Source code for finesse.utilities.wigner

"""Wigner moment operators and functions written to work on an optical fields described
in a HG mode basis, rather than a cartesian grid, which makes many calculations faster
and more pratical when working in FINESSE.

Code is predominantly written by Alexei Ciobanu, some code tidying and documentation by
Daniel Brown.

import numpy as np
import scipy.special
from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs]def q2w(q, lam=1064e-9): """Get beam size from q parameter. Parameters ---------- q : complex Gaussian beam parameter lam : float Wavelength """ w0 = q2w0(q, lam=lam) zr = np.imag(q) return w0 * np.abs(q) / zr
[docs]def q2w0(q, lam=1064e-9): """Get waist size from q parameter. Parameters ---------- q : complex Gaussian beam parameter lam : float Wavelength """ zr = np.imag(q) return np.sqrt(zr * lam / np.pi)
[docs]def herm(n, x): c = np.zeros(n + 1) c[-1] = 1 return np.polynomial.hermite.hermval(x, c)
[docs]def gauss_norm(n, q, lam=1064e-9, include_gouy=True): """The normalization factor for a 1D HG electric field distribution to ensure that the overlap integral equates to 1. Traditionally the normalization includes a Gouy phase factor for free space propagation but that can be turned off by setting include_gouy=False Parameters ---------- n : int 1D Hermite-gaussian mode order q : complex Gaussian beam parameter lam : float Wavelength """ zr = np.imag(q) w0 = q2w0(q, lam=lam) w = q2w(q, lam=lam) t1 = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(2 / np.pi)) t2 = np.sqrt(1.0 / (2.0**n * scipy.special.factorial(n) * w0)) if include_gouy: t3 = np.sqrt(1j * zr / q) t4 = (-np.conj(q) / q) ** (n / 2) else: t3 = np.sqrt(w0 / w) t4 = 1 return t1 * t2 * t3 * t4
[docs]def X_hg(n, q, lam=1064e-9, include_gouy=False): w = q2w(q) hn = gauss_norm(n, q, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) # h0 = gauss_norm(0, q, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) hnp = gauss_norm(n + 1, q, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) if n > 0: hnm = gauss_norm(n - 1, q, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) anm = n / hnm else: anm = 0 out = w / np.sqrt(2) * hn * np.array([anm, 1 / (2 * hnp)]) return out
[docs]def X_hg_full(N, q, lam=1064e-9, include_gouy=False): X = np.zeros([N + 1, N], dtype=complex) for n in range(N): anm, anp = X_hg(n, q, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) if n > 0: X[n - 1, n] = anm X[n + 1, n] = anp else: X[n + 1, n] = anp return X
[docs]def D_hg(n, q, lam=1064e-9, include_gouy=False): k = 2 * np.pi / lam w = q2w(q, lam=lam) hn = gauss_norm(n, q, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) if n > 0: hnm = gauss_norm(n - 1, q, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) anm = np.sqrt(2) / w * 2 * n * hn / hnm else: anm = 0 an_x = -1j * k / q * X_hg(n, q, lam=1064e-9, include_gouy=include_gouy) an_d = np.array([anm, 0]) out = lam / (1j * 2 * np.pi) * (an_d + an_x) return out
