Source code for finesse.components.gauss

"""User-defined Gaussian beam tracing dependencies at a node."""

from itertools import chain

from finesse.exceptions import FinesseException

from ..config import config_instance
from ..parameter import float_parameter
from ..gaussian import BeamParam

from .node import OpticalNode
from .trace_dependency import TraceDependency

[docs]@float_parameter("w0x", "Waist size (x)", units="m", validate="_validate_w0x") @float_parameter("w0y", "Waist size (y)", units="m", validate="_validate_w0y") @float_parameter("zx", "Distance to waist (x)", units="m", validate="_validate_zx") @float_parameter("zy", "Distance to waist (y)", units="m", validate="_validate_zy") class Gauss(TraceDependency): """Beam parameter at a specific node of a model. The following are legal initialisations of a `Gauss` object:: # Non-astigmatic q = Gauss('name', node, q=q) q = Gauss('name', node, w0=w0, z=z) # waist size and position q = Gauss('name', node, zr=zr, z=z) # Rayleigh range and waist position q = Gauss('name', node, w=w, Rc=Rc) # beam size and RoC q = Gauss('name', node, w=w, S=S) # beam size and curvature # Astigmatic q = Gauss('name', node, qx=qx, qy=qy) q = Gauss('name', node, w0x=wx, zx=zx, w0y=wy, zy=zy) q = Gauss('name', node, zrx=zrx, zx=zx, zry=zry, zy=zy) q = Gauss('name', node, wx=wx, Rcx=Rcx, wy=wy, Rcy=Rcy) q = Gauss('name', node, wx=wx, Sx=Sx, wy=wy, Sy=Sy) See :class:`.gaussian.BeamParam` for more detailed descriptions of these variables. """ def __init__(self, name, node, priority=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, priority) if isinstance(node, OpticalNode): self.__node = node else: raise FinesseException( f"Gauss {} expected argument `node` to be an OpticalNode" ) wl, nr = self.__get_lambda0_nr() # Handle q differently so that inner type of a BeamTraceSolution # can be used directly via this argument if "q" in kwargs: if len(kwargs) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both q and another parameter") from import BeamTraceSolution if isinstance(kwargs["q"], BeamTraceSolution.NodeData): qx, qy = kwargs["q"] else: qx = qy = BeamParam(wavelength=wl, nr=nr, q=kwargs["q"]) else: astig_params = [ ("qx", "qy"), ("zrx", "zry", "zx", "zy"), ("w0x", "w0y", "zx", "zy"), ("Rcx", "Rcy", "wx", "wy"), ("Sx", "Sy", "wx", "wy"), ] # Non-astigmatic beam parameters if not len(set(chain.from_iterable(astig_params)) & kwargs.keys()): try: qx = qy = BeamParam(wavelength=wl, nr=nr, **kwargs) except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError( "Invalid arguments for non-astigmatic Gauss." + str(ex) ) # Astigmatic beam parameters else: astig_params = [tuple(sorted(comb)) for comb in astig_params] if tuple(sorted(kwargs)) not in astig_params: raise ValueError( "Invalid arguments for astigmatic Gauss. Expected one of:\n - " + "\n - ".join([", ".join(comb) for comb in astig_params]) ) # Separate the tangential and sagittal plane arguments xargs = {k.split("x")[0]: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if "x" in k} yargs = {k.split("y")[0]: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if "y" in k} qx = BeamParam(wavelength=wl, nr=nr, **xargs) qy = BeamParam(wavelength=wl, nr=nr, **yargs) self.__qx = qx self.__qy = qy self._specified_params = kwargs self.w0x = self.__qx.w0 self.zx = self.__qx.z self.w0y = self.__qy.w0 self.zy = self.__qy.z # def _on_add(self, model): # if model is not self.node._model: # raise Exception( # f"{repr(self)} is using a node {self.node} from a different model" # ) def __get_lambda0_nr(self): if self.__node.component.has_model: wl = self.__node._model.lambda0 space = if space is not None: nr = else: nr = 1.0 else: wl = config_instance()["constants"].getfloat("lambda0") nr = 1.0 return wl, nr @property def qx(self): """Tangential plane beam parameter. :getter: Returns the beam parameter in the tangential plane. :setter: Sets the beam parameter for the tangential plane. """ return self.__qx @qx.setter def qx(self, value): if not isinstance(value, BeamParam): qx = BeamParam(*self.__get_lambda0_nr(), q=value) else: qx = value self.__qx = qx self.w0x = self.__qx.w0 self.zx = self.__qx.z @property def qy(self): """Sagittal plane beam parameter. :getter: Returns the beam parameter in the sagittal plane. :setter: Sets the beam parameter for the sagittal plane. """ return self.__qy @qy.setter def qy(self, value): if not isinstance(value, BeamParam): qy = BeamParam(*self.__get_lambda0_nr(), q=value) else: qy = value self.__qy = qy self.w0y = self.__qy.w0 self.zy = self.__qy.z @property def node(self): """The optical node associated with the `Gauss` object. :getter: Returns the associated :class:`.OpticalNode` instance (read-only). """ return self.__node @property def is_changing(self): """Whether the Gauss object is changing or not. This is used internally when initialising simulation states. """ params = (self.w0x, self.w0y, self.zx, self.zy) return any(p.is_changing for p in params) def _validate_w0x(self, value): if not value > 0: raise ValueError("Waist size must be a positive number.") self.__qx.w0 = value return value def _validate_w0y(self, value): if not value > 0: raise ValueError("Waist size must be a positive number.") self.__qy.w0 = value return value def _validate_zx(self, value): self.__qx.z = value return value def _validate_zy(self, value): self.__qy.z = value return value