Source code for finesse.script.adapter

"""Interface between script and Finesse.

Adapters provide a programmatic way to retrieve useful information about KatScript
directives using their corresponding Python objects, and vice versa. This is primarily
used for the compiler and generator, but is also used to improve syntax suggestions and
error messages.

The adapter class hierarchy is intentionally very generic. By default, an ordinary
KatScript directive corresponding to an ordinary Finesse object is quite simple to
specify and should "just work". When special behaviour is required, e.g. in cases where
the KatScript directive has different arguments than the corresponding Python object
(e.g. `tem`) or where there is no corresponding Python object (e.g. `modes`), the
methods and members of the adapter can be overridden.

import abc
import inspect
from functools import partial, cached_property
from enum import unique, Enum
import logging
from typing import get_type_hints, Any, Union, List
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ..parameter import Parameter, ParameterRef
from ..element import ModelElement
from ..env import TERMINAL_WIDTH, INDENT

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@unique class ArgumentType(Enum): """Signature argument types. While we just copy those defined by :mod:`inspect`, note that the definitions here are more abstract than those of :mod:`inspect`: these refer to the different flavours of script argument, which may or may not map directly to or from a Python type's call signature. """ POS_ONLY = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY ANY = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD KEYWORD_ONLY = inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY VAR_POS = inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL VAR_KEYWORD = inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD
_INSPECT_KIND_CONVERSIONS = { inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY: ArgumentType.POS_ONLY, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: ArgumentType.ANY, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY: ArgumentType.KEYWORD_ONLY, inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: ArgumentType.VAR_POS, inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: ArgumentType.VAR_KEYWORD, } class _empty: """Marker object for empty values.""" # Sometimes `None` is an intended default value, so we define a special field to use for # actually empty defaults. # NOTE: this should *not* be set to the same as :attr:`inspect.Parameter.empty`, as # doing so would interfere with the construction of dataclasses. EMPTY_VALUE = _empty
[docs]@dataclass class Argument: """A generic instruction argument. This is similar but not identical to :class:`inspect.Parameter`. Arguments in the Finesse sense are more general than :class:`inspect.Parameter` since they can refer to KatScript arguments, and KatScript instructions may not necessarily define their supported arguments via Python class signatures. """ name: str kind: ArgumentType = ArgumentType.ANY default: Any = EMPTY_VALUE annotation: Any = EMPTY_VALUE @property def has_no_default(self): return self.default is EMPTY_VALUE
[docs]@dataclass class BoundArgument(Argument): """A concrete argument originating from a call to a setter. This is the same as :class:`.Argument` except in its handling of variadic arguments. Where this represents a variadic argument, it contains information as to which variadic argument it represents (either the sequence number or keyword). It is used to resolve self-references and to map compilation errors back to the original script. """ # The sequence number for variadic positional arguments. var_sequence: int = None
[docs]@dataclass class ArgumentDump(Argument): """A Finesse object argument name, its current value, default value, kind, annotation, and whether it should be dumped by value or reference. This encapsulates an argument for a script instruction. It can represent Finesse object parameters like floats, strings and model parameters, and is primarily used to generate KatScript representations of Finesse objects. """ value: Any = EMPTY_VALUE other_defaults: List[Any] = None reference: bool = False @property def is_default(self): """Whether the value is the parameter's default.""" if self.default is EMPTY_VALUE and self.other_defaults is None: return False try: return any([self.value == default for default in self._defaults]) except ValueError: # Assume we have a sequence. return any([all(self.value == default) for default in self._defaults]) @property def _defaults(self): yield self.default if self.other_defaults: yield from self.other_defaults
