.")
def _load_group(data, parent=None):
groups = list(filter(lambda x: type(x[1]) == h5py.Group, data.items()))
datasets = list(filter(lambda x: type(x[1]) == h5py.Dataset, data.items()))
new_sol = None
if "__solution__.type" in data.attrs:
sol_type = data.attrs["__solution__.type"]
sol_name = data.attrs["__solution__.name"]
# Grab the class name and figure out what type of object
# to instantiate
cls_name, *module = sol_type.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)[::-1]
if len(module) == 0: # builtin
stype = getattr(__builtins__, cls_name)
module = importlib.import_module(module[0])
stype = getattr(module, cls_name)
# Try and make a new object
if stype in load_mapping:
# Need to do more complicated mapping
# this function should do all the attr
# and dataset reading from the group
# into the new object
new_sol = load_mapping[stype](data, parent)
if new_sol not in parent.children:
if type(new_sol) is not stype:
raise TypeError(
f"Excepted {load_mapping[stype]} to return an object of type {stype} not {new_sol}"
# assume the most basic of interface for BaseSolution
new_sol = stype(sol_name, parent=parent)
# Set any scalar like attrs
for attr in data.attrs:
if not attr.startswith("__solution__"): # Ignore any metadata
setattr(new_sol, attr, data.attrs[attr])
for name, ds in datasets:
setattr(new_sol, name, ds[()])
parent = new_sol # new parent to use as creating a new solution
# Now load any other sub-groups which will be other solutions/groups
for _, value in groups:
_load_group(value, parent=parent)
if new_sol:
return new_sol
with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f:
groups = list(filter(lambda x: type(x[1]) == h5py.Group, f.items()))
datasets = list(filter(lambda x: type(x[1]) == h5py.Dataset, f.items()))
if len(datasets):
warn("Found datasets in root which wasn't expected")
if len(groups) != 1:
raise Exception("Unexpected number of groups in root")
return _load_group(groups[0][1], None)
[docs]def save(obj, filename, format=None):
f"""Saves a Finesse solution object to a file. Two options are available: HDF5 and Pickle.
obj : Solution
Solution object generated by a Finesse simulation
filename : str
A path and filename to save the output. If the path does not exist it will
be created.
formation : str, optional
For HDF files use one of {HDF_EXTENSIONS} or
pickle files use one of {PICKLE_EXTENSIONS}.
If `None` then the extension of the `filename` is used.
if format is None:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
format = "hdf"
format = "pickle"
elif ext is None:
raise ValueError(
"No file extension was provided, could not automatically choose format to use."
raise ValueError(
f"{ext} not a supported file extension. Valid extensions are {EXTENSIONS}"
elif format not in FORMAT_OPTIONS:
raise ValueError(f"format options are {FORMAT_OPTIONS}")
a, _ = os.path.split(filename)
if not os.path.exists(a) and len(a) > 0:
if format == "pickle":
pickle.dump(obj, open(filename, "wb"), protocol=5)
elif format == "hdf":
dump_solution_hdf(obj, filename)
[docs]def load(filename, format=None):
if format is None:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
format = "hdf"
format = "pickle"
elif ext is None:
raise ValueError(
"No file extension was provided, could not automatically choose format to use."
raise ValueError(
f"{ext} not a supported file extension. Valid extensions are {EXTENSIONS}"
elif format not in FORMAT_OPTIONS:
raise ValueError(f"format options are {FORMAT_OPTIONS}")
if format == "pickle":
return pickle.load(open(filename, "rb"))
elif format == "hdf":
return load_solution_hdf(filename)
# object type to HDF data map
dump_mapping = {}
# HDF data to object type map
load_mapping = {}