
finesse.utilities.components.names_to_nodes(model, names, default_hints=())[source]

Attempts to convert a list of node/dof/ports into nodes. This is to provide a way for actions to convert string names into nodes for simulation use. It attempts to provide useful default behaviours, and can accept “hints” on how to select nodes.

namesiterable[str|(str, iterable[str])]

A collection of names to convert. A (name, hint) pair can also be provided where hint is an iterable of strings.


Default hint to use with particular set of names if no hints are provided.


Posible hints when name is a Port or DOF: - input : try and select a singular input node - output : try and select a singular output node


Selecting various nodes from a model with and without hinting:

>>> import finesse
>>> from finesse.utilities.components import names_to_nodes
>>> model = finesse.Model()
>>> model.parse('''
... l l1 P=100k
... mod mod1 f=10M midx=0.1 order=1 mod_type=pm
... m m1 R=1-m1.T T=0.014 Rc=-1984 xbeta=0n
... m m2 R=1 T=0 Rc=2245 xbeta=0n phi=0
... link(l1, mod1, m1, 3994, m2)
... dof DARM m1.dofs.z -1 m2.dofs.z +1
... ''')
>>> names_to_nodes(model, ('m1.p1', 'DARM.AC'), default_hints=('output'))
[<OpticalNode m1.p1.o @ 0x7f92c9a5c880>,
 <SignalNode DARM.AC.o @ 0x7f92c9a0e5b0>]
>>> names_to_nodes(model, ('m1.p1', 'DARM.AC'), default_hints=('input'))
[<OpticalNode m1.p1.i @ 0x7f92c9a5ca60>,
 <SignalNode DARM.AC.i @ 0x7f92c9a0e460>]
>>> names_to_nodes(model, ('m1.p1.o', 'DARM.AC.i'))
[<OpticalNode m1.p1.o @ 0x7f92c9a5c880>,
 <SignalNode DARM.AC.i @ 0x7f92c9a0e460>]

Hints do not insist on a particular output. For example, this is valid:

>>> names_to_nodes(model, ('m1.p1.o', ('DARM.AC.o', "input")))