[docs]class ItemAdapter: """Adapter defining how a script instruction maps to/from a Python type. This encapsulates the required information to take a script instruction and generate a corresponding Python object (e.g. a :class:`.Laser` from a `laser l1 ...` instruction), to add it to a :class:`.Model` (or in the case of commands, set some model attribute), to dump that Python object back to script, and to generate documentation. Parameters ---------- full_name : :class:`str` The instruction's unabbreviated name. This must be alphanumeric and can contain underscores but no spaces. short_name : :class:`str`, optional The instruction's short form name, used when generating compact script. If not specified, `full_name` is used in cases where the short form is desired. other_names : sequence, optional Any other supported names for this instruction. getter : :class:`.ItemDumper`, optional Object handling the retrieval of parameters from the Python object corresponding to this instruction. factory : :class:`.ItemFactory`, optional Object handling the creation of the Python object corresponding to this instruction. setter : :class:`.ItemSetter`, optional Object handling the setting of parameters in the Python object corresponding to this instruction's parameters. documenter : :class:`Documenter` Object handling the retrieval of docstrings and syntax suggestions for the instruction. singular : :class:`bool`, optional Flag indicating that this instruction can be defined only once per script. Defaults to `False`. build_last : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to build the Python object last, regardless of dependencies. This is useful for elements with implicit dependencies (see e.g. the cavity adapter). Be careful using this flag because statements for other adapters that depend on statements for adapters with this flag will be built first. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, full_name, short_name=None, other_names=None, getter=None, factory=None, setter=None, documenter=None, singular=False, build_last=False, ): if other_names is None: other_names = [] self.full_name = full_name self.short_name = short_name self.other_names = other_names self.getter = getter self.factory = factory self.setter = setter self.documenter = documenter self.singular = singular self.build_last = build_last @property def aliases(self): """The instruction alias(es). :getter: Sequence of aliases for this instruction. """ aliases = [self.full_name] if self.short_name: aliases.append(self.short_name) if self.other_names: aliases.extend(self.other_names) return aliases def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.full_name} @ {hex(id(self))}>"
[docs]class ItemHandler(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Root class for all dumper, setter, factory and documenter objects.""" def __init__(self, *, item_type): self.item_type = item_type
[docs]class ItemDumper(ItemHandler, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, adapter, container): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ItemFactory(ItemHandler, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ItemSetter(ItemHandler, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, container, item): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_parameter(self, item, argument, value): """Update the built item's `name` parameter to `value`. This is used to update a parameter after the item has been created and added to the model, such as when resolving self-references. Parameters ---------- item : object The item. argument : :class:`.BoundArgument` The item argument corresponding to the value to update. value : object The new value. """ raise NotImplementedError( f"{self} does not support parameter updates after construction" )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def arguments(self): """The supported constructor arguments for this item. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Mapping of argument names to :class:`.Argument` objects for this setter. """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def var_positional_argument(self): for argument in self.arguments().values(): if argument.kind is ArgumentType.VAR_POS: return argument @property def var_keyword_argument(self): for argument in self.arguments().values(): if argument.kind is ArgumentType.VAR_KEYWORD: return argument
[docs] def bind_argument(self, name_or_index): """Return a bound argument object for `name`. Parameters ---------- name_or_index : :class:`str` or :class:`int` The argument keyword or index. Returns ------- :class:`.BoundArgument` The argument metadata corresponding to `name_or_index`. """ arguments = self.arguments() kwargs = {} if isinstance(name_or_index, int): # This is a positional argument. index = name_or_index args_by_index = list(arguments.values()) try: argument = args_by_index[index] except IndexError as e: # This could either be a variadic positional argument or invalid. if var_argument := self.var_positional_argument: argument = var_argument else: raise TypeError( f"positional argument at index {repr(index)} does not exist " f"for {repr(self.item_type)}" ) from e # This is a variadic positional argument. Its sequence is the offset # with respect to the index of the