
finesse.utilities.text.ngettext(n, fsingle, fplural, sub=True)[source]

Get the singular or plural form of the specified messages based on n.

Simplified version of the Python standard library function gettext.ngettext().


The number to use to decide which form to return.

fsingle, fpluralstr

Single and plural templates.

subbool, optional

Substitute n into the templates. Defaults to True.


>>> ngettext(1, "{n} item", "{n} items")
'1 item'
>>> ngettext(5, "{n} item", "{n} items")
'5 items'

The template doesn’t have to contain {n}: >>> ngettext(5, “item”, “items”) ‘items’

Setting sub=False turns off substitution: >>> ngettext(5, “{n} item”, “{n} items”, sub=False) ‘{n} items’