[docs]def D_hg_full(N, q, lam=1064e-9, include_gouy=False): D = np.zeros([N + 1, N], dtype=complex) for n in range(N): anm, anp = D_hg(n, q, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) if n > 0: D[n - 1, n] = anm D[n + 1, n] = anp else: D[n + 1, n] = anp return D
[docs]@dataclass class WignerMomentsHG: """Wigner moment outputs from the Hermite-Gaussian wigner function :function:`wigner_moments_2D_hg`. Attributes ---------- xu, xy, xv, xx, ux, uy, uv, uu, yx, yu, yv, yy, vx, vu, vy, vv: float elements of the wigner matrix for easier access wig_matrix : array_like 4x4 Wigner moment matrix m2, m2x, m2y : float Total M2 (M-squared) value, and the M2 values in the x and y directions wig_qx, wig_qy : complex x and y complex gaussian beam parameter for this Wigner basis wig_zx, wig_zr, wig_wx, wig_zx, wig_zr, wig_wy Waist position, Rayleigh range, and spot size of the Wigner bases in the x and y directions wig_x, wig_y : float Displacement of beam in units of meters wig_u, wig_v : float Angle of beam in units of radians """ xu: float xy: float xv: float xx: float ux: float uy: float uv: float uu: float yx: float yu: float yv: float yy: float vx: float vu: float vy: float vv: float wig_matrix: np.ndarray m2: float m2x: float m2y: float wig_zx: float wig_zrx: float wig_qx: complex wig_wx: float wig_zx: float wig_zrx: float wig_qy: complex wig_wy: float wig_x: float wig_y: float wig_u: float wig_v: float
[docs]def E_1D_to_2D(E_1D, homs): pass
[docs]def wigner_moments_2D_hg( E, qx, qy, lam=1064e-9, assume_wigner_matrix_symmetry=True, include_gouy=False ): """Function for computing the Wigner moments of a set of HG mode amplitudes in a given basis (qx,qy). This function also computes other useful metrics from the Wigner moments such as the M2 (M-squared) and the Wigner basis of a beam. Parameters ---------- E : array_like HG mode coefficient matrix. If you have a 1D array of HG mode amplitudes use the `E_1D_to_2D` method to convert it first. qx, qy : complex | :class:`finesse.BeamParam` x and y direction complex guassian beam paramters lam : float wavelength of light used include_gouy : bool Include Gouy phase in HG normalisation [experimental] assume_wigner_matrix_symmetry : bool When True only lower half of the Wigner matrix is calculated Returns ------- result : :class:`WignerMomentsHG` Collection of calculations outputs from Wigner moment calculations Notes ----- It should be noted that the Wigner basis calculation and the M2 values along each axis (m2x, m2y) are only valid in the case where the general astigmatic wigner moments of the beam are close to zero. The general astigmatic components of a wigner distribution are xv, vx, yu, uy and potentially xy, yx, uv, vu (not sure about those). """ assert np.ndim(E) == 2 assert np.ndim(qx) == 0 assert np.ndim(qy) == 0 assert np.ndim(lam) == 0 M, N = E.shape Econj = np.conj(E.ravel()) Ix = np.eye(N) Iy = np.eye(M) Xxb = X_hg_full(N + 1, qx, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) Dxb = D_hg_full(N + 1, qx, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) Xyb = X_hg_full(M + 1, qy, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) Dyb = D_hg_full(M + 1, qy, lam=lam, include_gouy=include_gouy) Xxa = Xxb[:-1, :-1] Dxa = Dxb[:-1, :-1] Xya = Xyb[:-1, :-1] Dya = Dyb[:-1, :-1] Xx = Xxa[:-1, :] Dx = Dxa[:-1, :] Xy = Xya[:-1, :] Dy = Dya[:-1, :] # first wigner moments Ex = E @ Xx.T Eu = E @ Dx.T Ey = Xy @ E Ev = Dy @ E wig_x = Econj @ Ex.ravel() # displacement wig_u = Econj @ Eu.ravel() # displacement wig_y = Econj @ Ey.ravel() # tilt wig_v = Econj @ Ev.ravel() # tilt # second wigner moments XxXx = Xxb @ Xxa XxXx = XxXx[:-2, :] Wxx = XxXx - 2 * wig_x * Xx + Ix * wig_x**2 Exx = E @ Wxx.T XyXy = Xyb @ Xya XyXy = XyXy[:-2, :] Wyy = XyXy - 2 * wig_y * Xy + Iy * wig_y**2 Eyy = Wyy @ E DxDx = Dxb @ Dxa DxDx = DxDx[:-2, :] Wuu = DxDx - 2 * wig_u * Dx + Ix * wig_u**2 Euu = E @ Wuu.T DyDy = Dyb @ Dya DyDy = DyDy[:-2, :] Wvv = DyDy - 2 * wig_v * Dy + Iy * wig_v**2 Evv = Wvv @ E XxDx = Xxb @ Dxa XxDx = XxDx[:-2, :] Wux = XxDx - wig_u * Xx - wig_x * Dx + Ix * wig_x * wig_u Eux = E @ Wux.T XyDy = Xyb @ Dya XyDy = XyDy[:-2, :] Wvy = XyDy - wig_v * Xy - wig_y * Dx + Iy * wig_y * wig_v Evy = Wvy @ E Wx = Xx - wig_x * Ix Wy = Xy - wig_y * Iy Wu = Dx - wig_u * Ix Wv = Dy - wig_v * Iy Exy = Wy @ E @ Wx.T Euy = Wy @ E @ Wu.T Evx = Wv @ E @ Wx.T Euv = Wv @ E @ Wu.T wig_xx = Econj @ Exx.ravel() wig_yy = Econj @ Eyy.ravel() wig_uu = Econj @ Euu.ravel() wig_vv = Econj @ Evv.ravel() wig_ux = Econj @ Eux.ravel() wig_vy = Econj @ Evy.ravel() wig_xy = Econj @ Exy.ravel() wig_uv = Econj @ Euv.ravel() wig_vx = Econj @ Evx.ravel() wig_uy = Econj @ Euy.ravel() if assume_wigner_matrix_symmetry: wig_xu = wig_ux wig_yv = wig_vy wig_yx = wig_xy wig_vu = wig_uv wig_xv = wig_vx wig_yu = wig_uy else: raise NotImplementedError() # rescale wigner matrix elements and force them to be real s = np.pi * 4 / lam # Unclear why real part has to be taken here? xu = s * np.real(wig_xu) xy = s * np.real(wig_xy) xv = s * np.real(wig_xv) xx = s * np.real(wig_xx) ux = s * np.real(wig_ux) uy = s * np.real(wig_uy) uv = s * np.real(wig_uv) uu = s * np.real(wig_uu) yx = s * np.real(wig_yx) yu = s * np.real(wig_yu) yv = s * np.real(wig_yv) yy = s * np.real(wig_yy) vx = s * np.real(wig_vx) vu = s * np.real(wig_vu) vy = s * np.real(wig_vy) vv = s * np.real(wig_vv) wig_matrix = np.array( [[xx, xy, xu, xv], [yx, yy, yu, yv], [ux, uy, uu, uv], [vx, vy, vu, vv]] ) m2 = np.linalg.det(wig_matrix) ** 0.5 m2x = (xx * uu - ux * xu) ** 0.5 m2y = (yy * vv - yv * vy) ** 0.5 wig_zrx = m2x / uu wig_zx = -ux / uu wig_zry = m2y / vv wig_zy = -vy / vv wig_qx = wig_zx + 1j * wig_zrx wig_qy = wig_zy + 1j * wig_zry wig_wy = np.sqrt((yy / m2y) * (lam / np.pi)) wig_wx = np.sqrt((xx / m2x) * (lam / np.pi)) result = WignerMomentsHG() result.xu = xu result.xy = xy result.xv = xv result.xx = xx result.ux = ux = uy result.uv = uv result.uu = uu result.yx = yx result.yu = yu result.yv = yv result.yy = yy result.vx = vx = vu result.vy = vy result.vv = vv result.wig_matrix = wig_matrix result.m2 = m2 result.m2x = m2x result.m2y = m2y result.wig_zx = wig_zx result.wig_zrx = wig_zrx result.wig_qx = wig_qx result.wig_wx = wig_wx result.wig_zx = wig_zx result.wig_zrx = wig_zrx result.wig_qy = wig_qy result.wig_wy = wig_wy return result