variadic argument. sequence = index - args_by_index.index(argument) assert sequence >= 0 kwargs["var_sequence"] = sequence # Form the bound name from the variadic positional argument name and the # sequence. name = f"{}{sequence}" else: name = else: # This is a keyword argument. try: argument = arguments[name_or_index] except KeyError as e: # This could either be a variadic keyword argument or invalid. if var_argument := self.var_keyword_argument: argument = var_argument else: raise TypeError( f"keyword argument {repr(name)} does not exist for " f"{repr(self.item_type)}" ) from e name = name_or_index else: name = kwargs["name"] = name kwargs["kind"] = argument.kind kwargs["default"] = argument.default kwargs["annotation"] = argument.annotation return BoundArgument(**kwargs)
[docs] def positional_args(self, only=False, keyword_defaults=True): """The non-keyword-only arguments of the call signature. Parameters ---------- only : :class:`bool`, optional Only include positional-only arguments. Defaults to `False`. keyword_defaults : :class:`bool`, optional Include keyword arguments that have default values. Defaults to `True`. Returns ------- :class:`dict` The call object's positional parameters. """ kinds = [ArgumentType.POS_ONLY] if not only: kinds.append(ArgumentType.ANY) return self._filter_signature(kinds, keyword_defaults=keyword_defaults)
[docs] def keyword_args(self, only=False): """The non-positional-only arguments of the call signature. Parameters ---------- only : :class:`bool`, optional Only include keyword-only arguments; defaults to `False`. Returns ------- :class:`dict` The call object's keyword parameters. """ kinds = [ArgumentType.KEYWORD_ONLY] if not only: kinds.append(ArgumentType.ANY) return self._filter_signature(kinds, keyword_defaults=True)
def _filter_signature(self, kinds, keyword_defaults): sig = {} for name, argument in self.arguments().items(): if argument.kind not in kinds: continue if not keyword_defaults and not argument.has_no_default: continue sig[name] = argument return sig
[docs]class ItemDocumenter(ItemHandler, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @property @abc.abstractmethod def docstring(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def syntax( self, spec, adapter, short_names=True, optional_as_positional=False, multiline=None, ): from .generator import KatUnbuilder unbuilder = KatUnbuilder(spec=spec) if short_names and adapter.short_name is not None: item_name = adapter.short_name else: item_name = adapter.full_name syntaxcall = partial( self._syntax, item_name, unbuilder, optional_as_positional=optional_as_positional, ) if multiline is None: # Return appropriate syntax suggestion based on the console width. oneline_syntax = syntaxcall(multiline=False) if len(oneline_syntax) > TERMINAL_WIDTH: return syntaxcall(multiline=True) else: return oneline_syntax return syntaxcall(multiline=multiline)
[docs] def syntax_correction( self, user_directive, spec, optional_as_positional=False, multiline=False ): """Suggest syntax using the user's directive.""" from .generator import KatUnbuilder unbuilder = KatUnbuilder(spec=spec) return self._syntax( user_directive, unbuilder, optional_as_positional=optional_as_positional, multiline=multiline, )
@abc.abstractmethod def _syntax(self, item_name, unbuilder, optional_as_positional, multiline): """Generate syntax for `item_name`.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SignatureArgumentMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin providing ability to retrieve signature arguments from a Python function. Parameters ---------- sig_type : type, optional The signature type to retrieve arguments from. Defaults to `item_type`. sig_ignore : sequence, optional Signature argument names to ignore. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, sig_type=None, sig_ignore=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if sig_ignore is None: sig_ignore = [] self._sig_type = sig_type self._sig_ignore = sig_ignore
@property def sig_type(self): sig_type = self._sig_type if sig_type is None: sig_type = self.item_type return sig_type
[docs] def arguments(self): arguments = {} for name, parameter in inspect.signature(self.sig_type).parameters.items(): if name in self._sig_ignore: continue default = parameter.default if default is inspect.Parameter.empty: default = EMPTY_VALUE annotation = parameter.annotation if annotation is inspect.Parameter.empty: annotation = EMPTY_VALUE arguments[name] = Argument( name=name, kind=_INSPECT_KIND_CONVERSIONS[parameter.kind], default=default, annotation=annotation, ) return arguments
