Source code for finesse.script.tokenizer

"""Tokenization for kat script.

This differs from a typical tokenizer in that it tokenizes whitespace and
newline characters, which have important meanings in kat script and help
maintain formatting in later model serialization.

Inspired by the Python standard library `tokenize` module and from
David Beazley's SLY (

Sean Leavey <>
import re
from io import StringIO
from ..env import INDENT
from .tokens import (
from .containers import (
from .exceptions import KatSyntaxError

[docs]class KatTokenizer: """Kat script token generator. Regular expressions define patterns to match prototypes. Prototypes are then either emitted as tokens as-is, or modified by callback methods defined in this class. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`.KatGraph`, optional The parse graph to add parsed tokens to. Defaults to a new :class:`.KatGraph`. """ # All token rules, in order of matching precedence. _TOKEN_RULES = { "WHITESPACE": WHITESPACE, "NEWLINE": NEWLINE, "COMMENT": COMMENT, "NONE": NONE, # Has to be above NAME. "FIXME": FIXME, "BOOLEAN": BOOLEAN, "NUMBER": NUMBER, # Has to be above NAME (since it can match "inf") "STRING": STRING, "NAME": NAME, **{key: re.escape(value) for key, value in LITERALS.items()}, } # Specialised token types (other tokens use KatToken). _TOKEN_CLASSES = { "WHITESPACE": KatWhitespaceToken, "NONE": KatNoneToken, "FIXME": KatFixMeToken, "BOOLEAN": KatBooleanToken, "NUMBER": KatNumberToken, "STRING": KatStringToken, } _TAB_SIZE = len(INDENT)
[docs] def __init__(self): self.done = None self.script = None self._lineno = None self._index = None self._matcher = None self._nesting = None self._build_rules()
def _build_rules(self): """Create overall expression with named items.""" rules = "|".join( [f"(?P<{name}>{pattern})" for name, pattern in self._TOKEN_RULES.items()] ) self._matcher = re.compile(rules) def _raise_error(self, error_msg, token): raise KatSyntaxError(error_msg, self.script, token) def _raise_lexing_error(self, token): self._raise_error(f"illegal character {token.value[0]!r}", token) # Skip over the bad token. self._index += len(token.value) return token
[docs] def tokenize(self, string): """Tokenize specified `string`. Parameters ---------- string : :class:`str` The string to tokenize kat script from. Yields ------ :class:`.KatToken` The next token read from `string`. """ yield from self.tokenize_file(StringIO(string))
[docs] def tokenize_file(self, fobj): """Generate tokens from the given file. Parameters ---------- fobj : :class:`io.FileIO` The file object to tokenize kat script from. This should be opened in text mode. Yields ------ :class:`.KatToken` The next token read from `fobj`. """ # Reset tokenizer state. self.done = False self.errors = [] self.script = KatFile("") self._nesting = [] self._lineno = 1 self._index = 0 previous_line = "" line = "" while True: previous_line = line line = fobj.readline() # Lines are only empty at the end of the file (blank lines are "\n"). if not line: break linelength = len(line) # Store the line for use in error messages. self.script.add(line) # The current string index on the current line. The start/stop values stored # in tokens are this value + 1. # This can be modified by the error function, so it's part of the object # scope. We also remember the total extra space characters used to # compensate for tabs, which only take up 1 character in the file but more # when displayed. self._index = 0 self._taboffset = 0 while self._index < linelength: matches = self._matcher.match(line, self._index) if matches: raw_value = # Compensate for tabs. Tabs only take up one character but when # displayed take up whatever we decide here. start_index = self._index + self._taboffset + 1 self._taboffset += (self._TAB_SIZE - 1) * raw_value.count("\t") stop_index = matches.end() + self._taboffset + 1 token_type = matches.lastgroup # If a special token type is defined, use its corresponding class # instead of :class:`.KatToken`. token_class = self._TOKEN_CLASSES.get(token_type, KatToken) try: token = token_class( lineno=self._lineno, start_index=start_index, stop_index=stop_index, type=token_type, raw_value=raw_value, ) except SyntaxError as e: # There was an error determining the final value of the token. self._raise_error( e, KatToken( self._lineno, start_index, stop_index, token_type, raw_value, ), ) if token_callback := getattr(self, f"on_{token_type}", False): token_callback(token) self._index = matches.end() # Updates index for next token. else: # A lexing error. token = KatToken( self._lineno, start_index=self._index + 1, stop_index=linelength + 1, type="ERROR", raw_value=line[self._index :], ) # Leave it to the error function to advance the index and/or recover # the token. token = self._raise_lexing_error(token) yield token if self._nesting: # Unclosed parenthesis/parentheses. for token in self._nesting: self._raise_error(f"unclosed '{token.value}'", token) # Add an implicit NEWLINE if the input doesn't end in one (this simplifies the # parser rules). if not previous_line or (previous_line and previous_line[-1] not in "\r\n"): yield KatMetaToken( self._lineno, self._index + 1, self._index + 1, "NEWLINE" ) self._lineno += 1 self._index = 0 yield KatMetaToken(self._lineno, 1, 1, "ENDMARKER") self.done = True
[docs] def on_NEWLINE(self, token): self._lineno += len(token.value)
[docs] def on_LBRACKET(self, token): self._nesting.append(token)
[docs] def on_RBRACKET(self, token): try: assert self._nesting.pop().value == "[" except (IndexError, AssertionError): self._raise_error("extraneous ']'", token)
[docs] def on_LPAREN(self, token): self._nesting.append(token)
[docs] def on_RPAREN(self, token): try: assert self._nesting.pop().value == "(" except (IndexError, AssertionError): self._raise_error("extraneous ')'", token)