
property Model.trace_forest

The TraceForest instance held by the model.

This is a representation of the beam tracing paths from each dependency which takes on a form corresponding to the last call to Model.beam_trace(). See the documentation for TraceForest itself for details on what exactly this object is, and the various methods and properties it exposes.


Most of the time users will not need to touch this property as it is generally just used internally. Beam tracing functionality should instead be used via the carefully designed interfaces, i.e: Model.beam_trace() for full model beam traces, Model.propagate_beam() for propagating an arbitrary beam through a path etc. See for details on various beam tracing tools.

Despite the above, it can sometimes be useful to query this property to get a visual representation of how the beam tracing paths look in your model. To do this one can simply print the return of this property, i.e.:


to get a forest-like structure of all the beam tracing trees which represent the current state (as of the last Model.beam_trace() call) of the model.


The TraceForest object associated with this model. Read-only.