[docs]class SignatureAttributeParameterMixin(SignatureArgumentMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin providing the ability to get and set item parameters by inspecting its constructor signature arguments matching equivalently named object attributes. Parameters ---------- ref_args : sequence, optional Names of arguments that should be considered to be references. Corresponding :class:`.ArgumentDump` objects produced by this class will have their `reference` flags set to `True` to indicate to the generator that these should be treated as references instead of values. var_pos_attr : str or callable, optional The name of the field containing a sequence of variadic positional argument values, or a callable that returns the name of the field to set given the sequence number of the variadic argument, if the signature supports variadic positional arguments. Defaults to `"args"`. var_keyword_attr : str or callable, optional The name of the field containing a mapping of variadic keyword arguments to values, or a callable that returns the name of the field to set given the name of the keyword argument, if the signature supports variadic positional arguments. Defaults to the identity function. """
[docs] def __init__( self, ref_args=None, var_pos_attr=None, var_keyword_attr=None, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) if ref_args is None: ref_args = [] self.ref_args = ref_args if var_pos_attr is None: var_pos_attr = "args" self.var_pos_attr = var_pos_attr if var_keyword_attr is None: var_keyword_attr = lambda field: field self.var_keyword_attr = var_keyword_attr
[docs] def dump_parameters(self, adapter, item): """Build parameter mapping by retrieving object attributes using the signature.""" # Get type hints for the dump signature type. # # NOTE: this information is also included in the :class:`inspect.Parameter` # objects returned by :func:`inspect.signature` used below, but these are # potentially unresolved due to Python 3.9+'s lazily evaluation of # annotations (see PEP 563). Instead we use the typing module to grab the # resolved type, which is the way recommended by the Python docs. hints = get_type_hints(self.sig_type) values = self._parameter_values(adapter, item) arguments = self.arguments().values() dump_parameters = {} for param, value in zip(arguments, values): ref_name = if param.kind in (ArgumentType.VAR_POS, ArgumentType.VAR_KEYWORD): ref_name = f"*{ref_name}" if ref_name in self.ref_args: assert isinstance(value, (Parameter, ParameterRef)) LOGGER.debug( f"dumping parameter {repr(value)} by reference as it represents a " f"target" ) reference = True else: reference = False dump_parameters[] = ArgumentDump(, value=value, default=param.default, kind=param.kind, annotation=hints.get(, reference=reference, ) return dump_parameters
def _parameter_values(self, adapter, item): values = [] for arg, param in self.arguments().items(): name = try: # Try to get the attribute value. value = getattr(item, name) except AttributeError as e: expected_attrib = f"{item.__class__.__name__}.{name}" error_msg = ( f"Error while generating parameter {repr(name)} from {repr(item)} " f"for instruction {repr(adapter.full_name)}. The adapter for this " f"object, {repr(adapter)}, specifies that parameters should be " f"generated by looking for attributes or properties in the object " f"corresponding to the names of the arguments in the constructor " f"signature, {repr(self.sig_type)}; yet, no attribute " f"{repr(expected_attrib)} was found. To fix this, ensure that this " f"attribute or property is defined, or specify a different type of " f"{ItemDumper.__name__} class as the 'getter' for the directive in " f"the language specification." ) raise NotImplementedError(error_msg) from e values.append(value) return values
[docs] def update_parameter(self, item, argument, value): if argument.kind is ArgumentType.VAR_POS: # This is a variadic positional argument. try: field = self.var_pos_attr(argument.var_index) except TypeError: field = self.var_pos_attr elif argument.kind is ArgumentType.VAR_KEYWORD: # This is a variadic keyword argument. try: field = self.var_keyword_attr( except TypeError: field = self.var_keyword_attr else: # This is an ordinary positional or keyword argument. field = if not hasattr(item, field): # The setter is probably incorrectly configured. raise RuntimeError( f"cannot set {repr(} for item {repr(item)} " f"(attribute {repr(field)} does not exist)" ) setattr(item, field, value)
[docs]class NumpyStyleDocstringGetterMixin(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, doc_type=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._doc_type = doc_type
@property def doc_type(self): doc_type = self._doc_type if doc_type is None: doc_type = self.item_type return doc_type @property def docstring(self): """The Python API item's docstring. Note: unlike :func:`inspect.getdoc`, this method returns only the docstring directly defined in `doc_type`, rather than taking the inherited docstring if not found. If no docstring is defined, `None` is returned. """ try: doc = self.doc_type.__doc__ except AttributeError: return None if doc is not None: doc = inspect.cleandoc(doc) return doc @cached_property def _parsed_docstring_obj(self): from finesse_numpydoc import NumpyDocString docstring = self.docstring if docstring is None: docstring = "" return NumpyDocString(docstring)
