Source code for finesse.exceptions

"""Custom exception types raised by different Finesse functions and class methods."""

import abc
from .env import traceback_handler_instance

[docs]class FinesseException(Exception): """The exception type which gets raised upon a Finesse failure. This identifies whether the current session is interactive or not, and consequently sets the level of verbosity. This can be overridden by calling :func:`~finesse.env.show_tracebacks` with ``True``. """ def __init__(self, message, **kwargs): if not traceback_handler_instance().show_tb: head = "\t(use finesse.tb() to see the full traceback)\n" else: head = "\n" message = head + str(message) super().__init__(message, **kwargs) def _render_traceback_(self): """use custom traceback in IPython/Jupyter.""" tb = traceback_handler_instance() tb.store_tb() return tb.get_stb()
[docs]class ComponentNotConnected(FinesseException): pass
[docs]class ParameterLocked(FinesseException): pass
[docs]class NodeException(FinesseException): """Exception associated with :class:`.Node` related run-time errors. Objects of type `NodeException` store the error message as well as an optional reference to the node(s) which caused the exception to be raised. Parameters ---------- message : str The error message. node : :class:`.Node`, optional A reference to the offending node(s), defaults to `None`. This can be a single node or a sequence of nodes. """ def __init__(self, message, node=None): super().__init__(message) self.__node = node @property def node(self): """The node(s) responsible for raising this exception instance. :getter: Returns the node(s) (either a single :class:`.Node` object or a sequence of these objects) responsible for the exception (read-only). """ return self.__node
[docs]class BeamTraceException(FinesseException): pass
[docs]class ConvergenceException(FinesseException): """Indicates an algorithm has failed to converge to some requested tolerance.""" pass
[docs]class TotalReflectionError(FinesseException): """Exception indicating total reflection of a beam at a component when performing beam tracing. Parameters ---------- message : str The error message. from_node, to_node : :class:`.Node` References to the offending source and target nodes, respectively. """ def __init__(self, message, from_node=None, to_node=None): super().__init__(message) self.__from_node = from_node self.__to_node = to_node @property def coupling(self): """The tuple of (from, to) nodes responsible for the total reflection error. :getter: Returns the nodes responsible for the exception (read-only). """ return (self.__from_node, self.__to_node)
[docs]class ModelAttributeError(FinesseException): """Error indicating a model path was not found. Model paths can be e.g. `l1.P` or `s1.p1.o`. This exists mainly so it can be caught by the parser. """ def __init__(self, model, pieces): from spellchecker import SpellChecker self.path = ".".join(pieces) if self.path.endswith("."): msg = f"'{self.path}' should not end with a '.'" else: msg = f"model has no attribute '{self.path}'" # Try and guess some plausible options curr = model for i, key in enumerate(pieces): if hasattr(curr, key): curr = getattr(curr, key) else: break correct = ".".join(pieces[:i]) if len(correct) > 0: correct += "." spell = SpellChecker(language=None, case_sensitive=True) spell.word_frequency.load_words(dir(curr)) candidates = spell.candidates(key) if candidates and key not in candidates: # Ensure suggestions are sorted alphabetically. suggestions = sorted([correct + option for option in candidates]) msg += f"\n\nDid you mean: {', '.join(suggestions)}?" else: msg += f"\n\nNo suggestions found for '{key}'" super().__init__(msg)
[docs]class ModelParameterDefaultValueError(FinesseException): """Error indicating a model element has no default model parameter. Some model parameters have defaults, such that they can be referenced in kat script using e.g. `myvar` instead of `myvar.value`. This error indicates a model element without such a default was referenced directly. """ def __init__(self, element): super().__init__( f"{repr(} cannot be referenced because type " f"{repr(element.__class__.__name__)} has no default model parameter" )
[docs]class ModelParameterSelfReferenceError(FinesseException): """Error indicating a model parameter cannot be set to refer to itself.""" def __init__(self, value, parameter): super().__init__( f"cannot set {parameter.full_name} to self-referencing value {value}" ) self.value = value self.parameter = parameter
class _empty: """Marker object for ContextualArgumentError.empty."""
[docs]class ContextualArgumentError(FinesseException, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """An argument error with additional context. This allows Finesse objects to provide additional information to the user when invalid values are passed to functions and methods. """ empty = _empty
[docs]class ContextualValueError(ContextualArgumentError): """A value error with additional information about value(s) that caused an error."""
[docs] def __init__(self, params, extra_info=None): self.params = params self.extra_info = extra_info super().__init__(self.message())
[docs] def message(self): from .utilities import ngettext, option_list pathstrs = option_list(self.params, final_sep="and", quotechar="'") problem = ngettext( len(self.params), "invalid value", "invalid values", sub=False ) # Only print the values if there aren't empty ones. if any([v == self.empty for v in self.params.values()]): valuestrs = "" else: valuestrs = option_list( [repr(value) for value in self.params.values()], final_sep="and" ) valuestrs = f" {valuestrs}" extra = f" ({self.extra_info})" if self.extra_info else "" return f"{pathstrs}: {problem}{valuestrs}{extra}"
[docs]class ContextualTypeError(ContextualArgumentError): """A type error with additional information about the available types."""
[docs] def __init__(self, param, value, allowed_types=None): self.param = param self.value = value self.allowed_types = allowed_types super().__init__(self.message())
[docs] def message(self): from .utilities import option_list if self.allowed_types: allowedtypes = [t.__name__ for t in self.allowed_types] allowedstr = option_list(allowedtypes, quotechar="'") gotstr = f"'{type(self.value).__name__}'" problem = f" (expected {allowedstr}, got {gotstr})" else: problem = "" return f"{self.param}: invalid type{problem}"
[docs]class NoLinearEquations(FinesseException): """Thrown when a simulation has no linear equations to solve.""" pass