Source code for finesse.analysis.actions.sweep

"""Sweep Action."""

from finesse.exceptions import FinesseException
from ...parameter import Parameter, GeometricParameter
from ...element import ModelElement
from import ArraySolution
from ..runners import run_axes_scan
from .base import Action, convert_str_to_parameter
from .folder import Folder
import logging
import numpy as np
import warnings
from finesse.warnings import (
from finesse.env import warn

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_sweep_array(start: float, stop: float, steps: int, mode="lin"): start = float(start) stop = float(stop) steps = int(steps) if steps <= 0: raise Exception("Steps must be greater than 0") if mode == "lin": arr = np.linspace(start, stop, steps + 1) elif mode == "log": arr = np.logspace(np.log10(start), np.log10(stop), steps + 1) else: raise ValueError(f"{mode} should be either lin or log") return arr
[docs]class Sweep(Action): """An action that sweeps N number of parameters through the values in N arrays. Parameters ---------- args : [Parameter, str], array, boolean Expects 3 arguments per axis. The first is a full name of a Parameter or a Parameter object. The second is an array of values to step this parameter over, and lastly a boolean value to say whether this is a relative step from the parameters initial value. pre_step : Action, optional An action to perform before the step is computed post_step : Action, optional An action to perform after the step is computed reset_parameter : boolean, optional When true this action will reset the all the parameters it changed to the values before it ran. name : str Name of the action, used to find the solution in the final output. """ def __init__( self, *args, pre_step=None, post_step=None, reset_parameter=True, name="sweep" ): super().__init__(name) if len(args) % 3 != 0: raise Exception( f"Sweep requires triplet of input arguments: parameter, array, relative_change. Not {args}" ) self.args = args self.pre_step = pre_step self.post_step = post_step self.reset_parameter = reset_parameter def process_input_parameter(p): if isinstance(p, ModelElement): if p.default_parameter_name is None: raise ValueError( f"{repr(p)} does not have a default parameter, please specify one to use" ) p = getattr(p, p.default_parameter_name) if isinstance(p, Parameter): if not p.changeable_during_simulation: raise Exception( f"Parameter {p.full_name} cannot be changed during a simulation" ) return p.full_name else: return p self.parameters = tuple(process_input_parameter(p) for p in args[::3]) self.axes = tuple(np.atleast_1d(_).astype(np.float64) for _ in args[1::3]) # Convert bool true or false to a 0 or 1, True meaning we sweep around the # initial value of the parameter self.fractional_offset = np.array(args[2::3], dtype=np.float64) self.out_shape = tuple(np.size(_) for _ in self.axes) def _requests(self, model, memo, first=True): params = tuple(convert_str_to_parameter(model, _) for _ in self.parameters) if self.reset_parameter: # Get the actual parameter for this xaxis for p in params: if p.value is None: raise FinesseException( f"Parameters being changed in a simulation must start with a float value not None. Change {repr(p)} to a float value before running the simulation." ) if any((not p.changeable_during_simulation for p in params)): raise Exception( f"The property {p.full_name} cannot be changed during a simulation" ) memo["changing_parameters"].extend(self.parameters) if self.pre_step: self.pre_step._requests(model, memo) if self.post_step: self.post_step._requests(model, memo) def _do(self, state): if state.model is None: raise Exception("No model was provided") if state.sim is None: raise Exception("No simulation was provided") # Get all the parameters that need to be tuned in this action and # any of its pre/post steps rq = self.get_requests(state.model) all_params = tuple( convert_str_to_parameter(state.model, _) for _ in rq["changing_parameters"] ) # Get the actual parameter for this xaxis params = tuple( convert_str_to_parameter(state.model, _) for _ in self.parameters ) if not all((p.is_tunable for p in all_params)): raise Exception( f"Not all parameters {params} are tunable in this simulation {state.sim}" ) return self._run_sweep(state, *params) def _run_sweep(self, state, *params): # Record intial values of parameters before we go changing # anything so we can reset them later if self.reset_parameter: initial = tuple( float(param.value) for param in state.sim.tunable_parameters ) float_params = np.array(params, dtype=np.float64) nan_entries = np.isnan(float_params) if np.any(nan_entries): warn( f"Parameters {np.array(params)[nan_entries]} have a NaN initial value and may cause issues", InvalidSweepVariableWarning, ) inf_entries = np.isinf(float_params) inf_offset_sweep_entries = inf_entries & (self.fractional_offset != 0) if np.any(inf_offset_sweep_entries): warn( f"Parameters {np.array(params)[inf_offset_sweep_entries]} have a Inf initial value and are being swept relative to it's self which may result in errors.", InvalidSweepVariableWarning, ) sol = ArraySolution(, None, self.out_shape, self.axes, params, ) sol.enable_update(state.sim.detector_workspaces) # compute actual offsets. As from issue 400 need to be more careful when # computing offsets as inf * 0 gives nans, and you can't really offset # sweep around an inf anyway idx = self.fractional_offset != 0 offsets = np.zeros_like(float_params) offsets[idx] = float_params[idx] * self.fractional_offset[idx] # Make new folder structure in solution if we have any actions # that branch off. pre_step = Folder("pre_step", self.pre_step, sol) if self.pre_step else None post_step = Folder("post_step", self.post_step, sol) if self.post_step else None run_axes_scan( state, self.axes, params, offsets, self.out_shape, sol, pre_step, post_step, progress_bar=True,, ) if self.reset_parameter: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ModelParameterSettingWarning) # Reset all parameters and if we were changing a geometric parameter # reset the beamtrace data to initial state for i, param in zip(initial, state.sim.tunable_parameters): param.value = i # Ensure the __cvalue of each symbolic parameter gets reset accordingly for param in state.sim.changing_parameters: param._reset_cvalue() if any( type(p) is GeometricParameter and p.is_symbolic for p in state.sim.changing_parameters ): state.model._update_symbolic_abcds() # Need to check all changing parameters incase of symbols # if any(type(p) is GeometricParameter for p in state.sim.changing_parameters): # state.model.beam_trace() return sol