[docs] def summary(self): """The item's summary, parsed from the docstring.""" return self._docutils_implode(self._parsed_docstring_obj["Summary"])
[docs] def argument_descriptions(self): """The types and descriptions for each argument as parsed from the docstring. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Mapping of arguments to their type and docstrings as listed in the object's docstring. Note that the arguments may not correspond to signature argument names; numpydoc allows arguments to share docstrings so some keys may be e.g. `n, m`. """ return { name: (type_, self._docutils_implode(description)) for name, type_, description in self._parsed_docstring_obj["Parameters"] }
def _docutils_implode(self, pieces): """Join docutils list of strings into a single string.""" if not pieces: return None return " ".join(pieces)
[docs]class ElementDumper(SignatureAttributeParameterMixin, ItemDumper): def __init__(self, *, item_type, **kwargs): super().__init__( item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.__init__, sig_ignore=["self", "name"], **kwargs, ) def __call__(self, adapter, model): """Get element dump object(s) from `model`. Parameters ---------- adapter : :class:`.ItemAdapter` The adapter corresponding to this getter. model : :class:`.Model` The model from which to dump element(s) of this type. Yields ------ :class:`.ElementDump` Object containing a mapping of keyword argument names to :class:`.ArgumentDump` objects and whether they are all default values. """ for element in model.get_elements_of_type(self.item_type): parameters = self.dump_parameters(adapter, element) yield ElementDump( element=element, adapter=adapter, parameters=parameters, # The only element that is in a model by default is Fsig, which is # handled separately. is_default=False, )
[docs]@dataclass class ElementDump: """A set of element parameters and metadata.""" element: ModelElement adapter: ItemAdapter parameters: Union[List[ArgumentDump], List[List[ArgumentDump]]] is_default: bool
[docs]class AnalysisDumper(SignatureAttributeParameterMixin, ItemDumper):
[docs] def __init__(self, *, item_type, **kwargs): super().__init__( item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.__init__, sig_ignore=["self"], **kwargs, )
def __call__(self, adapter, model): """Get analysis dump object(s) from `model`. Parameters ---------- adapter : :class:`.ItemAdapter` The adapter corresponding to this getter. model : :class:`.Model` The model from which to dump analysis (or analyses) of this type. Yields ------ :class:`.AnalysisDump` Object containing a mapping of keyword argument names to :class:`.ArgumentDump` objects and whether they are all default values. """ # Only yield something if there is an analysis to dump. if model.analysis is None: return yield from self.dump(adapter, model.analysis)
[docs] def dump(self, adapter, analysis): """Get analysis dump object(s) for `analysis`. Parameters ---------- adapter : :class:`.ItemAdapter` The adapter corresponding to this getter. analysis : :class:`.Action` The action to dump. Yields ------ :class:`.AnalysisDump` Object containing a mapping of keyword argument names to :class:`.ArgumentDump` objects and whether they are all default values. """ # Only yield something if the analysis is an exact type match. if type(analysis) is not self.item_type: return parameters = self.dump_parameters(adapter, analysis) yield AnalysisDump( analysis=analysis, adapter=adapter, parameters=parameters, is_default=False, # There is no default analysis in models. )
[docs]@dataclass class AnalysisDump: """A set of analysis parameters and metadata.""" analysis: Any # FIXME: We should have an Analysis type. adapter: ItemAdapter parameters: Union[List[ArgumentDump], List[List[ArgumentDump]]] is_default: bool @property def item_name(self): return self.analysis.__class__.__name__
[docs]class ElementFactory(ItemFactory): def __init__(self, last=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.last = last def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.item_type(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ElementSetter(SignatureAttributeParameterMixin, ItemSetter): def __init__(self, *, item_type, **kwargs): super().__init__( item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.__init__, sig_ignore=["self", "name"], **kwargs, ) def __call__(self, model, item): model.add(item)
[docs]class AnalysisFactory(ItemFactory): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.item_type(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class AnalysisSetter(SignatureAttributeParameterMixin, ItemSetter): def __init__(self, *, item_type, **kwargs): super().__init__( item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.__init__, sig_ignore=["self"], **kwargs, ) def __call__(self, model, item): model.analysis = item
