

class finesse.analysis.actions.sensing.OptimiseRFReadoutPhaseDC(*args, d_dof=1e-09, name='optimise_demod_phases_dc')[source]

Bases: Action

This optimises the demodulation phase of ReadoutRF elements relative to some DegreeOfFreedom. This optimises the phases so that the ReadoutRF in-phase signal will optimally sense the provided DegreeOfFreedom.

The phases are optimised by calculating the DC response of the readouts.

This Action changes the state of the model.


Pairs of DegreesOfFreedom and ReadoutRF elements, or pairs of their names.

d_doffloat, optional

The small offset applied to the DOFs to compute the gradients of the error signals.


Here we optimise REFL9 I and AS45 I to sense CARM and DARM optimially: >>> sol = OptimiseRFReadoutPhaseDC(“CARM”, “REFL9”, “DARM”, “AS45”).run(aligo)