

class finesse.detectors.mismatch_detector.ModeMismatchDetector(name, node1, node2, direction='x', percent=False)[source]

Bases: Detector

Detector for mode mismatch figure-of-merit for a specified node coupling.

The computed quantity is given in finesse.gaussian.BeamParam.mismatch() where \(q_1\) is the input beam parameter at node1 propagated via the associated ABCD matrix to node2, and \(q_2\) is the beam parameter at node2.

As mode mismatches cannot occur over spaces in Finesse, node1 must be an input node and node2 must be an output node.


Name of the detector.

node1OpticalNode or Port

Input node or port. If a Port instance is given then this node will be the input node of that port. Note that this node cannot be an output node.

node2OpticalNode or Port

Output node or port. If a Port instance is given then this node will be the output node of that port. Note that this node cannot be an input node.

directionstr, optional; default: “x”

Plane of computation, defaults to “x” for the tangential plane. Changing to “y” will compute the mode mismatch in the sagittal plane.

percentbool, optional; default: True

Whether to calculate the mode mismatch as a fraction (default behaviour) or a percentage.



The component at which the mode mismatch is calculated.


The plane in which the mode mismatch is calculated.


Input node.


Flag indicating whether the mismatch is computed as a percentage.


Flag indicating whether the detector requires light fields (i.e.


Flag indicating whether the detector requires beam traces.


Output node.