[docs]class SyntaxMixin(SignatureArgumentMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def _argument_syntax(self, unbuilder, optional_as_positional): """Sequence of formatted, ordered argument syntax.""" parameters = self.arguments() positional = [] var_positional = None keyword = [] var_keyword = None for name, param in parameters.items(): kind = param.kind if kind is ArgumentType.VAR_POS: var_positional = f"*{name}" continue elif kind is ArgumentType.VAR_KEYWORD: var_keyword = f"**{name}" continue elif kind is ArgumentType.ANY: if optional_as_positional or param.has_no_default: kind = ArgumentType.POS_ONLY else: kind = ArgumentType.KEYWORD_ONLY if kind is ArgumentType.POS_ONLY: positional.append(name) else: default = unbuilder.unbuild(param.default) keyword.append(f"{name}={default}") # Stack arguments in the correct order. items = positional if var_positional: items.append(var_positional) items.extend(keyword) if var_keyword: items.append(var_keyword) return items
[docs]class ElementSyntaxMixin(SyntaxMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def _syntax(self, item_name, unbuilder, multiline, **kwargs): # Multiline is ignored. args = self._argument_syntax(unbuilder, **kwargs) argstr = " " + " ".join(args) if args else " " return f"{item_name} name{argstr}"
[docs]class FunctionalSyntaxMixin(SyntaxMixin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def _syntax(self, item_name, unbuilder, multiline, **kwargs): args = self._argument_syntax(unbuilder, **kwargs) if multiline: mlargs = [] for arg in args: mlargs.append(f"{INDENT}{arg}") mlargstr = ",\n".join(mlargs) syntax = f"{item_name}(\n{mlargstr}\n)" else: argstr = ", ".join(args) if args else "" syntax = f"{item_name}({argstr})" return syntax
[docs]class ElementDocumenter( NumpyStyleDocstringGetterMixin, ElementSyntaxMixin, ItemDocumenter ): def __init__(self, *, item_type, **kwargs): super().__init__( item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.__init__, sig_ignore=["self", "name"], **kwargs, )
[docs]class AnalysisDocumenter( NumpyStyleDocstringGetterMixin, FunctionalSyntaxMixin, ItemDocumenter ): def __init__(self, *, item_type, **kwargs): super().__init__( item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.__init__, sig_ignore=["self"], **kwargs, )
[docs]class CommandMethodSetter(SignatureAttributeParameterMixin, ItemSetter): def __init__(self, *, sig_ignore=("self",), **kwargs): super().__init__(sig_ignore=sig_ignore, **kwargs) def __call__(self, model, argskwargs): args, kwargs = argskwargs # Wrap the call in a partial so that invalid argument errors correctly # correspond to those available in the script instruction. setter = partial(self.item_type, model) setter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class CommandMethodDocumenter( NumpyStyleDocstringGetterMixin, FunctionalSyntaxMixin, ItemDocumenter ): def __init__(self, *, sig_ignore=("self",), **kwargs): super().__init__(sig_ignore=sig_ignore, **kwargs)
[docs]class CommandPropertyDumper(SignatureAttributeParameterMixin, ItemDumper): def __init__(self, *, item_type, default=EMPTY_VALUE, **kwargs): assert isinstance(item_type, property) # The sig_type is the setter because we use the setter to add metadata to the # ArgumentDump below. super().__init__( item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.fset, sig_ignore=("self",), **kwargs, ) self._prop_default = default def __call__(self, adapter, model): arguments = self.arguments() assert len(arguments) == 1 argument = next(iter(arguments.values())) if self._prop_default is not EMPTY_VALUE: if ( argument.default is not EMPTY_VALUE and self._prop_default != argument.default ): raise RuntimeError( f"default specified in spec, {repr(self._prop_default)}, differs " f"from that specified in the property setter, " f"{repr(argument.default)}" ) default = self._prop_default else: default = argument.default parameter = ArgumentDump(, value=self.item_type.fget(model), default=default, kind=argument.kind, ) yield CommandDump( adapter=adapter, parameters={ parameter}, is_default=parameter.is_default, )
[docs]class CommandPropertyDocumenter(CommandMethodDocumenter): def __init__(self, *, item_type, **kwargs): assert isinstance(item_type, property) super().__init__( item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.fset, doc_type=item_type.fset, **kwargs, )
[docs]class CommandPropertySetter(CommandMethodSetter): def __init__(self, *, item_type, **kwargs): assert isinstance(item_type, property) super().__init__(item_type=item_type, sig_type=item_type.fset, **kwargs) def __call__(self, model, argskwargs): args, kwargs = argskwargs # Wrap the call in a partial so that invalid argument errors correctly # correspond to those available in the script instruction. setter = partial(self.item_type.fset, model) setter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@dataclass class CommandDump: """A set of command parameters and metadata.""" adapter: ItemAdapter parameters: Union[List[ArgumentDump], List[List[ArgumentDump]]] is_default: bool @property def item_name(self): return self.adapter.full_name