

class finesse.analysis.actions.sweep.Sweep(*args, pre_step=None, post_step=None, reset_parameter=True, name='sweep')[source]

Bases: Action

An action that sweeps N number of parameters through the values in N arrays.

args[Parameter, str], array, boolean

Expects 3 arguments per axis. The first is a full name of a Parameter or a Parameter object. The second is an array of values to step this parameter over, and lastly a boolean value to say whether this is a relative step from the parameters initial value.

pre_stepAction, optional

An action to perform before the step is computed

post_stepAction, optional

An action to perform after the step is computed

reset_parameterboolean, optional

When true this action will reset the all the parameters it changed to the values before it ran.


Name of the action, used to find the solution in the final output.